Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1269: Gong Nian's request

Jin Buhuan's voice was loud and there was no concealment. The people who came here could hear clearly!

They are all people who come to see the excitement.

In particular, the personal disciples of the eight elders all gathered here. This kind of scene is simply unseen, and naturally attracts many students in the college.

What's more, these eight people are the absolute strongmen on the Tianwu list. They also want to see if Chen Yu can use the luck of the sky to pass the danger like before.

But I didn't expect to hear Jin Buhua's yelling as soon as I got here. At this moment everyone's faces were stunned.

"I Cao! I have heard that these two guys are crazy, but now it looks so true! Even dare to disciples the eighth dad?"

"His! This gold isn't changed. He's such a jerk. How dare he say such a thing? Isn't he afraid of the eight of them, and just abandoned him?"

Behind the eight people, there was a heated discussion.

The faces of the eight people turned blue.

the first time!

This is the first time that someone dares to talk to them like this!

In the past, which students saw them, they were not respectful and fearful, for fear of a word of disrespect.

But this gold isn't exchanged. Actually, they even called them idiots?

"Boy, what did you just say!" One said coldly, and everyone around them shuddered, very afraid.

"Kneel down now! I can let you go!" The other said.

"Yes, the goddesses like Gong Nian can't be owned by low-level people like you."

The third person said.

Although the other few did not speak, everyone looked at Chen Yu and Jin Buhua's eyes, all of them were filled with high, it seems that they can come here, it is Chen Yu's great honor.

Seeing a few people like this, Jin Buhuan threw his chopsticks, stood up directly, put his arms around, and looked at the eight men fiercely.

"Your **** ears are not good? I say you are idiots, can't you hear me? Why are you here eight wastes? Yaowu Yangwei? I'm alas! You eight of the palace chase, but none of them came. My brother Fei didn't do much, and Gong Nian took the initiative to take care of you. You are scum in front of my brother! "

Eight people froze. It seemed that Jin Buhuan would say such a thing. At the moment, everyone's forehead was full of blue tendons.

However, Jin Buhuan still did not have any convergence, and continued to scold.

"Tell you! I saw it that day! Gong Nian's body is very poisonous. It is the poison that my brother Yu gave him! Gong Nian is grateful, but my brother will not marry! That night, Gong Nian and my brother were in the clouds and rain When I was there, I was watching outside. What are you eight doing? Ah? Watch the movie? I am! "

"You eight wastes, how do you feel so good? Think you are superior? Tell you, in my brother's eyes, you are not even a fart, and are you asking for trouble? I think you are here to die!"

"I really don't know, how did the eight of you IQ cultivate this step? Are idiots especially talented in the cultivation?"

. . .

"I, my Cao!"

Everyone looked at Jin not changing, completely stunned, eyes widened, and an incredible look.

The Eighth Brothers' personal disciples were even scolded by the dog blood sprinklers. This is the first time such a thing has happened!

At this moment, the faces of the eight people had turned red, and everyone's eyes were covered with blood, and their fists were rattling.

In front of so many people, Jin Buhuan scolded them like this, and also told them that Gong Nian and Chen Yu turned clouds and rain. This is no longer hitting their faces. This is putting their faces on the ground and stepping on them. !!

At this moment, the eight people even felt that everyone behind them looked different, with complexity and sympathy.

"Presumptuous! It's presumptuous! I want to kill you!"

A roar rang out suddenly, and one of the eight suddenly exploded, blasting out with a slam in the palm, and suddenly a beam of light went straight to Jin.

Yin Shanqing's eyes flickered, his sleeves waved, and the same practice bombarded out, directly breaking the opponent's attack.

"What? When I don't exist?"

Yin Shanqing looked at several people, and said lightly.

The eight were suddenly shocked, and there was a hint of fear in Yin Shanqing's eyes.

The first teacher, the ninth elder in the eyes of everyone, these titles are not called in vain!

"Ms. Yin, this is just a fight between our students. Shouldn't you want to stop it, or do you fear that your students won't do it and we will be scrapped?"

Someone sneered.

"Stimulate me with less radicals, get out now, don't delay us eating."

Yin Shanqing waved his hands impatiently.

Seeing Yin Shanqing's appearance like this, the eight eyes blinked, looked at each other, and nodded in unison.

"What if we don't go?"

Don't go?

Yin Shanqing raised an eyebrow and said, "If you don't want to leave, then all kneel down here."

After that, Yin Shanqing was about to start, but at this moment, a laugh passed.

"Oh, Teacher Yin, let them kneel here? No."

In the distance, a figure flew quickly, but after a moment, they fell from the sky and fell before the eight.

One of the eight elders, Wei Zishan!

"Elder Wei, what do you mean?" Yin Shanqing stiffened and said coldly.

In the face of these students, she naturally didn't care, but in the face of Wei Zishan, she was not sure.

Wei Zishan looked at Chen Yu with a cold look.

This boy, the last time he refused his invitation, caused himself to be joked by several other elders for a long time, and now he saw again that Wei Zishan only wanted to teach Chen Yu a lesson!

"Hehe, it's not interesting. It's better to let students resolve the matter between students. Teacher Yin, don't get involved."

Wei Zishan's meaning is obvious. He wants to protect Chen Yu and Jin not changing? no way!

Seeing this scene, the Eighth Family disciples all laughed and looked at Chen Yu and Jin Buhua, their eyes full of playful expression.

"Oh, without Teacher Yin, I don't know about you, is there any arrogance?"

Jin Buhuan glanced at the man and whispered an idiot before looking at Chen Yu.

"Brother Yu, what do you do now?"

Chen Yu picked up a piece of meat and put it in his mouth. He didn't even look at a few of them, and said lightly.

"Get out now, I can't hurt you."

Now Chen Yu's thoughts are all on the secrets behind the hegemony and the earth. There is really no interest in these eight people.


Hearing Chen Yu's words, the eight people froze and everyone's face was ugly.

"Oh, huh, we have been a freshman, we have been underestimated."

One said coldly, his eyes full of anger.

"I'd like to see, what confidence do you have, it's so arrogant!"

His eyes flashed, and the man stepped out and went straight to Chen Yu!


An exclamation came, and then one person stood in front of Chen Yu, so that the person who was about to do something stopped.

"Gong Nian! Why are you here? Hurry up or I will hurt you!"

Gong Nian is here! After seeing Gong Nian, the eight people all looked moved, with a strong look of admiration in their eyes, and then there was boundless pain!

Because Gong Nian is standing in front of Chen Yu, protecting Chen Yu!

But at this moment, Gong Nian didn't even look at the person, instead he looked at Chen Yu with a pleading look on his face.

"Chen Yu, please, please don't hurt them?"


The crowd was stunned, Gong Nian, begging them?

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