Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1272: Unusual taste!

Outside the Temple of Trials, at this moment there are already a lot of people. Almost half of the people in the college are gathered here!

Students, teachers, and elders all stood here, and everyone's face had a deep shock.

The news that Chen Yu was going to test the temple, but in a moment, it whistled throughout the college, attracting everyone's attention!

It is no exaggeration to say that this has become the most eye-catching thing of Baiyu College now!

"Hey, is this true or false? Didn't that Chen Yu become a burden to the palace family? Why now you have to break through the trial palace again?"

"I heard that it was because the Eighth Family disciples had trouble finding Chen Yu, but it turned out that Chen Yu was going to participate in the Bai Yu Tianjiao battle. They thought that Chen Yu was not qualified, so Chen Yu came to try the temple!"

"Oh, I ca n’t help it, just him? I heard that it ’s just a luck king. Do you really think that you have the ability? Can you join the battle of hegemony with those Tianjiao? I guess he will be qualified to enter the Temple of Trial. ,nothing."

Everyone on the side heard these words and smiled disdainfully.

Just a freshman, and also want to break through the trial temple? It's simply beyond our control!

But at this moment, someone frowned, with a hint of uncertainty in his tone.

"Although he is just a freshman, how do I feel that the entire college is moving because of him now? Have you noticed that since Chen Yu entered the college, it seems that he has not failed. Is it really because of his luck? What? "


Everyone who heard these words had a rigid smile on their faces. Everyone's complexion changed slightly. Before, they thought that Chen Yu was just luck. But now that someone says this kind of words, everyone immediately Frowning back, everyone was silent afterwards.

After the silence, it suddenly felt an unspeakable shock.

Yes indeed!

Until now, Chen Yu has never really failed! Whether in the practice room or in the freshman competition, none of Chen Yu's opponents ended well!

Now, it is even more conquering the palace, so that the palace family must recruit it as a burden! Is all this really just luck?

Everyone looked at each other, and suddenly a thought came up in their hearts. It seemed that their understanding of Chen Yu was somewhat insufficient?

"Oh, huh, maybe he really relies on luck? It's not impossible at all."

Someone said unwillingly, but this time, no one answered him again!

"Look at it, try the temple, but you can't tolerate half the luck. By then, whether he really has the strength or depends on luck, it will be clear at a glance!"

Everyone nodded, and looked forward to Chen Yu's next performance.

Many teachers, all gathered here at this moment, Jun stranger and Gu Yan, holding their hands, stood aside, eyes gloomy.

He Hui and Li Changfeng are already dead, and the death of the two is absolutely inseparable from Chen Yu in the eyes of Jun stranger and Gu Xun. Now Chen Yu comes to the trial temple, naturally they both care.

"I really hope that little **** will die in the Temple of Trial in this way!" Jun strangely measured.

"Look at it! The freshmen will enter the Trial Temple, and there will be no good results! Do you forget how many freshmen have died in the Trial Temple before? The same is true, the Trial Temple will not allow new students to enter. Gu Yan sneered.

Jun nodded strangely and stopped speaking.

And in the distance, the elders of the Eighth Great Congregation reunited at this moment, and there was a hint of curiosity in everyone's face.

"Gong Yunfeng, Gong Yunqi, that Chen Yu, has really become a burden to your palace family?"

Guo Tao asked.

He used to pass a message to him, so that he did not pursue Chen Yu. Now that he hears Chen Yu becomes a burden to the palace, and he wants to participate in the hegemony, he naturally cares.

Gong Yunfeng shook his head and did not speak.


Let the Beast Emperor's man be a burden? how is this possible!

All that happened in the palace family, the two were very tacit, did not say, otherwise, what kind of consequences will be caused, no one knows, if it caused the anger of the sea, it would be a big trouble.

Seeing the two look like this, the other elders all frowned and looked at each other.

It seems that the so-called redundant claims are not true. But even if it is fake, I am afraid that the relationship between Chen Yu and the palace family is very ordinary, otherwise, today's events will not happen.

In another place of Baiyu College, in a lonely room, the door was closed, there was nothing in the room, and it was empty.

But in the center of the room, there was a man sitting there with his eyes closed. Around him, countless black gas kept rising, and then he was sucked into his mouth and nose, which was weird.


The door was pushed open, and a servant walked into the room and knelt down.

"Master, a freshman named Chen Yu, who wants to break through the Temple of Trial and participate in the battle for hegemony, will you go and see?" The servant asked, looking down.

It was said that the man opened his eyes. If anyone saw the eyes of this person, his scalp would be numb, because the eyes of this person were completely black, without any whiteness!

"Chen Yu? Is it Yin Shanqing's disciple? No, it's Yin Shanqing, what's the matter now?"

The man spoke slowly, without any mood swings at all, and seemed to be totally indifferent to such a thing.

"Back to the master, now Yin Shanqing's strength changes, there is no law at all. The poison you gave her before, must have reached the final stage."

Hearing this, the man's fingers moved with a hint of excitement in his voice.

"Okay! In these years, it's finally time to harvest. You go. Start the Ten Kills in the Trial Hall. Since it is Yin Shanqing's disciple, let him die inside.

The man didn't care to say.


The servant heard the words and shuddered, and then withdrew from the room, and the whole room fell into darkness again.

In the room, the black gas suddenly fluctuated, showing the excitement of the people in the room.

"Yin Shanqing, my furnace, you have finally matured. This exercise I got from the earth that year was finally able to break through. That secret, I was finally qualified to explore it. Aojia Hehe, you put the place of this hegemony in the solar system, I really don't know what you are for? Hehehe ... "

In the light laughter, a conspiracy smell slowly spread out.

At the same time, outside the Trial Hall, everyone is waiting at this moment, waiting for Chen Yu's arrival!

"Look! Chen Yu is here!"

Someone suddenly yelled, and everyone's gaze suddenly turned and turned! Everyone's mind becomes complicated.

At the confluence of the eyes of everyone, Chen Yu walked over in a hurry and looked indifferent.

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