Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1280: Shock everyone!


A swallowing sound rang out across the square. And this sound is not just one, but appears in pieces!

"Tong, passed! Did he actually pass through the tenth house?"

Gong Liushui looked at the handwriting on the jade mirror, and the whole person was completely stunned.

That's the tenth house! This is the first time since ancient times, it has recorded the imprint of countless passers-by! I want to come in the palace, even if it is Chen Yu and other characters, it is absolutely impossible to pass!

But now, Chen Yu actually passed!

"Sinister! Peerless Sinister!"

Gong Liushui's eyes suddenly burst into a strong light, and suddenly turned his head, staring at Gong Nian, without turning.

"Grandpa, grandpa, you, why are you looking at me like this?"

Gong Nian was shocked and couldn't help but take a step back and looked at his grandpa in amazement.

"Xiao Nian, you must chase Chen Yu! By any means! Give him medicine, take the initiative and be bold!"


Gong Nian's eyes widened, a small mouth of Yin Tao, Zhang's boss, his face was full of wonder.

"The clothes you are wearing are too conservative, so how can Chen Yu like it? There are many restaurants and tea gardens on Baiyuxing. I asked him to go out and play nicely, and occasionally I missed it. One point, look at you. You are so conservative now. How can you attract him? Don't be afraid to drink. Without opportunities, you have to create opportunities! "

Gong Liushui looked at Gong Nian, and said something that hated iron and steel.


Gong Nian was completely stunned. At this moment, she opened her eyes wide and looked at Gong Liushui, her head rumbling.

This is the grandfather who tells himself that there are many bad guys outside, and girls must not drink more?

Is this the grandfather who doesn't fake colors for any boy who is close to himself?

This is still the majestic grandma, must be serious grandpa! !! !!

Why did he say such a thing now? As if in the eyes of Gong Liushui, he is the leftover girl that no one wants.

"Look what, I'm all for your hello! Such a character, it is rare that you have a relationship with him, and you still like him, this time is not up, when do you have to wait? Men like him I do n’t know how many opposite sexes are watching, if you do n’t, you will definitely regret it in the future. "

Gong Liushui bitterly advised.

Gong Nian bit her lower lip, her face flushed.

Grandpa, how can you talk to your granddaughter this way? It's too shameful! It's too shameful!

Gong Nian thought to himself, looking at the Temple of Trial, but he stayed.

Yes! It's because of this man!

All the changes of his grandpa are because of Chen Yu!

An idea came out quickly!

"Yes, up! Miss this village, but there is no such shop!"

"Ah, Gong Nian, you, how did you become so, so bold!"

Gong Nian's face became even more flushed.

The other people in the square knew nothing about Gong Nian's thoughts at the moment. All their attention now focused on the jade mirror. The horror in their hearts had overflowed, completely. Cannot be self-sustaining.

"Gap, this is the gap. Ridiculously we still want to teach him? Now it seems that even if he is not as good as us now, in the future, he will certainly leave us far behind!"

Ren Tai laughed bitterly and shook his head with emotion.

The other seven major personal disciples also booed.

Among the thousand marks, their marks exist! Now one thousand to one, but Chen Yu still broke through, it was equal to that the eight of them and the others were all defeated by Chen Yu.

In the same realm as Chen Yu, they are not Chen Yu's one enemy!

"Although we are all now in a state of indulgence and far better than transcendent realm, but even so, Chen Yu's current combat strength will not be much weaker than us. I am afraid that it will not be long before he will Beyond us. "

Yan Bao glanced at the side of the palace and sighed.

"Gong Nian fancy him, no loss, no loss! I'm hot, defeated and convinced!"

They did not know the true combat power of Chen Yu, nor did they know that the combat power of the thousand imprints in the Temple of Trial had actually reached the stage of condensed spirit, and still thought that this was just extraordinary Battle between the great consummation.

In their opinion, although Chen Yu has great potential and incomparable combat power, he is still not their opponent. At best, he can barely reach the condensed state.

At this moment, the eight elders looked like a ghost, and everyone's eyes were filled with a look of astonishment.

"Unexpectedly, this son turned out to be so bad! Over time, in the future, he will certainly be the pride of the entire Baiyu College!" Said the elder with emotion.

"Yeah, the peers are invincible. This is really the first person from ancient times to the present! It seems that the deputy dean asked him to participate in the Bai Yu Tianjiao battle, not unreasonable."

Hearing the conversation of several people, Wei Zishan's face was extremely gloomy.

"Huh! Even if he goes against the sky again? The battle for hegemony is about to begin. In the battle for hegemony, you don't look at how talented you are, but you look at your true combat power!"

"The thousand imprints in the tenth house are great fulfillment of the transcendental realm, and they are just war fighters, without their own consciousness. As long as they are strong men who condense the divine realm, they are enough to pass within an hour. Chen Yu It took more than two hours. As you can imagine, his highest combat power was just barely enough to reach the condensed state! "

Wei Zishan fiercely waved his sleeves and said, "Although this strength can also participate in the battle for hegemony, but want to achieve good results? Ha ha, it is simply crazy dream!"

Everyone nodded. Wei Zishan also said something reasonable. Although Chen Yu's performance is so shocking, if you think about it carefully, this is nothing more than a battle between transcendental realms.

The shock of everyone at the moment has all weakened a lot.

They didn't know that the tenth house of war puppets was not only conscious, but also cooperative. The skills and techniques of warfare are endless, and they have the advantage of home. It can be said to be extremely terrifying!

Even if eight of them went in, they could not win.

However, although this kind of thing is known to the palace, it is also inferred from the records of ancient books. It can be said that he is the only person in the whole school who knows the horror of the tenth house, and he will not tell other people about these things.

As for Jun stranger and Gu Yan, they looked at each other and bit their cheeks together.


This Chen Yu even passed through the tenth house!

"Damn! Little bastard, why don't you die in it!"

Jun stranger roars in his heart. He knows that after this incident, Chen Yu will become the focus of the whole college. Now that Chen Yu has joined the palace family, they want to deal with Chen Yu in the future. impossible! Incomparable anger in nature.

Jun stranger looked up at the Temple of Trial, and there was blood in his eyes, but the next moment he looked at the door with a frown, his eyebrows wrinkled tightly, and then his eyes almost glared out.

"So, what is that? !!!"

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