At this moment, Chen Yu was no longer in the tenth house. The surrounding scene changed directly, and she was alone in a large, empty hall. The ceiling was tens of meters high.

In the surroundings, ten huge blood-red bronze pillars stood quietly there. Above each pillar, ten thick blood-colored light pillars led directly to the ceiling. On the ceiling, an extremely complicated pattern was constructed, with the pattern as the center and the whole In the hall, all are covered with a layer of blood-colored light film.

And on the ten bronze pillars, there is a strong blood around them. If you look at these blood, you can see that the strong blood is all made of extremely small swords!

"Ten kills? Interesting, really interesting. Presumably, this is what you do, the founder of Baiyu College, Li Tianhong?"

Chen Yu smiled.

50 meters directly opposite him, a blood-red figure appeared there, the sword eyebrows stared, very handsome.

It was only at this moment that he was in a blood robe and had a very strong spirit.

This is the mark left by Li Tianhong, the founder of Baiyu College!

"I didn't expect that among the juniors, someone could start the Ten Kills here? It really shocked me."

At this moment, Li Tianhong spoke slowly, and the sound was unexpectedly clear.

"Junior, what's your name?"

Li Tianhong said.

"Chen Yu." At the moment, Chen Yu said lightly.

Li Tianhong nodded, looking at Chen Yu, with some regrets in his eyes, saying: "The old man set up a ten-killing team. The original intention was to protect the temple, but the ten-killing team was too dangerous. It's abandoned, and left a mark, didn't expect you to appear here? "

"Since you are here, it shows that you have some talents to be able to enter the Temple of Trial Challenge, but what I have left now is just a brand, unable to completely control the ten kills. After a while, the ten kills will attack. , Even if it ’s me, I wo n’t be able to save you. So if you want to survive, stand by my side when I ’m there, and I ’ll try my best to open up a passage for you. Whether you can escape or not depends on your fortune.

I am afraid that the people who started the Ten Killing Faction did not expect that Li Tianhong's imprint was hidden in the Ten Killing Faction!


Chen Yu frowned and shook her head.

"I didn't get the customs rewards, why should I go?"

Just kidding, the reason why he entered the Temple of Trial is not to ask for rewards, to see if he can get the alchemy materials he needs.

If it's gone now, what's the point of his going through the Temple of Trials?


Li Tianhong looked at Chen Yu, frowned fiercely, and was a little angry.

"Well, what time is it, you still remember the so-called reward? Your life is lost! Um? Wait, what did you just say? Clearance? Reward?"

Li Tianhong was still very angry in the last lesson, but the next moment, he was surprised and a little surprised.

The so-called customs clearance rewards can only be obtained after passing the 9th house!

"This kid passed the Jiugong?"

Chen Yu glanced up and down, Li Tianhong looked shocked. As the founder, he knew deeply how difficult it was for Trial Palace to break through the Nine Palace!

He didn't believe it, and then looked at Chen Yu's record of entering the palace. After watching it, Li Tianhong's blood flickered violently.

"you you you!"

Li Tianhong's eyes widened and his eyes were all protruding, looking at Chen Yu, full of horror!

"You, through the tenth house !?"

"Yeah, how else would I say customs clearance? But the tenth house does have some meaning. Even me, it also took a lot of effort. Unlike the previous nine house, it is not challenging at all."

Chen Yu said indifferently.


Li Tianhong shook himself. When he first set up the tenth house, he didn't plan to let people pass, just to let the people who passed the ninth house don't swell.

But now, the tenth house you set up has been passed?

Continuously glancing up and down at Chen Yu, Li Tianhong's eyes were extremely shocked.

how can that be?

Even those Tianjiao of the Central Star Field, I am afraid that can be done, but that's it!

They have 100 domains, but they are only in remote areas. How could there be such a peerless monster?

Rumble. . .

Just when Li Tianhong was shocked, all ten bronze pillars trembled, and the blood on them suddenly surged, gradually condensing into **** swords! The tip of each sword has locked Chen Yu!

"No! The ten kills are about to attack! Hurry up, come to my side, even if the old man fights his own brand, even using the power of the body, he will definitely keep you away!

Li Tianhong shouted, looking extremely anxious. Such a arrogance, he would never watch and die in this ten kills.

"I said, I won't go until I get the reward."

Chen Yu is still indifferent. At the same time, his fingers ticked slightly, and a golden sword breath penetrated directly into the ground, while at the same time his feet slightly backed away, and he lowered it gently. A slight ripple spread and was very unobtrusive.

"Moreover, these ten kills are nothing extraordinary."

"You! Why are you so stubborn? After going out, you have a lot of opportunities to get good things!"

"These ten killings are based on the eight door armors, and they are a combination of savages, violence, death, destruction, sacrifice, evil, and evil. They are pure killings! If you do n’t leave, it ’s true. I'm going to die here! "

Li Tianhong persuaded quickly, but Chen Yu just smiled, completely unmoved.


At this moment, in the heavy muffled sound, the **** sword gas suddenly surged on the ten bronze pillars, and then the whole hall was covered with **** swords everywhere, densely suspended in the surrounding space. Go, there are millions of them!

And without exception, all the swords pointed at Chen Yu. After a short silence, all the swords suddenly launched! Shot towards Chen Yu!

Throughout the hall, there were snoring chimes.

"not good!!!"

Li Tianhong was shocked and wanted to help Chen Yu, but he was just a brand and could not move. If Chen Yu was next to him, he could use all his strength to protect Chen Yu. But now, he can only look at Chen Yu, being killed here by these ten thousand **** swords!

For a moment, Li Tianhong's face appeared desperate, closed his eyes and shook his head, afraid to look at the next scene.

But the next moment, he frowned. The whistling sound just disappeared at this moment?

Opening his eyes slowly and looking, Li Tianhong's expression suddenly shocked, his lips narrowed, and his eyes were about to stare out.

Two words, spit out from his mouth hard.


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