Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1301: uninvited guest

"This, this, this !!!"

Zhou Hong was all stunned. She was so proud that she disappeared without a trace, only with a look of horror on her face.

She envisioned how Chen Yu would do it, but never expected that Chen Yu would break their alliance in such a rude and simple way!

Even the dozens of big brothers who had just stood next to them, even turned away from themselves secretly, stood aside, looking at the mountain elixir, their eyes were full of greed!

Wealth is moving!

And Chen Yu took out the chips, no one can refuse!

Ten elixirs of five grades and nine patterns are almost like blockbusters. They calmly calm down all the gangsters, and all of them are smashed!

Fuck calmly and calmly, under such conditions, there is no big man, can still leave it alone!

What's more important is that Chen Yu can come up with so much elixir. In the future, the position of chairman of the Baiyu Alchemy Association will not be nailed down. And now, Sun Wuya obeys Chen Yu's words. Sun Youwei even recognizes Chen Yu as his elder brother. Chen Yu will be a potential stock no matter now or in the future!

"This guy!"

Sun Wuya looked at Chen Yu's actions, shook his head helplessly, at the same time, his heart was bursting with wonder.

It's too rough! It's too rough! Just now he was still worried about how Chen Yu was going to deal with the crisis at hand, but he did not expect that Chen Yu took the elixir directly, and he was in a good situation!

Only he can do this. It is not possible to do this step with another person.

As Sun Wuya thought, the elixir of five grades and nine patterns is a treasure in the eyes of others, but who is Chen Yu?

In his vision, there is no difference between the elixir of Wupinjiu and the ordinary Bingliang pills! It's like money. In the eyes of ordinary people, one million is already a huge sum, but in the eyes of people like Dad Ma, it feels like a dollar or two.

Ren Tai and others were completely stunned.

"Hey, this, is this fake? I Cao, this **** is too scary," Yan Bao stared with wide eyes and couldn't help shaking.

"I can't believe my eyes, but it happened in front of us! Wupinjiuwen medicine can be used to smash people, I am afraid that Chen Yu is also the first in Baiyu Someone! "

Ren Tai's look was extremely complicated.

The emotions of shock, surprise, envy, etc., were constantly interwoven in his heart, sweeping his eyes, and Ren Tai sighed deeply.

Gong Nian, only this kind of man will make you so obsessed.

indeed so!

At this moment, Gong Nian, looking at Chen Yu's back, had a strong look of admiration in her eyes.

Pride! Domineering! Refreshed!

At this moment, Chen Yu is standing in the middle of 10,000 people, bearing the eyes of 10,000 people, so heroic, so proud!

Everyone, whether those Tianjiao or their elders, looked at Chen Yu's eyes, they can see a clear look of please!

"Oh, Mr. Chen's atmosphere! Rest assured, we will never be against Mr. Chen!"

"Yes, Mr. Chen is so talented. Don't get me wrong. We all attach great importance to friendship with the Alchemist Association. Whoever dares to oppose Mr. Chen is just like waiting for me!"

"Nice! Mr. Chen, we are always on your side at any time. I hope that we can deepen our cooperation in the future."

. . . . . .

Many gangsters spoke in unison, and quickly divided up all the elixir. Just now it was like the elixir of the hill, and there were not many at this moment. And when they looked at Chen Yu's eyes, they were full of flattery, they looked anxious to confess Chen Yu.

In this regard, Chen Yu only nodded slightly, looked at the four Zhou Hong again, the corners of his lips were slightly raised.

"Now do you want me to bow my head?"

Pedal Pedal!

Zhou Hong stepped back three times, her face was extremely strange.

Looking down? Now, what qualifications does she have for Chen Yu to bow her head? Just now, beside myself, there were more than a dozen big brothers gathered, and there were still people who wanted to come over, but now it was done by Chen Yu, and everyone immediately left! There were only four of them, standing there alone!

"Now, I say sever cooperation with the four of them. What do you think?"

Chen Yu looked at Zhou Hong and smiled.

The crowd startled, then all bowed their heads.

"I wait, respect Mr. Chen's decision!"

The sound was rumbling, making the faces of Zhou Hong's four faces even more ugly! And Song Ting and others have pale faces.

Cut off cooperation!

This means that in the future, they will not get any help from the Alchemist Association!

Elixir is so important in the practice world! Even if the major forces have alchemists in their own homes, compared with the alchemist association, no matter the grade and quality of the elixir, they are not the same!

All the alchemist associations are proud to join the alchemist association, and among the 100 domains, the circulation of all high-end elixir is also controlled in the alchemist association!

What's more, now in the alchemy association, there are also geeks like Chen Yu. The elixir of five grades and nine patterns is just like a sugar pill. It is full of fatal attraction for all alchemists force!

It can be imagined that the status of the Baiyu Alchemy Association will be higher in the future, and countless big brothers will take the initiative to become friends with Chen Yu! After all, the help that such an evil alchemist can provide is really too great!

And without the support of high-level elixir, the practice of all the four forces will have great problems! At the same time, other forces may be supported by the alchemy of the Alchemy Association! Moreover, it is supported by excellent quality elixir!

Perhaps after another ten years, the four major forces may be replaced! Other forces have the opportunity to overtake the curve!

At this point, the hearts of many big brothers are all hot.

Zhou Hong also considered this kind of problem. Chen Yu's life was to break their way!

"Chen, Mr. Chen, don't you, you have to break the net?"

Zhou Hong said with astringent voice, suddenly raised a deep regret, why should she oppose Chen Yu? Song Ting and others have extremely strange complexions. How can they think that this matter will turn into this situation?

"The dead net is broken? Oh, do you think that you, dead fish, can break the net?"

Chen Yu smiled indifferently.

His look was scornful.

The scene freezes instantly!

Rumble. . . . . .

At this moment, a huge noise suddenly passed over. Everyone looked up, looked up, and saw in the sky, suddenly a huge star boat floating above everyone's head, casting a large shadow. .

When Chen Yu saw a word above Xingzhou, she immediately raised her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes.

Turned out to be them?

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