"Old Zhao, what are you talking about? Are you here to meet Chen Yu?"

The janitor widened his eyes, swallowed, and couldn't believe his ears.

"Exactly, is he here now?"

Hearing these words, the two janitors suddenly looked embarrassed. It turned out that Chen Yu was really invited? Moreover, Zhao Lao came to meet him in person!

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Seeing the appearance of two janitors, Zhao Lao frowned.

"That, Mr. Zhao, that person is there. We saw that he didn't worship, so we didn't let him in."

They embarrassed.

"What! You two are just idiots!"

Zhao Fu's face changed, and he immediately scolded. Turning his head to look at Chen Yu, Zhao Lao smiled kindly.

"Sorry, I'm really sorry, all the people have eyes and no eyes, please don't be surprised, just follow me in."

Zhao Fu said, there is no way, when the palace water let him come to pick up people, but he specifically instructed, the attitude must be good, although do not know why, but he did not dare to violate the slightest.

"This, this, this!"

Seeing Zhao Fu's appearance like this, Gong Fei and Mu Yan'er stared wide and looked like ghosts.

This guy made Zhao Lao treat him like this!

You know, when they said hello to Zhao Lao just now, Zhao Lao seemed to ignore him!

What kind of person is this guy who can have such energy?

The thought of Gong Fei and Mu Yan'er's faces was flushed and embarrassed at the thought of their arrogant appearance in front of Chen Yu.

"Oh, the gates of your palace can't be accessed by ordinary people."

Seeing Zhao Fu, Chen Yu smiled coldly.

Zhao Fu's face changed, a slap, hit directly on the faces of two janitors.

"You two who don't have long eyes, don't hurry to apologize!"

They stunned, bowed their heads, and bowed to Chen Yu.


Zhao Fu then looked at Chen Yu with a smile and said, "Oh, I don't know if the friend is still satisfied? Come with me?"

Looking at Zhao Fu, Chen Yu nodded, and entered the palace under Zhao Fu's guidance.

Before going in, Zhao Fu seemed to think of something, and looked at Gong Fei and Mu Yaner, and said lightly.

"Well, you are Gong Fei, right, I have VIPs brought in, you go in yourself, don't run around."

Gong Fei's face froze, smiling awkwardly, bowing to Zhao Fu.


In the eyes of Zhao Fu, Chen Yu turned out to be a noble guest! And they were directly forgotten by Zhao Fu!

The gap between them is really too great.

"Feige, this Chen Yu, who is it, and why is Zhao Lao so polite?"

Mu Yan'er asked, his expression shook.

"No way, what son of a big family is he?"

big family?

Gong Fei shook his head.

"It's impossible. On Baiyuxing, there are only a handful of big families that can make Zhao Fu so serious. I know all of them, but I have never heard of the Chen family! It's strange.

Gong Fei frowned, very puzzled.

In this regard, not only was Gong Fei confused, but even Zhao Fu himself was very confused.

Looking at the young man beside him, Zhao Fu nodded secretly.

When Gong Liushui asked him to greet Chen Yu, he didn't say anything, so he didn't know. What is special about Chen Yu could make Gong Liushui care so much. The only thing he knew was that Chen Yu was a freshman at Baiyu College, that's all.

On the way just now, Zhao Fu was also observing Chen Yu in secret, and found that Chen Yu entered the palace, looking indifferent, without any vibration at all.

This alone is enough to make Zhao Fu stand out. After all, the palace's status is so high that when young people come in, they will become unconscious, even if they breathe.

But now, he can feel that Chen Yu's breathing is still extremely smooth, without any slight fluctuations!

"This kid, it's a bit unusual."

Thinking about it this way, the two have already reached the lobby of the palace family!

As soon as he entered the hall, Chen Yu's eyelids jumped slightly.

There are five people in the hall.

Sitting on the main seat is an old man with white hair. He sits downright, his eyes are flat, and he is not an ordinary person at first glance.

This is exactly the owner of the palace, the grandfather of the palace, the palace flowing water!

In the lower seat of the palace, there are two middle-aged people with strong momentum of the upper body. One of them was Gong Nian's father, Gong Yunfeng, and the other was Gong Yunfeng's brother, Gong Yunqi.

Chen Yu was watching. Beside Gong Yunqi, there was also a middle-aged beautiful woman with a proud look, and a young woman with a hint of moderation.

In addition to these people, in a corner of the hall, Gong Nian sat there!

At the moment Gong Nian, when she saw Chen Yu, her face changed suddenly and was very complicated. Then she lowered her head and said nothing, not knowing what she was thinking.

Chen Yu glanced at the palace and sighed slightly.

What happened between each other is really a mess.

Feeling away from the heart, Chen Yu's eyes locked on the three of Gong Liushui.

Three masters!

Chen Yu glanced at the three of them, his eyes fixed gently.

From the three, Chen Yu can feel very strong fluctuations! This is a phenomenon caused by the three people's momentum!

Especially the palace flowing water sitting on the main seat is extremely powerful. Chen Yu can feel that although the strength of this palace flowing water is not as good as the sea, it is not too much! Definitely one of the best in Ning Shen Jing Da Cheng, I'm afraid it's only a short distance from half a step to Ning Jing Jing!

This surprised Chen Yu. Sure enough, the strength of the palace family is indeed powerful!

Chen Yu was surprised, and Gong Liushui looked at Chen Yu, and her heart was shocked!

Chen Yu was watching them just now, and the palace is flowing, why not watch Chen Yu?

If Chen Yu sees the palace flowing water, it feels that the palace flowing water is the bottomless sea and the strength is strong, then the palace flowing water sees Chen Yu's feeling, it is watching a starry sky!


Endless, vast and unpredictable starry sky!

"What kind of character is this kid, exactly? How could he give me this feeling?"

Gong Liushui's eyes narrowed, and such thoughts appeared in his heart. There are too many young Tianjiao who Miyaliu has seen! Among so many young people he has seen, it can be said that there are people of all colors, including sharp-minded and calm and restrained. . .

But on Chen Yu, what he saw was completely different!

This feeling made him strange and curious.

"Master, someone brought it."

Zhao Fu said with a low frown. Then stood aside and said nothing.

Gong Liushui nodded faintly, watching Chen Yu, leaning forward slightly, there was a sense of oppression.

"Chen Yu, I want to ask, how did my granddaughter's Jiu Yin Xuan Qi disappear?"

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