Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1295: Blatant shady!

"Haha, I say Chen Yu! What, Song Ting !!!"

Yan Bao's face rose with a smile, but the next moment, he changed instantly, widened his eyes, and yelled.

"How could it be Song Ting? Why is he ?!"

The flames shouted incredulously.

Everyone was stunned, and immediately clamored.

"I'm going. Is there anything wrong with this, shouldn't the final winner be Chen Yu? How could it be Song Ting?"

"Yeah, it was obviously Chen Yu's sculpture just now, even more so, but why would it be that Song Ting won the first place? Is it because he is Luo Hongfeng's niece ?!

"Unfair, this is really unfair!"

Song Ting's face changed greatly, with excitement and anxiety. Although she was declared the first place, it is now clearly angered, and even if she has won the first place, it is difficult to convince the public.

"Elder Luo, I need you to explain this matter! Everyone just saw it. Chen Yu's work is clearly overwhelming. Why did you declare that Song Ting was the first? Is it because of Song? Ting, is your relative niece? You are too unfair, right? "

Ren Tai forced to look at Luo Hongfeng, his eyes were gloomy.

"Give me an explanation, otherwise ...

Chen Yu stood aside, looked at Luo Hongfeng with interest, and wanted to see, this explanation of Luo Hongfeng.

The hustle and bustle began to stand, and Luo Hongfeng stood there, watching the crowd, and faintly said, "Quiet!"

The invisible sound waves spread quickly, making everyone's hearts jump, and they immediately calmed down.

Luo Hongfeng nodded and said, "Do you think Chen Yu is the first?"

"That's right! It was Chen Yu first, why, but it became Song Ting?"

"Let me tell you why!"

Luo Hongfeng said lightly, holding out a finger.

"First! Concept! What Song Ting just sculpted is a sword mountain, which proves that there is endless spirit in his heart. In the practice, he needs such bravery and advancement to be indomitable and make new progress. And this, It is also the reason why Song Ting was able to become the master of Tiannian Sword Palace and create his own Wan Fei Fei Huang Sword! "

"But Chen Yu? I have to say that his carving is indeed a masterpiece, but his idea is much lower. If I haven't guessed wrong, this woman should be your sweetheart. Here you are carving like this Works are enough to show that in your heart, only the children's personal feelings are involved. This is a taboo in spiritual practice! "

Luo Hongfeng said lightly.

"Second, the method! Song Ting just used Wan Yu Fei Huang Sword as the control method, and the spirit is unparalleled. But Chen Yu's method, although gorgeous, is a little too deliberate, but it is inferior."

"Third, time! The time it took Song Ting just now was 48 minutes, while the time spent by Chen Yu was 58 minutes. In the middle, there was a 10 minute difference. In terms of efficiency, it was Song Ting's advantage. "

"In this demonstration of martial arts, you all thought that the final sculpture would determine the result. In fact, it is a comprehensive consideration from many aspects. Whether it is intention, technique, time, etc., are all among the considerations. Factors. So after comprehensive consideration, I decided that the first place is Song Ting! This is not because she is my niece, but from a fair and just perspective. "

Luo Hongfeng said calmly.

Everyone's complexion became very complicated.

Although Luo Hongfeng was righteous, why did they have a feeling that this is clearly a strong word?

A few people in Taiwan were shaking with anger.


This is completely fallacy!

What tests and ideas, if so, why did Luo Hongfeng not even mention it at the beginning, but now, after all the works have come out, she said such a thing?

This clearly shows that Luo Hongfeng deliberately did it, but they just couldn't say anything. Everyone's face became ugly now.

"Haha, I didn't expect it. Chen Yu, you just operated like a tiger, but now it ends up like this?"

Liu Bei smiled.

"Oh, yeah, Chen Yu, I have to say that your performance just now is indeed amazing enough. Unfortunately, the final result is not very good."

Feng Sudong also had a smile on his face.

Each of the three lamps has a low eyebrow, and there is a touch of irony in the corner of the mouth.

"This is the life of Bai Yu College, redundant, always redundant."

Song Ting looked at her aunt, with a touch of complexity in her eyes.

How he didn't know, all that Luo Hongfeng said was just trying to make sense for her.

But at the same time, she was also extremely excited. I thought that I had failed completely this time, but I didn't expect that the peaks and turns would be my first priority!

"Oh, Chen Yu, the first is mine, you can't take it!"

"You say, my ideas, methods, etc. are not as good as Song Ting?" Chen Yu sneered.


Luo Hongfeng said lightly.

"That being the case, how about you?"

Chen Yu replied.

One-handed wave, and then a golden light banged on another Mo Yuan stone.


A loud noise was heard, and Mo Yuanshi exploded and the broken stones were flying.

Everyone froze and didn't understand what Chen Yu was doing. After returning to my mind, my pupils suddenly shrank fiercely, and I took a breath.

"This, what is this !!!"

Mo Yuanshi, which was just smashed by Chen Yu, turned into a throne directly at this moment. On the back, a series of sharp swords went straight to the sky, forming a heavy sword flower.

Domineering, arrogant, supreme!

Everyone looked at this throne, all opened their mouths, and suddenly felt the worship of worship.

"This! This throne!"

Song Ting several people were all stunned. How long did it take Chen Yu to make this throne? I'm afraid it takes less than a minute. Just now, Chen Yu, didn't you use all your energy?

What's more shocking to them is the throne made by Chen Yu, even if only one glance can see the supremacy of it!

This kind of boldness is beyond everyone's imagination. Ordinary people, even the dean of Baiyu College, I am afraid that they are not so bold.

He is just a nuisance, why is there such a spirit? With such a spirit, how could it be just a burden?

"How about this now?"

Chen Yu looked at Luo Hongfeng and sneered.

Luo Hongfeng was startled and looked at Chen Yu with a complex look.

too strong!

This manipulation is really terrible! Others didn't see it just now, but he knew very well that Chen Yu's hit was directly to the elephant Xiyin, which became invisible. Song Ting them, the single round's control of Zhenli has worsened Chen Yu!

But I am the judge!

"No matter how good it is? You just took a chance just now, this time, the result is not counted! The first is still Song Ting!"

Luo Hongfeng said.

The crowd was uproaring and scolded for injustice. Ren Tai and others were full of indignation, Song Ting and others breathed a long breath and relaxed their hearts.

As a result, nothing can be changed!

Chen Yu glanced at Luo Hongfeng and said lightly.

"Do you believe it, you won't get all the rewards?"

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