Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1275: Into the first house


The gate, which is tens of meters high, opens automatically at this moment, like a giant beast, opening the mouth of the blood basin.

From the outside, nothing can be seen, only endless darkness.

"Oh? Opened?"

Chen Yu raised a brow, smiled slightly, and walked directly into the gate. In the sight of the crowd, she saw Chen Yu disappeared completely, and the gate closed again at this moment.

The nine bronze ancient lamps on the square also seemed to have received a special inspiration. The bursts of golden flames were completely extinguished with a click.

Everyone at the scene was shocked, and in his eyes, there was boundless horror.

"Just, what happened to that flame just now?"

Someone asked, but no one was able to answer him. After all, this kind of thing was first seen by everyone!

Gong Liushui walked before the nine ancient lamps, and looked at them one by one. Then he suddenly felt a shock. He couldn't help but step back and widened his eyes.

"Mr. Vice President, what's wrong with you?"

As soon as Guo Tao stayed, he was a little surprised.

"Look at it yourself," said Gong Liushui, still in shock in his voice.

What is it that actually makes the palace water look like this? Guo Tao frowned, looking suspiciously, suddenly taking three steps back, pointing at the nine bronze ancient lamps, his words froze.

"This, this, how can this be? Why, the flames and hoarstones in the ancient lanterns have all melted !!!"


After hearing this, the crowd exclaimed again, especially the eight disciples, all of them rushed to the front, staring at the bronze ancient lamp with glaring eyes, their bodies trembling.

Under each ancient lamp, there is a groove. Originally, this was the place where the flame Hao stone was placed, but now, the flame Hao stone has completely disappeared, leaving only a stream of golden juice.

"It really melted! How could this happen?"

Ren Tai muttered to himself, his eyes were dull.

Blazing Hao Stone is a very special hard material. Under certain conditions, a flame can be produced, but it is almost impossible to completely melt it.

At that time, the founder of Baiyu College, it was precisely because of the characteristics of the flame Haoshi, that it took great effort to make these nine bronze ancient lamps for testing.

In the history of Baiyu College, there are no shortage of amazing talents, but even so, no one can use the ancient bronze lamps to melt the flames and stones in the lamps.

but now!

Chen Yu did it!

The first of its kind!

"These talents are really ..."

The disciples of the Eighth National Congress looked at each other, and a strong sense of frustration appeared in their hearts.

"Vice President, here, is this lamp still working?"

Guo Tao asked aside.

Gong Liushui shook his head and said, "It will take a year for the flames to condense again after they have melted. In this year, the Trial Hall will not be necessary."

One year!

Everyone froze and looked at the closed door, their faces were strangely strange. This is really going your own way, leaving others with nowhere else to go.

"Look at it, I don't know which palace in the Temple of Trial, which palace can he break into?"

Gong Liushui's face had some expectations. Although listening to Gong Nian's words before, Chen Yu's strength is very strong, but after all, he has not seen it with his own eyes, and some can't believe it. Now with the trial palace, he can just see Chen Yu's true strength.

From the bottom to the top of the Trial Hall, there are nine palaces. Within a house, war puppets that are comparable to its realm will condense against the challengers. The puppet's tricks are exactly the same as those of the challenger, but it does not show the true combat power of the challenger, because even if it is in the same state, its combat power is also strong or weak.

In the first house, there is one, the second house is twice the first house, and the third house is twice the second house. By the time of the ninth house, the horrible 256 war puppets have been reached!

Some people can fight across borders, so even a few puppets are not his opponents.

For example, a challenger with a condensed state may have a real combat power that is far better than other ordinary conquerors with a condensed state. Then he can win more than one battle puppet!

"You say, what house can he break into?"

Yan Bao held his hands on his chest and looked at the Temple of Trial with serious eyes. After what happened just now, he no longer dares to underestimate Chen Yu, even though Chen Yu's realm is not enough now, but the qualification he showed before is really too scary!

"Well, trying the palace is not so easy to break! Qualification does not equal combat power! He just entered school, and many of his skills and techniques are not working. No matter how strong the combat power is, can he be there? Then maybe he will be able to come up in the future, but now? "

Ren Tai shook his head and said, "I don't think he can have any great results! Maybe he can reach half of my grades at that time, hehe."

Several people heard the words and all smiled. Recalling the appearance of Ren Taiqiang at the time when he tried to break through the Temple of Trial. At that time, Ren Tai was defeated in the fifth house! And in the fifth house, he persisted for a long time. Many teachers and elders in the college praised this achievement.

If Chen Yu's score is half that of his, then he should be defeated in the third house. If this is the case, it will be okay to put it in the front, but after all the lights are on, the result will be too low.

Jin Buhuan glanced at the eight major disciples, and he dismissed his lips.

"Eight idiots, my brother Yu will let you know in a moment, what is a dog's eye to see people low!"

"Jin Buchang, you tell me, to what extent is Chen Yu's current strength?"

Yin Shanqing looked at Jin Buhua and asked curiously. Since the two came out of the Funeral Beast Valley, she found that Jin Buhuan had changed. Although Jin Buhuan was arrogant in the past, many people did not dare to mess with him. But now? It seems that there are no people who do not dare to provoke gold in the entire Baiyu College!

She knows that this is naturally due to Chen Yu, but why is this so?

"Hey, Teacher Yin, I can't say it, but I think that this test room, my brother Yu customs clearance, there should be no problem." Jin Buhua sold a pass.


Yin Shanqing was shocked, a pair of beautiful eyes stared at the boss, this kind of words, but not casually! Has Chen Yu's strength reached this stage?

At this moment, Chen Yu has entered the first house.


I only heard a light sound, and the entire first house was as bright as daylight. Chen Yu looked around and saw that there was a football field the size of the first house, but it was extremely simple and nothing.

Opposite him, a green smoke rose, and a figure slowly emerged from the green smoke.

It was exactly the same as Chen Yu.


Chen Yu frowned and laughed.

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