Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1299: Extremely fierce!

I don't forgive!

When these four words came out, the whole scene died instantly.

Sun Wuya looked at Chen Yu with a lot of surprises. After he wanted to come, Luo Hongfeng bowed his head to admit his mistake, and Chen Yu forgave it, even if this matter passed. But never expected that in front of so many people, Chen Yu directly refused!

"Chen Yu, in this case, Luo Hongfeng will not come to Taiwan. She, after all, is one of the four elders of my alchemy association."

Sun Wuya whispered.

"so what?"

Chen Yu glanced at Sun Wuya, looking indifferent.

"If he doesn't come to the stage, it's his fault. I have no obligation to give her face."

The words were clear and everyone around them heard them.

Luo Hongfeng's complexion turned red instantly, her fists clenched and she was full of dissatisfaction.

"I don't know, what will the Vice President do to me?" Luo Hongfeng stared at Chen Yu, her chest undulating.

"Deprive you of your qualifications at the Alchemist Association and get out of the Alchemist Association."

Chen Yu said calmly.


In Luo Hongfeng's eyes, there was an instant bloodshot!

"Chen Yu, how dare you !!!"

Hearing Luo Hongfeng's scream, the corner of Chen Yu's mouth slightly raised.

"Why am I afraid? President Sun, me, do you have this right?"


Sun Wuya glanced at Luo Hongfeng and said: "The elders of the Baiyu Alchemy Association, if you want to be expelled from the association, the chairman and deputy chairman must agree with each other.

"Oh, Chen Yu, haven't you heard? You want to chase me out? It may not be that easy."

A smile appeared on Luo Hongfeng's face, full of pride.

Everyone shook their heads and lamented that Chen Yu was still too young. Whatever Luo Hongfeng said, she was also the elder of the association! How could it be easily expelled?

If Chen Yu had accepted Luo Hongfeng's apology just now, at least, he still had a step, but now he kicked off his step by himself.

Just thinking, Sun Wuya's voice came out again.

"However, despite the regulations, if Chen Yu decides what you want to do, I am 100% supportive."


The whole scene was instantly silent, everyone looked at Sun Wuya in shock, and there was a strong shock in his eyes.

Especially those big guys, they are even more diligent and think of a lot.

Sun Wuya, so unconditionally support Chen Yu? !! What an incredible thing!

"What kind of skill, this boy, actually made Sun Wuya say this in front of so many people?"

Doubts came to everyone's mind.

"Yes, President, you, what do you say?"

Luo Hongfeng stammered and stared at him.

"I mean, everything, listen to Chen Yu!"


Sun Wuya's words came out. Luo Hongfeng took three steps back. The whole person's face was as pale as paper and there was no blood color anymore.

"Now you say it's not easy?"

Looking down at Luo Hongfeng, Chen Yu sarcastically said.

"Since today, Luo Hongfeng is no longer a member of the Baiyu Alchemist Association! All her honors have been taken away!"

In a word, everyone was shocked. Looking at Luo Hongfeng's eyes, he was full of sympathy.

What a humiliation to be expelled from the Association in front of so many forces!

Not only that, in addition to humiliation, this kind of thing has a fatal impact on Luo Hongfeng.

Those expelled by the president personally will not be able to enter the alchemy associations at all levels unless the president of the association at the next higher level speaks in person.

At the same time, after Luo Hongfeng was expelled, all the resources, connections, and status of the association will completely disappear and they can no longer be used!

Even if her alchemy is unparalleled, but there is an association, who will go to her and offend the alchemy association in vain?

Therefore, Chen Yu's attack was a killer, and one step almost broke Luo Hongfeng's path!

Many big men stared at each other, glanced at each other, and nodded secretly.

This Chen Yu, although not very old, but the means are really amazing! Such a master who must report, it seems that in the future, this person must not be provoked!

Many big brothers have raised such thoughts.

Luo Hongfeng stood there in despair, completely devoid of energy and spirit. Chen Yu just glanced away and stopped paying attention and turned to look at Song Ting.

"What happened just now can be calculated."


Song Ting's four took a step back, and looked at their elders with some entreaty.

"Oh, Mr. Chen, they are just children and they don't make sense. If it makes you angry, we are here to take them with you, isn't it good?"

Zhou Hong walked to Chen Yu and smiled.

"Yes, Mr. Chen is the deputy vice president. If you want to come, you won't care about these children."

Liu Yao also smiled.


Chen Yu smiled and said, "If they confess their mistakes to me, I won't care."


In a word, Zhou Hong's face changed instantly, his smile disappeared, and he quickly gloomed.

"Mr. Chen, I advise you to take it as soon as you see it. Otherwise, you are the ugly one."

Zhou Hong said coldly.

"Our four strengths also hope to maintain a good relationship with the Alchemist Association."

A word of export, the meaning of which is already self-evident!

"You threaten me?" Chen Yu frowned.

Zhou Hong smiled gently and said, "I can't talk about threats, just to remind Mr. Chen. After all, Mr. Chen is still young and not experienced enough. As an elder, I am also afraid of Mr. Chen and go the wrong way."

At this moment, Liu Yao and the other two also came to Zhou Hong's side, didn't speak, but just looked at Chen Yu's eyes, and all laughed.

There was a contempt in the smile.

"His! The four forces join forces! Now, I'm afraid Chen Yu is going to eat!"

Someone shrinks their eyes and says in horror.

Four forces! Any single one pulled out is a shocking existence, not to mention, now the four are gathered together.

Even the Baiyu Alchemist Association cannot ignore his influence!

Sun Wuya shook his head, never expecting that things would go this far. However, he did not intend to stop at all, but left Chen Yu to make a decision.

Because, in his eyes, the value of Chen Yu is higher than the four forces! On that day, after watching Chen Yu's video, he knew that Chen Yu was a figure who could lead the Baiyu Alchemy Association to a brilliant future!

Even if it is for Chen Yu, offending the four forces, it is worth it!

And Ren Tai and others, looking at the picture in front of them, swallowed drooling.

This is simply a fairy fight, they can only look up!

"Mistaken? Oh, if that's the case, I'll make another mistake and show you."

Chen Yu smiled lightly, which suddenly made Zhou Hong's heart jump with some bad feelings.

"From today, my Baiyu Alchemy Association has stopped cooperating with the four forces! The pill that has been promised this time has no share of the four forces! And in the future, all alchemists in the association are not allowed to be Great forces are refining elixir! "

In a word, Zhou Hong was four and completely stayed! !! !!

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