Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1293: Tianjiao is shocked!

"Haha, you smashed your own sculpture? Are you afraid that you have lost your heart, and you said such silly things?"

Song Ting smiled, stood on the high platform, looked down at Chen Yu coldly, and looked extremely contemptuous.

Liu Bei, Feng Sudong, and the three lights all laughed and shook their heads gently. There was just a little bit of a nuisance. What qualifications do they have to enter their horizons?

"Rentai, didn't expect your Baiyu College to have fallen to such a point? It's so pitiful."

San Deng looks like compassion.

"Don't come up. In this way, the final dignity of Baiyu College can still be preserved, otherwise ... hehe ..."

Everyone laughed, with a playful smile on their faces.

"Idiot." Chen Yu glanced at the three lights, her eyelids drooped, stepped out, and when she reappeared, she was already standing on the high platform.

"Do you really want to challenge?"

Luo Hongfeng looked at Chen Yu with a frown, and her voice was slightly cold. After all, in his eyes, such a person as Chen Yu was really not on the stage, and he should shrink into the corner. Now he took the initiative to jump out, and it was too arrogant.

"If that's the case, let's get started, but I can remind you that although Baiyu College is now lonely, it is one of the five forces, after all, you must be clear and don't throw your own face on the ground.

"Without your reminder, I naturally know."

Perceiving the discomfort in Luo Hongfeng's tone, Chen Yu responded lightly.

Luo Hongfeng's face turned cold, and she snorted coldly, and stopped talking. I just watched indifferently and wanted to see what step Chen Yu could do.

The others sneered, waiting to see Chen Yu's joke.

Chen Yu looked at Mo Yuanshi in front of him, and had a plan in his heart, a face appeared in his mind.

At this time, Chen Yu moved!


Spreading out the palm, a golden light cluster suddenly appeared in the palm of the palm, which was full of heavy sword energy.

"go with!"

After a drink, the light burst suddenly, a blast of sword gas, a whistling sound, straight to Mo Yuanshi!

Bang bang bang. . .

The continuous crackling sound suddenly rang, and you saw the debris of stone skin flying out from Mo Yuanshi.

"I, slum, him, what is he doing? How could it be successful to sculpt this way?"

Someone widened their eyes and looked at the scene utterly puzzled. Chen Yu's speed is indeed very fast, but there is a fatal problem, which is that the accuracy is not enough. After all, with so much sword energy, it is not easy to control it. What's more, this acts on Mo Yuanshi!

Mo Yuanshi's enlargement or reduction of Zhenli has no regularity at all. How can it be possible to sculpt something good with so much sword energy?

"Hey, sure enough, this superfluous is not enough. Thanks to what I just said, I thought he had some real skills and dared to rush up. I didn't expect it to be a wine sack!

"Well, does he think he is those of Song Ting? Casually, he can succeed? The reason why people are so relaxed is because they have strong strength as a foundation, what does he have? Really an idiot!"

嗤 Laughter, kept ringing, Ren Tai and others' faces turned red, but there was no way. Even in their opinion, what Chen Yu is doing is too casual.

Mo Yuanshi was dancing wildly under the sword, but there was not even a little sculpture on the whole Mo Yuanshi, and no one knew what Chen Yu was carving.

In their eyes, Chen Yu has completely failed!

"Oh, I thought you might be the king, but did not expect that you, even scrap iron."

Liu Bei shook his head and smiled, extremely contemptuous.

"Hey, letting these characters compete with me is really an insult to me." Feng Sudong said.

"Bai Yu College, superfluous? Hehe ..." San Deng smiled faintly, not even the thought of looking at Chen Yu.

Song Ting snorted from his nose.

"How dare you come here to be embarrassed? Aunt, although time is not up, but I think we should be able to announce the results."

Song Ting looked at Luo Hongfeng and smiled confidently.

But the next moment, she froze. When I saw my aunt, she frowned at the moment, staring at Chen Yu with her eyes locked, her gaze turned, and in her face, there was a hint of doubt and shock?

"Aunt, what are you doing?"

Luo Hongfeng ignored Chen Yu, and still looked at Chen Yu lightly, her face horrified, more and more intense!

"Huh? No! Look, what's wrong with Mo Yuanshi in front of that guy?"

At this moment, someone suddenly yelled and made everyone stunned.

When you look up, you see the countless thick sword spirits, which are constantly flying around Mo Yuanshi. As the stone skin falls off, Mo Yuanshi gradually shows its outline!

A figure!

"His! He, is he carving a portrait?"

Someone shook their pupils and said in shock.

Among the sculptures, if it is difficult, the sculpture portrait is definitely the first!

Because between heaven and earth, people are the most complicated! Portraits are easy to draw and people's hearts are hard to see. Even a small line on the face may make the sculpture completely different.

So from now until now, no one has chosen to sculpt portraits, because sculpted portraits need to control their true power, which has reached a metamorphosis!

However, Chen Yu chose to sculpt a portrait!

Not to mention, he actually controls so many true powers at the same time!

"This, how is this possible?"

Several people in Song Ting apparently noticed that they were not ordinary. They all looked at Chen Yu with a deep shock in their eyes.

I thought that Chen Yu had already arrogantly abandoned himself, and this was just a mess, but he did not expect that he was really doing carving?

"He, how could he possibly control so much sword air?"

Looking at the sword qi flying around Mo Yuanshi, Liu Bei, Feng Sudong, and San Deng looked at each other, and there was no proud look on their faces anymore, only the deep shock!

That ’s when carving on Mo Yuanshi. Even if you only control it, you need a strong control force, not to mention so much sword energy!

And Ren Tai and others all opened their mouths and looked at the high platform, and then, everyone's face appeared a thick ecstasy!

"If he really succeeds ..."

San Deng swallowed and did not finish, but the faces of several people were extremely dignified.

If it is successful, then there is no doubt that Chen Yu will become, without dispute, the first place!

"No! Impossible! He can never succeed !!!"

Song Ting shouted, she could not accept it, Chen Yu became the first and snatched her reward!

At this moment, on the high platform, the sky's sword air suddenly closed, and Chen Yu's sculpture was completed!

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