Chen Yu stood on the star boat and looked at Xinghe through the 360-degree transparent material, feeling excited.

When he was reborn, he was a little skeptical. Why I was born again, why many things have changed since I was born again. Including things like resuscitation on Earth.

Moreover, in the later period, he even discovered the relics of ancient practice on the earth.

All of this is a vague indication of the extraordinaryness of the earth!

However, even so, Chen Yu was still very skeptical. Because the earth relics discovered before are really not high-level, there is no such thing as gods in myths and legends.

And Aojia, just here on earth, found a book of exercises, and became the first family of Baiyu! This shows that there are still no big secrets found on earth!

And this secret may have something to do with his rebirth!

Now the battle for hegemony is located here, it is an excellent opportunity! Go and unlock this misty opportunity!

How does this make Chen Yu not excited?

"Chen Yu, what's wrong with you?"

Gong Nian walked to Chen Yu's side, staring at Chen Yu with big eyes, with a slight surprise. Chen Yu has always been light and light, but why is this time so excited?

"It's nothing."

Chen Yu shook her head and looked at the flowing water to the palace.

"Rentai, they have arrived."

Gong Liushui nodded, they had arrived three days ago. It was weird there, all the signals could not be transmitted, and there seemed to be some kind of power interference.

Chen Yu's eyes narrowed and there was some conjecture in her heart.

Sure enough, the current solar system is not ordinary.

In this battle for hegemony, Ren Tai did not set off with Chen Yu, and this was also a requirement of the palace.

Gong Liushui knows the proud pride very well, this is an extremely proud character. This time he said that he would kill Chen Yu, then he would definitely launch an operation against Chen Yu.

Ren Tai and others would definitely be implicated if they were with Chen Yu. But acting separately, Ao Zongxiao would only think that Ren Tai and others were afraid. Even within Baiyu College, they were alienated from Chen Yu. In this way, they would definitely not act against Ren Tai. And this is also their protection to Rentai.

As for Gong Nian, he had already offended Pride, but it was safest to stay by Chen Yu.

"Hey, these boys, who don't know your true strength yet, are clamoring to be with you and can protect you."

After hearing this, Chen Yu smiled. Even if you really tell Rentai them, I'm afraid they won't believe it?

After thinking about it, Chen Yu and others went through another day's journey, and then they got into the solar system!

Once here, Chen Yu was completely stunned.

"How could this be!"

Chen Yu shouted, her voice was full of shock.

The solar system in front of him at this moment had completely changed, and even he wondered if he had gone the wrong way!

There are nine planets in the solar system, which everyone knows, but now, all the planets have completely disappeared!

There is only one vast continent, quietly suspended in the stars! Above the continent, a layer of film, if any, covers it, like a soap bubble, wrapping the entire continent.

The sun and moon are all gone, but the entire continent can feel the light!

"Why is this? Why is this?"

Chen Yu's pupils shook, making them extremely shocked.

I left the earth myself, but for a few years, I did not expect that the entire solar system has undergone such a great change!

This is really incredible!

"His! This is the solar system? This is the master who stayed in the formation, it was so horrible! I am afraid that no one in the hundred domains can arrange such a formation. I really do n’t know how such a place was in the past. Will it remain silent? "

Gong Liushui exclaimed.

Gong Nian also covered her mouth, which is hard to imagine.

Chen Yu was shocked.

Formation method!

That's right, this is the formation!

Because he was too shocked just now, he didn't take a closer look, but now if he looks closely, he immediately discovers the fact that shocked him.

This formation method can only be arranged by a character of heavenly respect. Even if it is the last self, it is not an easy task to arrange such formation method!

And the breath emanating from the formation method can obviously feel a simple and desolate feeling. This shows that the time of this formation is extremely long!

Who the **** is it? Can gather nine stars, integrate the sun and train the moon, and even lay down a defensive cover. He has already looked at that layer of protective cover. I am afraid that it is impossible to enter the level above the level of consummation. Even if it is Tianzun, it is not easy to break in forcibly!

Who on earth is so painstaking? What is the relationship between him and the earth?

Chen Yu stared at the formation, shaking his eyes endlessly. In my heart, the stormy sea was set off!

The earth is so amazing. Why did there not be any sign in the last life? Even after he returned to Earth, he never found anything special?

Could it be said that this large array had existed before it was reborn, but it has never been activated. It was only after it was reborn that this touched it and caused it to start?

Isn't it a coincidence that he was born again? Is it a certain necessity?

Does the decorator of this large array know themselves?

Could it be that the flag on the chess board is being manipulated by anyone?

The fog, one by one, keeps going!

Chen Yu shook her head fiercely and stopped thinking about these things. Instead, he looked at this continent with fixed eyes.

The most important thing now is to enter this continent and take a good look at what the earth has become after the fusion. How are your parents and friends now.

"Chen Yu, what's wrong with you? Why are you so shocked?"

Gong Liushui asked in wonder.

"Stop here, I'm going to see now!"

Without saying much, Chen Yu and Gong Nian stepped out and flew directly to this mysterious continent!

As Chen Yu expected, this layer of defensive light film did not stop Chen Yu and Gong Nian. They went smoothly and the two came to the mainland.

The continent is very large, but it is nothing compared to the size of the previous solar system. Really speaking, it is roughly equivalent to the area of ​​100,000 Earths.

Even so, this is a huge area. Before Yu Yu landed, she was already searching for the area where the earth was. Simply, his matrix method was modified enough to roughly determine the location of the earth after the fusion of the nine stars.

So after landing, it is not too far away from where the earth was before.

Chen Yu was standing on the mainland, looking at the surrounding environment, and her pupils suddenly shrank, which was very unexpected.

"Suddenly, you see this kind of thing here?"

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