Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1309: Drag racing? This speed is too slow!

One country!

Dragon Country!

Chen Yu's pupils shrank fiercely, and her heart shook.

"Don't you know? After the fusion of the solar system, there will be only one country on earth, that is, the Dragon Kingdom dominated by our Huaxia ethnic group! Many of the previous countries have become a province.

It turned out to be like this!

At the introduction of Guan Le'er, Chen Yu's pupils vibrated slightly. The changes in the past few years are really too great!

"Chen Yu, is this your hometown?"

Gong Nian preached aside.

"That's right! Here is my hometown, and Chen Wudi in their mouth is me."

Chen Yu echoed.

Gong Nian shook her heart fiercely, looking at Chen Yu's eyes full of incredible.

She can feel that even if the aura has been revived here, but the aura between heaven and earth is far less powerful than Bai Yuxing, and even among the Bai Yu, as long as the planet of civilization is slightly cultivated, the cultivation environment above it is Much stronger than here.

Of course, in the following days, the cultivation environment here will become better and better, but in the past, it was a deadly cultivation star!

It is precisely in this environment, but the birth of such a terrible and evil genius like Chen Yu is simply incredible.

The more so, the more worship Gong Nian worshiped Chen Yu. Looking at Chen Yu's eyes, she became more and more admired.

At the same time, she also wanted to laugh a little, and never imagined that, like Chen Yu, who stood at the apex of the earth and returned to the earth would be considered a mimic?

"It seems that you have a lot of admirers." Gong Nian's eyes smiled and became a crescent, preaching.

Chen Yu shook her head helplessly and was speechless.

"Is this Zhenli car only made in the past two years?" Chen Yu asked.

"I'm going, are you a savage, don't you even know that?"

Guan Leer exaggeratedly looked at Chen Yu and rolled his eyes.

"This is the technology discovered by Xiancao Group after excavating a large relic. This car is very valuable. My model is mid-range, it costs more than 20 million, and the conversion rate of Zenith is as high as 100%. 32! Fast! "

Then, in the eyes of Guan Le'er, a look of longing emerged.

"If I have the chance, I must buy the latest high-end car, Ling Ying! The conversion rate of that car's Zenith is as high as 45 percent, which is much faster than this!"

"So garbage?" Chen Yu couldn't help but start, a little surprised.

In the past, the Zeni cars he contacted had a conversion rate of more than 90%, but he did not expect that the conversion rate of this car was only 32%.

"Garbage? You, do you know, what are you talking about ?! You do n’t speak without knowledge, you bun!"

Guan Leer was instantly angry, this car is fate to her! Otherwise, she would not drive here, and two people, Lu Dong and Meng Qin, ran here to drag the car.

But now, his car is so despised? Make her hard to accept.

"Hehe, Leer, what does he know? When I look at him, I've probably never made this car. Don't bother him, just go back. How about we drag the car now? Let him see, the garbage in his mouth What does it look like! "

At this moment, Lu Dong's voice came from the car.

The three of them had real-time voice in their cars, and what happened here could be heard from each other.

When Chen Yu asked a question just now, Lu Dong and Meng Qin couldn't help laughing. Being able to ask such a question is definitely a guy without knowledge. Being able to get in this car is already convinced by Tianda, dare to comment on the car? It's ridiculous!

"it is good!"

When hearing the words of Lu Dong, Guan Le'er looked shocked and full of excitement.

What she likes most is drag racing.

"You have to be optimistic about this car, but it can reach a maximum speed of 1000 kilometers per hour. Don't be scared to pee when you wait."

Guan Leer raised an eyebrow and smiled proudly.

Since the Great Fusion, the place where humans have lived has been in only a very small part of this continent, but even so, it is still a hundred times more than before. If you put it in the past at such a speed, it would be horrible. It will take almost no time to cross the entire country of China, but now? It's not enough!

"It's okay, you can drive," Chen Yu said lightly.

This speed is really not fast in his eyes.

"Cut, I'd like to see, when can you put it on?"

Seeing Chen Yu's appearance, Guan Le wasn't mad at one place. Do you imitate Chen Wudi? Why, do you really think you are Chen Wudi?

I must scare you!

With a mischievous mind, Guan Leer patted a ball on the car with one palm, and the real power in his body rushed into it frantically without any reservation at all!

boom! boom!

I felt the car was a meal, the four exhausts at the back spit out a twisted blue air stream, and ran out crazy!

"Howling! Drag racing begins!"

Lu Dong and Meng Qin groaned, and at the same time input their true power, the car rushed out like an arrow off the string!

Where they are now, there are more than 3,000 kilometers from the nearest city, not too far, not too close.

Even at full speed, it takes three hours.

But in reality, this is simply not possible. Being able to hold at full speed for half an hour is not easy for them. Because their cultivation is only a small birth, the true power in the body is not enough.

"Haha, how's it? Is it still garbage? Don't be afraid!"

Sitting in the car, even if the scenery on both sides quickly retreated, Guan Leer raised his hair, looked at Chen Yu and Gong Nian quite proudly, and wanted to see a trace of panic on their faces.

But the next moment, she froze.

Chen Yu and Gong Nian sat on their seats, their faces did not change at all, they were just bored.

I go!

Can it be loaded so fast?

Guan Le'er narrowed his eyes and was a little surprised.

But at this moment, Chen Yu frowned, making Guan Leer look happy.

"What's wrong? Can't stand it? Haha, you can't stand it. You can just say it. I can slow down a bit."

Looking at Chen Yu with some pride, Guan Leer was very happy.

"I can't stand it. This speed is too slow." Chen Yu shook her head.

"Yeah, I said fast, I Cao! What did you say? Too slow?"

After reacting, Guan Le'er's face changed suddenly. When he saw Chen Yu, his eyes were full of anger.

"Hehe, Leer, no matter how fast your car is, no one dreams faster."

"Just let him drive and see if it can reach 2,000 kilometers, haha."

The intercom also heard the ridicule of Lu Dong and Meng Qin.

"Cut, I think it's slow, then you can drive!" Guan Leer yelled, unhappy.

"Let's go," Chen Yu said faintly, like a chick, and stunned Guan Leer, who had wide eyes and was dull.

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