Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1277: Through the 9th and 10th houses, now!

There were nearly 10,000 people in the large square before the trial temple, and the darkness was pressing, but everyone's eyes were now focused on the jade mirror, silent and dead!

Even the sound of breathing can be heard clearly.

Everyone's expressions are similar, with their mouths open, their eyes widened, the same, shocked!

Because on the jade mirror, a series of handwritings emerged again.

"Chen Yu, the second house passed, customs clearance time, 34 seconds, scored 100!"

34 seconds!

One hundred points!

The dazzling light word is like a heavy hammer, which hits everyone's heart fiercely, making them feel that their heartbeat has stopped!

Then, the whole scene suddenly exploded, and a loud clamor broke out, as if in boiling water, the sudden addition of hot oil was extremely fierce.

"I, my Cao! How did he do it! This is too bad, even the second house, so fast?"

"Horrible, this Chen Yu, I didn't expect to hide so deep, but I have such strength? I can break the two houses in less than a minute!"

"I feel that what happened today will be recorded in the history of our college! We will witness a miracle!"

The sound of crazy and fierce discussion rang through the square.

The Bada personally passed on the disciples and looked at each other. From each other's faces, they could all see the deep shock.

"This boy, what a ... pervert!"

Gong Liushui looked at this scene, his expression shook.

Giggle. . .

A weird sound came out of Wei Zishan's throat, and he couldn't even say a complete sentence!

"Wei Zishan, you, did you say that this time, is it because of the use of the hole cards?"

Guo Tao asked aside.

Wei Zishan was shocked, his face became indeterminate, and finally, he gritted his teeth and nodded heavily.

"This boy, I didn't expect to have so many hole cards. Well, it's only two houses. The difficulty in the following houses will increase exponentially. I don't believe that he can pass so quickly! You are optimistic, he is now Exhausted all means, it is impossible to cross the fourth house! "

Wei Zishan justified, but at this moment, an exclamation came again!

"Look, look, Jade Mirror has changed again!"


Wei Zishan's body shook. He turned his head to look at him. If he was struck by lightning, his whole face changed completely.

Above the jade mirror, the light word emerged again.

"Chen Yu, the third house passed, clearance time, 38 seconds, scored 100!"

"No, it's impossible! Even the third house, he passed so fast !!!"

Wei Zishan leaned forward, his hands trembled. If Chen Yu used the hole card for the first and second time, what about this time?

Cards and cards, that is the last method, can be used twice, has been extremely against the sky, three consecutive times? That's kidding!

Even if Wei Zishan despises Chen Yu no matter how much, but also knows that self-deception is useless, and Chen Yu can clear the customs so quickly, by no means relying on a hole card! Instead, his strength is so strong!

"Like the Sannomiya, this, this guy's combat power is so strong?"

Wei Zishan murmured to himself, then suddenly shocked, looking at the name on the Tianwu general list.

"Qin Mo!"

Among the hundred domain colleges, the peerless demon who ranked first in the entire Tianwu overall list, even went to the eighth house, so that everyone in his peers bowed his head and became a legend of the college. Then he left the hundred domains and went to a wider stage.

Is this Chen Yu a character who can be compared with Qin Mo?

Realizing the thought in his heart, Wei Zishan's pupils shrank fiercely, shook his head heavily, and then laughed at himself.

I was really frightened and thought that Chen Yu could be compared with Qin Mo?

This is impossible!

Thinking about this, Wei Zishan looked at Yujing again, and then. . .

He stayed again.

Above the jade mirror, there has been change again.

"Chen Yu, the fourth house passed, clearance time, 48 seconds, scored 100!"

It didn't take long for Yujing to reappear.

"Chen Yu, the fifth house passed, clearance time, 56 seconds, scored 100!"

. . . . . .

In just ten minutes, the light characters on the jade mirror were constantly changing, and the speed was almost overwhelming.

At first, everyone would exclaim, but afterwards, everyone's face became numb.

That's right, it's numb!

This is simply caused by shock too often and too often. At this moment, their brains have unknowingly formed an inertia, that is, Chen Yu must be able to pass through this house, the only difference is the length of time it takes.

At this moment, the handwriting on the jade mirror is stuck in the eighth house!

"Chen Yu, the eighth house passed, clearance time, 2 minutes and 50 seconds, scored 100!"

This line of handwriting has been stopped for three minutes.

In front of Chen Yu, there is only the last house, the ninth house!

Above the square at this moment, there was no hustle or noise. Everyone looked at Yujing and suddenly found that they didn't seem to have any shock. Instead, they were thinking, how long will it take Chen Yu to break through the ninth house!

In this weird atmosphere, suddenly the jade mirror changed again!

"Chen Yu, the ninth house passed, clearance time, 3 minutes and 50 seconds, scored 100!"

At the same time, Chen Yu's name suddenly appeared on the Tianwu list and Tianwu list, ranking first!

Double list first!

No matter in the moment or in history, Chen Yu has stood at the pinnacle!

boom! !! !!

The strange atmosphere just now was instantly broken at this moment, and the whole square suddenly boiled up!

"My Cao! Passed, really passed! Chen Yu, he actually passed the ninth house!"

"A miracle, I saw a miracle!"

"Unbelievable, this is really incredible. From now on, who dares to say that Chen Yu is the king of luck?"

Everyone's faces turned red, and they were extremely excited. Although it wasn't their customs clearance, being able to see this scene with their own eyes was enough to excite them.

"Oh, evil! This kid is really evil! Yin Shanqing really picked up a baby this time!" Many teachers looked at Yin Shanqing with envy in their eyes.

A few people from Rentai glanced at each other, their eyes were shocked, and at the same time, they had a deep sense of frustration.

"It turned out that we were arrogant. Gong Nian chose him, right!"

Ren Tai said frustrated, and others felt the same. In their opinion, Chen Yu is the first person from ancient times to the present. Such a person, even if they are temporarily inferior to them, is not as strong as them, but in the future, they will definitely exceed them!

Wei Zishan stiffened in place, staring at Jade Mirror, his mouth wide open, his mind blank. Several other elders are also difficult to hide.

"When Chen Yu comes out, I don't know what kind of welcome I will face?" Someone said with emotion.

"Well? The Ninth Palace has passed. Why hasn't the Trial Hall opened yet?" At this moment, someone suddenly shouted.


Everyone froze, but at this moment, Jade Mirror changed again, and a line of words appeared.

"Through the 9th house, the 10th house, now!"

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