Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1251: Chen Yu returns!

"Chen Yu? Oh, just a little bastard, this time I don't believe he can come back alive."

Jun stranger heard Gu Yi's words, smiled slightly, his face was full of contempt.

"Yeah, Beast Mountain, Feather Killing Alliance, plus the Destiny Society, huh, so many people together, I am afraid that this Chen Yu wants to survive, there is no chance. It ’s just a pity that I ca n’t see him in person A dead look. "

Gu Yan shook his head, full of regret.

"Rest assured, before the freshman comparison, I had commanded He Hui, and it was time for them to return, bringing back the bodies of Chen Yu and Jin Buhuan. By that time, they said they had encountered a beast and was killed by the beast . "


Gu Yan's eyes flashed, and Haha laughed.

"Okay! At that time, we will bring the bodies of Chen Yu and Jin Buhuan to Yin Shanqing and let her see how the two apprentices she managed to collect died."

"Not good! Not good! Something big has happened."

Suddenly a panic-sounding voice came over, a figure hurried over, his face full of panic, and in front of the two of them, they thundered and fell to the ground with blood.

"What's going on? Not calm at all, what's the system? Don't we see us drinking tea without seeing us?"

Jun stranger frowned, and said coldly.

He is an exquisite person, and he has to pay attention to everything he does. Now he is so disgusted when he sees his servant.

"Not good, sir, something big is happening! He Hui them, they ...

"Oh? He Hui, they're back? Oh, did they scare the others because they came back with the bodies of Chen Yu and Jin Buhuan? Don't worry, I just killed a student.

Jun stranger brought up the tea and smiled coldly, full of indifference.

"No, no, it's He Hui, they're all dead, they're all dead!"


Jun stranger stood up directly, the cup in his hand fell without even realizing it, and rushed to the servant. Jun stranger picked up the servant's collar, his eyes widened, and his eyes were bloodshot!

"You, what are you talking about? Dead? How could they die? Impossible! This is impossible!"

Jun's strange face was all in horror.

This is the test ground for the New Life Conference, but it is the periphery of the Cangshou Mountains. There is no powerful Warcraft at all. With their strength, He Hui will never die there.

Gu Yan's eyes flickered, and his expression was filled with shock and incredibleness.

Li Changsheng's strength, he is very clear, in the new life, but the existence of the first three, speaking, everyone can die this trial, but He Hui and Li Changsheng are definitely the least likely to die!

"It's true, all the people in the Feather Killing Alliance are dead. At the scene, there are also Jin Yanhu's bodies. These were brought back after others discovered them. Now the bodies are above the square. Put. "


The servant only felt a flower in front of his eyes. The figures of Jun stranger and Gu Yi had disappeared. The whole courtyard was empty and there was no one.

. . . . . .

Above the square, many people have been surrounded at the moment, not only students, but also many teachers, who are also standing on the scene.

In the center of the crowd, there are more than a dozen corpses. At this moment, all of them are here, beside the huge corpse of Jin Yanhu.

"Well, really didn't expect that all of the forefront of our new life were all dead?"

Someone is full of emotion.

"Yes, when speaking, He Hui and their people are all very strong. I thought that this trial was just an opportunity for them to show themselves, but they didn't expect them to die. Anymore? "

"In the end, what happened to them? How could they be all dead? Could it be that there is a ferocious beast rushing out of the mountains of the beast?"

In the discussion, Jun stranger and Gu Yan have rushed over!


When the two saw the corpse on the ground, their heads exploded and they couldn't say a word.

miserable! Misery can only be used to describe this scene.

More than a dozen corpses, like a strong mockery, stimulated Jun stranger. Unfamiliar with the lives and deaths of He Hui and others, Jun stranger and Gu Xun did not care.

But He Hui and Li Changsheng are their disciples! Moreover, it is still the best among the new students!

Now that the two are dead, how big a blow is their face?

After all, other teachers are not as good as his two, and the students of other teachers are far from being Hui and Li Changsheng, but those people have not died. But the students of both of them, as the best of the freshmen, are all gone!

What makes others think of them?

At this moment, the two became aware of the other's gaze and both became slightly hot.

Reluctant to stand everyone's eyes, Jun Wei came to the body of He Hui and others, and began to examine the body of He Hui and others, but under this investigation, Jun Wei was suddenly shocked.

He examined the bodies of He Hui and others, and found that everyone was killed in a single blow, leaving no room for resistance.

How could this be? With He Hui's strength, there is no room for resistance? What happened to them?

Then he looked at the body of Jin Yanhu again and found that this Jin Yanhu turned out to be Xiu Cheng of Jingshen Jingcheng, and his heart was equally fierce. What shocked him even more was Jin Yanhu was killed in one hit!

Concentrate on God! This strength is already very strong, and it is almost impossible to see it on the periphery of the Cangju Mountain. Once it appears, it can rule the entire periphery.

But now, such a strength is even a hit. What are you kidding? What happened in the Beast Mountain?

Turning his head to look at Gu Min, he found that Gu Min's face was full of shock.

The two looked at each other, their eyes were all down.

"Damn! What the **** is going on?"

Jun stranger gritted his teeth and said.

"Well, listen, I heard that it was He Hui. They learned about Chen Yu's location, so they hurried over and later did not know what happened. It was just like this when we arrived."

At this moment, someone in the crowd raised their hands and said weakly.

"Chen Yu! You mean Chen Yu!"

Jun's unfamiliar eyes narrowed, and he shouted.

"Is this all related to Chen Yu?"

Gu Min said in shock, and then he suddenly felt a shock and suddenly remembered. He just heard someone say that these people are all from the Feather Killing League!

Is all this done by Chen Yu?

Jun stranger and Gu Xie all thought so, their expressions were shocking.

"Look, Chen Yu is back!" At this moment, someone pointed at the distance and suddenly shouted.

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