"Give me a choice?"

Ma Ze stunned, then laughed lightly.

With his hands on his back, Ma Ze looked at Chen Yu coldly, his face condescending.

"Interesting, no one has ever dared to talk to me like this, what choice do you want to give me?"

Chen Yu took a sip of wine without looking at Ma Ze.

"Get off now, I can spare you, otherwise you don't want to stand and go out today."


When they heard this, everyone was choking. They even wondered if there was something wrong with their ears. Otherwise, how could they hear such crazy words?

"Haha, Chen Yu, who do you think you are? How dare you say such a thing to the steward of the horse? Do you know how the person in front of you really exists? What kind of thing do you dare not to treat? In the eyes of steward Ma? "

Qian Yingyao laughed, looking full of sarcasm, looking at Chen Yu as if looking at an idiot.

"Yes! Chen Yu, you are just a student of Baiyu College, and you still have luck to get in! Even we can't compare, how dare to talk to the steward like this?"

"Exactly! Even us, we must maintain sufficient respect in the presence of the butler of the horse, but you dare to say such crazy words to the face? Where do you put the butler of the horse? What do you put in the whole Shanshui Besiden local?"

He Hui, Li Changfeng and others all laughed. It's ridiculous to say so crazy!

The Shanshui Bieyuan, among Baiyuxing, is a big force. And behind it, I heard that there is a very strong backer!

They are just freshmen of the college. In front of elephants like Shanshui Beyongyuan, they are like ants. Just one step on them is enough to crush them!

In front of Ma Ze, they didn't even dare to take a breath, but Chen Yu even let Ma Ze get off?

What a death!

Jin Buhuan felt a chill when Chen Yu opened his mouth, rushing straight up from the tailbone, making him suddenly shocked and numb his scalp!

As if there was a giant hand, he tightly squeezed his heart and let his breathing stop in an instant!

"Yu, Yuge, that, that's the horse steward of Shanshui Bieyuan !!!"

Kim didn't change his words, and he was so embarrassed. Could such a behemoth be able to provoke them? Chen Yu is doing this!

crazy! My brother must be crazy!

Jin Buchang only felt his heart beating, and the whole person was scalp.

"I know, I just let him go."

Chen Yu still spoke indifferently, her look remained the same!

"Boy, you're looking for death!"

The slight smile on Ma Ze's face disappeared slowly, and all that remained was apathy!

"It seems that I haven't shot Ma for a long time, and many people have forgotten the majesty of our Shanshui Academy! Even a little student dare to stalk me? Today, don't you want to go out completely!"

"A few of you, show me! Interrupt their limbs first, drag them to the door and hang them, let everyone know the consequences of offending my Shanshui Courtyard!"

Ma Ze spoke, and the people behind him nodded suddenly and walked towards Chen Yu. These are all thugs raised in other landscapes, and everyone is the strongest person who has achieved extraordinary success.

"Yu, Yu Yu, what can I do?"

Jin didn't change his face, he went back and forth, terrifying!

In front of Shanshui Bieyuan, he only felt his legs and stomachs were soft.

"Not much. Now that you are here, just beat them all down."

"Kim doesn't change, you go up and get them resolved."


"Me, am I on ?!"

Jin Buhuan pointed at his nose, widened his eyes, and looked agitated. Brother, that's from Shanshui Bieyuan! How dare you fight with them?

"Rest assured, I'll carry it for you. This time, they still can't beat you!"

Chen Yu said faintly, she did not take Shanshui's courtyard in her eyes at all!

"Fuck! I'm fighting!"

Jin not changed his teeth and rushed out!


Ma Ze held his hands behind his back and smiled scornfully.

These thugs are carefully selected, and everyone's combat effectiveness is very strong! If Jin does not change in the hands of these people, it will never be possible to survive three rounds! As for solving them with one punch? Just a joke!

In an instant, the two sides rushed together!

And at this moment, Chen Yu moved, he got some wine again, and then flicked his fingers!

Silent, lightning fast!

No one saw Chen Yu's shot! In their eyes, they only saw that Jin Buhuan was waving his fist, just like a rooster, and the fist he swung out, not to mention the thugs, even them, could easily resist!

But before they were mocked, the scene that shocked them appeared!

I saw all the thugs, no one was able to escape the attack of Jin Buhuan! With each punch that Jin Buchang did n’t change, he could directly give the boxer to Hongfei. In a short time, the aggressive boxer just now, no one was standing anymore! They all lay on the ground!

"What! What's going on!"

The smile on Ma Ze's face disappeared instantly, and there was no calmness before, and he shouted in shock.

How could these men under you fail?

what is this? He couldn't understand it at all. He didn't know that every time Jin Buhua attacked, Chen Yu was very frustrated. At the moment of Jin Buhua's attack, the water drop had hit the opponent! This has caused such an amazing effect.

It's just that all people don't know.

"Me, sleep!"

Jin Buchang looked at a thug in the place, eyes widened, full of confusion.

Are these people down by themselves?

Yourself, so awesome?

"Damn! You're looking for your way!"

Ma Ze's face was extremely gloomy!

This is the first time that they have suffered such a big loss!

"I'd like to see, how many rounds can you two support in my hands?"

Stepping out, Ma Ze fist clenched!

He's going to do it himself!


Some people in He Hui jumped hard! That's Maze! It is a powerful man with half step condensed into a state of consciousness, with a high status and strong strength, and generally does not do it himself.

And now, in order for Chen Yu and Jin not to change, Ma Ze is going to move!

Move it! Hurry up! Let me see, Chen Yu looks like a dog, lying on the ground!

Kim didn't change his look, and he was trembling.

"Yu, Yu Yu, me, I'm afraid ..."

Chen Yu shook her head and pointed at Ma Ze.

"It's okay, keep going. You can kill him with one punch."

Kim didn't change his complexion, and his complexion was extremely tangled.

What the **** is this?

"Oh, one punch to solve me? You, where's the confidence? Now, kneel down to the old man!"

Step out, as soon as Ma Ze looks cold, he will start!


At this moment, he stopped drinking and suddenly passed in.

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