Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1224: When people grow up, they always want to fall in love

After hearing He Hui's words, Li Changfeng nodded.

"Here, Chen Yu will be dead without a backer. The most important thing we have now is hunting and killing beasts. Chen Yu? He is already a dead man."

The crowd nodded heavily.

Li Changfeng said it well. To them, Chen Yu was like searching for things. So many people gathered together, and He Hui and Li Changfeng, as well as secret weapons given by Jun stranger and Gu Yi, killed Chen Yu very easily!

"By the way, Lu Feng is following Chen Yu. I don't know where I have been?"

Lu Feng is the man who was killed by Chen Yu before.

Someone took out a jade Jane, and his face suddenly became unsightly. This jade bamboo slip is the destiny of each person and can point in the direction of the person.

But now, Lu Feng's jade Jank has broken!

This means that Lu Feng is dead!

"How could that be? How long did he come in before he died?"

Looking at the broken Jade Jane, everyone's face was ugly.

"Is Chen Yu killed?" Someone speculated.

"Chen Yu? Oh, how is it possible? How much is his strength? Lu Feng's strength, among all the freshmen, can be considered, Chen Yu, is definitely not Lu Feng's opponent!" He Hui asserted.

"So, isn't it Kim not changing?"


When everyone heard Jin Buchang's name, they all froze.

This is the possibility. After all, before that, Jin Buhuan defeated Wu Liufeng twice in a row!

Later, they all analyzed that it was most likely that Yin Shanqing did experiments on Jin Buhuan, so that Jin Buhuan had the same strength as himself.

Otherwise, Jin Buhuan will definitely not be an opponent of martial arts.

If Lu Feng hits Jin Buhuan when he has the best strength, it is really possible that he will be killed!

For a while, everyone focused the focus of suspicion on Jin Buhuan! No one thought of Chen Yu.

"It seems that this gold is not exchanged, maybe it will make us have fun."

He Hui smiled coldly and waved her hand.

"Let's go, there is still plenty of time. Try your best to hunt the ferocious beasts and get the magic core. As for Chen Yu and Jin not changing? Let them live for two more days."

The people nodded with a smirk and went straight into the mountains.

In these days, the whole WoW Mountains is a lively scene.

All new students are fighting fierce beasts. Some people are alone, and some people form a squad to hunt and kill ferocious beasts.

Everyone's thoughts were tense, after all, in the Cangju Mountains, one who was inattentive might be killed by Warcraft.

And in a clearing in a forest, a squad of five people, a woman and four men, were all nervous and holding arms in their hands, very alert.

The faces of each of them were full of tiredness and scars, enough to show how horrific they had been in the past few days.

"Everyone is struggling. The information we collected before shows that here, there is a fierce beast that has reached half a step to condense the world! Be prepared for battle."

The lead woman said. Everyone's heart tightened and they could not help but straighten their bodies.

"Dong Lan, please rest assured that with my grandson, that ferocious beast will never hurt you. After all, I am also a half-step condensed spirit."

Sun Yan said, looking at Dong Lan's eyes, there was a touch of fiery.

Dong Lan shook her head and said, "The fierce beast is overbearing. Even if it is of equal strength, we do not have an advantage. We should be careful."

Sun Yan smiled, looking very confident.

"Rest assured, what is a horrible beast?"

Dong Lan shook her head, without a reply, still keeping a strong vigilance, but at this moment, she suddenly took a sip, sniffed, a scent, and rushed into their minds.

"Did you smell any scent?" Dong Lan wondered.

Gollum. . .

The sound of a throbbing belly sounded, and one raised his hand in embarrassment.

"Me, I seem to smell it too, it's meaty! It makes me hungry."


Is anyone cooking here? Otherwise, how could it be so fragrant? But cook here? It's ridiculous.

The freshman is here, who is not tense nervously and dare not relax. Does anyone have a leisurely time to cook here?

"Let's go and see."

Along the scent, Donglan people kept advancing. When they came to a clearing, they suddenly opened their eyes. For Donglan five, their mouths opened slowly, their eyes widened, and they looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

What did they see?

Nima, in the open space in front of them, two people surrounded a pot, and the smoke from the pot rose from the pot, and the sound of grunting boiling water stood out in the quiet environment.

And beside them, there was a fierce beast apparently dead, and the flesh was almost cut.

"Brother Yu, this golden flame tiger, it tastes really good, alas, the flesh is so **** tender. It is indeed a fierce beast condensed in a half step. I have eaten.

Jin Buhuan sat on the ground, rubbing his belly, and then lying on the ground with a sigh of sigh.

"Hey, it's so boring. I've been eating or sleeping these days. I'm almost rusted."

Chen Yu smiled. Now that he and Jin do not change, there is really nothing. There is no genius or treasure in the outer area of ​​the Cangshou Mountains. The time agreed with Gong Nian is half a month later. He really has nothing to do.

So every day, that is, eating and drinking. . .

But Donglan five were dumbfounded.

I Cao? !!

What the **** is this?

Well, that ’s Chen Yu and Jin Buhuan. Are they eating hot pot? And the hot pot they ate was just the beast they were always watching for?

Now, it ’s the lunch of Chen Yu and Jin Buhua?

And listen to Jin not change the tone, these days, they have been living like this? After glancing up and down, Jin Dong didn't change, and several people in Dong Lan knew that Jin Dong did not lie.

Because Jin Buhuan's body did not have any scars or traces of fighting, his face was full of redness, and at a glance, I knew that the thief who had been in these days was nourished.


We are so desperate to work hard, how can you be good, so happy?

"Well? Who are you?"

Chen Yu looked at Donglan five with some surprises.

Jin Buchang lay on the ground and looked at Donglan's side casually. His eyes lighted up immediately, he immediately got up from the ground, adjusted his clothes, his face suddenly became flushed, and he became very crooked.

"Winter, winter, winter orchid, we, we are really destined, we met here."

Jin did not change his mouth, his face looked like blossoming peach blossoms.

Chen Yu's face suddenly became very weird. Jin does not change this boy, like this woman?

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