Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1246: Killing is at your fingertips

"He is Chen Yu?"

A surprised look at Chen Yu, Aotian raised a brow.

Is this the kid who challenged their fate?

"Hehe, it's interesting, it's really interesting. Gong Nian, before you called for someone to fight, I thought he was scared and didn't dare to come. I didn't expect to have already arrived? But, what can he do? Today, he Can't get out of the burial beast valley. "

With a flash of murder in his eyes, Aotian grinned.

"Chen Yu, you, you go!"

Gong Nian saw Chen Yu, although her heart moved, but the next moment, she shouted.

No idea!

Even the beast emperor here is a friend of Aotiancong, a Chen Yu, what's the use?

"Oh, Miss Gong, are you too naive, go? Where does he go? Today he is here, he is destined to go!"

Wu Changkong looked at Chen Yu and licked his lips, full of ridicule.

"Lord of luck, it seems that your luck is completely exhausted today."

Looking at Wu Changkong, Chen Yu frowned, looking cold.

"Releasing the palace, I can leave you all dead."


Aotian Cong and Wu Changkong were all stunned, then laughed.

"Boy, do you know who you're talking to? Leave us a corpse? You're afraid you're not stupid. I want to see, how can you leave me a corpse?"

Wu Changkong laughed, and Aotian never shook his head.

"Oh, naive, it's really naive. Wu Changkong abandoned him and took her to the Beast Palace. After all, going to the palace to read things like this also requires people to know to be able to show my means. ?Ha ha."

Wu Changkong nodded and looked at Chen Yu with a smirk.

"Kid, do you kneel yourself? Or shall I kneel you? Forget it, I won't give you a chance to choose, or I will do it myself. Quack quack."

Stepping out, Wu Changkong flickered instantly, and when he appeared again, he had already reached Chen Yu!

Raising his fists high, Wu Changkong made five meals. In the palm of his hand, it was like a thunderous thunder, and the arc flashed instantly, filled with a thick atmosphere of destruction, and he covered his head against Chen Yu!

Wu Changkong's peerless school, Wuyao Tianlei!

"Not good, run away!"

Gong Nian was anxious, and shouted immediately.

However, Chen Yu did not evade in the slightest, and still stood there. Not only that, there was no fluctuation in his eyes!

Indifferent, calm!

It seems that Wu Changkong's attack was not general.

Wu Changkong's entire face was stretched out, and it seemed that he had to see Chen Yu's headshot!

But the next moment, he froze. When I saw Chen Yu, he slowly raised his palm and grabbed it against his wrist.

Scratching my wrist? He's crazy?

Wu Chang hollowed in a hollow. His Wuyao Tianlei is fast, even if it is Aotian Cong, it is impossible to grasp his wrist, not to mention, at this moment, his entire arm is wrapped in heavy thunder, even if he really grasps it Your wrist will be blasted into coke in an instant!

Is he an idiot?

Although thinking in his heart, Wu Chang's empty hands did not hesitate, but faster than before.


Take a hard shot with one palm, and the whole picture freezes instantly! Wu Changkong's unmatched palm stopped in front of Chen Yu. A white and delicate palm was clutching his wrist!

And the endless thunderbolt shining on the palm of his hand is also completely extinguished at this moment!

This was annihilated by Chen Yusheng!

"I gave you a chance, but unfortunately, you didn't cherish it." Chen Yu said faintly, in a cold tone.

Wu Changkong's ridicule and mockery on his face instantly turned into a terrifying horror!

"Impossible! How could you catch my attack!"

The corner of Aotian's mouth also pulled down, his face was abnormally gloomy! He stared at Chen Yu, his pupils shaking slightly.

This guy, actually caught the blow from Wu Changkong?

This is fake! You know, Wu Changkong, but a character who condenses his soul! Even him, it is impossible to block Wu Changkong's attack in this way!

Doesn't this mean that Chen Yu is even stronger than him?

As soon as he thought this, Aotian's heart suddenly appeared a thick horror.

A freshman, who is called the king of luck by everyone, actually has such strength?

Suddenly, he was shocked and looked at Chen Yu in wonder, thinking that when they came here before, He Hui and others were killed on the road. Before, they thought that it was done by a ferocious beast. Now it seems that all of this is the work of Chen Yu!

This guy is so hidden! !! !!

"Damn! Let go of Lao Tzu!"

Wu Changkong looked at Chen Yu and yelled loudly, running his whole body, trying to break free, but useless!

Chen Yu's hand was completely motionless! Wu Changkong felt himself, just like an ant, trying to promote Taishan, without any response!

"Now you can die."

Faint words floated from Chen Yu's mouth.

Wu Chang was tight in the hollow and had not had time to speak. Chen Yu shook his hands suddenly. Suddenly, a huge force rushed directly into his body. Only for a moment, all the bones in his body burst into pieces!

At the same time, his Dantian position exploded with a bang, exposing a large blood hole in the bowl.


Wu Changkong coughed up a **** mouth, his eyes were about to stare out, and his eyes were full of fear.

"You, you, your strength !!!"

He's scared! Regret it!

For a long time, he thought that Chen Yu was just a freshman. He had no strength at all, but just now, the unmatched power that rushed into his body surprised him to find that he was wrong! Wrong from start to finish!

This Chen Yu is not an ordinary person at all! His strength is far above him!

His strength is enough to rank among the top ten among the students of Baiyu College. Otherwise, he will not be able to become the vice chairman of the Destiny Society and be appreciated by the proud family.

But Chen Yu's strength is no longer a question of ranking among students! But enough to keep pace with the eight elders!

How could this fuck? Just a freshman, and it turns out that it is similar to the existence of the eight elders? Is this **** playing me? How can there be such evil characters in this world! !! !!

Wu Changkong's heart was mad and mournful, but it was no use at the moment!


Chen Yu said faintly, shaking again, only to hear a bang! Wu Changkong, with endless regrets and terrors, burst on the spot and turned into a mist of blood!

Gong Nian opened her mouth wide and looked at the scene in a stunned manner, her mind blank.

Dead, dead? Wu Changkong, is that so dead? Just shake it twice?

A ridiculous feeling came to the mind of Gong Nian. Then she looked at Chen Yu and took a hard breath.

Although she guessed that Chen Yu was very powerful, she never expected that Chen Yu would be so powerful!

At this moment, Chen Yu looked at Aotian Cong and smiled gently, "Now it's your turn!"

Aotian tightened from his body, then smiled softly.

"Unexpectedly, Chen Yu are you so strong? I admit, I am not your opponent. But, what about it? You see, what is this?

With that said, Aotian took out something.

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