Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1266: Shocking news


Seeing Gong Liushui's expression, Chen Yu's eyes narrowed, and she was a little surprised.

Why, on Gong Liushui's face, he saw a dignity?

"You guys, what is happening today is definitely not allowed to be propagated to the outside world, otherwise, my palace family will have an outrageous disaster, and you, you can't escape it, you know!"

When they heard this, everyone was shocked, their eyes were full of shock, they felt the seriousness of the palace water, and everyone nodded.

"Come on, let's go into the back room."

Chen Yu took the palace water and walked into the back room. Gong Liushui directly laid a protective cover to isolate all sounds, and then he looked at Chen Yu with a complicated look.

"Vice President, please say anything."

Chen Yu glanced around, very curious, why the palace is so solemn.

"Hey, Chen Yu, I didn't expect that you have such an identity, even me, you are extremely shocked. Are you curious, why did I just force you to become my granddaughter just now?"

Chen Yu nodded, and there was some doubt in his eyes.

Taking the status of the palace family, in theory, they will never look after themselves. After all, just now, they don't know their true identity.

However, among the two choices that Gong Liushui gave himself, the first choice was to enter the burden, and later he agreed to let Gong Nian marry him.

"Actually, I'm saving you, and I'm saving myself." Gong Liushui looked at Chen Yu, sighed, and said.

"What do you mean?" Chen Yu frowned.

"Let Xiaonian marry you because I like this granddaughter very much. Since she chose you, I also hope that she can be happy and happy. On the other hand, it is because of Xiaonian's engagement in the past!"


Chen Yu froze, marriage contract?

"That's right! It's a marriage contract! Even Xiao Nian and his father don't know about this matter. And Gong Nian's marriage target is among the hundred domains, the unknown king family, proud family!"

Anonymous King Family!

This word, Chen Yu, has never heard of it.

Seeing Chen Yu's surprise, Gong Liushui continued to explain.

"Baiyu College is the top big force in the entire Baiyu College. You know this. But outside of our Baiyu College, there are Tiannian Sword Palace, Beiliu Dojo, Sihai Pavilion, Jiuhuangshan Four forces! Our five forces are the top five forces in the entire hundred domains. "

"Unlike the other four forces, we have more than a hundred students and only recruit students from our ethnic group, but the other four major forces are all absorbed regardless of race. The situation of the five major forces has been standing for a long time."

"All along, everyone thought that our five forces were the forces that stood at the top of the Baiyu, but they didn't know that on top of the five forces, there was a family of unknown kings, proud!"

"Gong Nian's marriage contract is the pride of the proud family, proud of the sky!"

After hearing this, Chen Yu's eyes flickered, and she was surprised.

I never expected that there were so many hidden feelings among them.

"No! I won't marry him! I don't even know him, why should I marry him?" At this moment, Gong Nian rushed in and shouted.

She returned to her room just now, and it took a while to relax, and then she came out again. As soon as she came out, she heard that Chen Yu was called to the back room by the palace water. She was rushed in for fear of any misunderstanding between the two. , I did not expect to hear such news.

"Foolish! Isn't this kind of thing you said you wouldn't marry?"

Gong Liushui's face was tense, and a cold voice spoke.

Gong Nian pursed her lips and said nothing, but Chen Yu frowned slightly, puzzled.

"Why did you make such a contract?"

Gong Liushui smiled bitterly.

"Where did I settle down? This is the family affairs that Aojia took the initiative to come and settle down!"

"It wasn't long before Xiaonian was born, and Ao's family came to me and found me. He wanted to settle the marriage of Tian Pride and Xiaonian in his family. Because of the nine Yin Xuan Qi in Xiaonian's body, he was able to be proud of Ao The complementation of Jiuyang Xuanqi in the body is of great benefit to both of them. However, this matter requires that the proud family not let outsiders know. After all, proud family is very proud and generally does not marry the outside world at all. So this marriage contract Before they settle down. "

"But I didn't expect it."

Looking at Chen Yu and Gong Nian, Gong Liushui's complexion.

Who would have thought that Chen Yu had already acquired the Jiuyin mystery of Gong Nian?

"Hey, make evil, make evil! Originally, I wanted you to go to my house, so even if you are proud, it will not be too difficult for you to see in my face. At most, it will only allow our house to compensate .But if you don't want it, that proud family will never let you go. "

Chen Yu knew for a reason that it was for this reason that Gong Liushui wanted to recruit himself into a burden.

"Aojia wants to kill me? It depends on him, do you have this ability?"

At this moment, Chen Yu turned her fingers lightly, looking indifferent.

"Also, if Gong Nian does not want to marry, no one can force it, otherwise, I will kill him!"

In a word, an invisible killer permeated the room, letting the palace flow, all jumped in his heart, looking at Chen Yu's eyes, a little shocked.

Gong Nian looked at Chen Yu, but there was a hint of intoxication in her eyes.

He, is this an oath of ownership?

At this point, Gong Nian's mood had just calmed down, and she was agitated, her face crimson.

Gong Liushui took a deep look at Chen Yu, then shook his head.

"I know that you are hiding so deeply that even the Beast Emperor can take it down and make my family Xiaonian so obsessed with you, how can it be ordinary?"

"Grandpa!" Gong Nian shouted coquettishly, a touch of shyness in her voice.

Gong Liushui shook his head, looking at Chen Yu, and said, "Although I don't know where your strength is, but you want to be stronger, you will not be stronger than me?"

Chen Yu said silently, Gong Liushui said it well. Although his combat experience and techniques are extremely unbelievable, after all, there is only a level of transcendental great consummation, and with his combat power, that is, the stage of condensed spirit, and Compared with the palace water, I am afraid it is just flat.

"Do you know what level is Pride?"

A finger was erected, and the complexion of the palace's flowing water suddenly became extremely dignified.

"Ning Shen Jing Da Cheng! And his comprehensive combat power has absolutely reached the ultimate level of half step Ning Shen Jing Jing! Even the sea is not necessarily his opponent! And he is less than 40 years old!"


Gong Nian suddenly covered her mouth and was extremely shocked.

Chen Yu's eyes flashed and she was extremely surprised.

With such strength and talent, it can be called against the sky! I am afraid that it will not be much worse than myself, but after being reborn, there is also the Emperor Dragon Promise, this supreme practice.

So, why is this prideful sky able to have such an evil spirit?

At this time, Gong Liushui gave the answer.

"Do you know why Ao Zixiao is so strong? It's all because of a big secret of Ao's family, and this secret has something to do with a place called Earth."

boom! !! !!

At this moment, Chen Yu was completely shocked, and her pupils shrank fiercely.

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