Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1325: Kill it with one sword!


Everyone's eyes moved with Chen Yu's dragon sword!

"You said, can Chen Wudi win?" Asked a big man.

"Win? How did you win? Didn't you hear what the man said just now?"

The person next to him immediately shook his head and sighed deeply.

"Chen Wudi's great accomplishment in transcendent realm really shocked us, but what about that? There are five people on the opposite side! And there are three others, all of whom are condensed into the realm of confusion! Do n’t you know, this represents what?"

The big brother who just spoke, was silent at the words.

How could he not know? Since the Great Fusion, they have long known the division of these spiritual realms. That is, at that time, the humans on the earth knew how small they were in the universe.

Now that Chen Yu is in such a state, how can he win the opponent? He just asked a question just because Chen Yu has been invincible, giving him a slight illusion.

"Really, how could I have this illusion?"

Laughing at himself, the man looked at Chen Yu with a complex look. It seems that the legend of Chen Wudi, starting from the earth, must finally be the earth!

In the sky, the five looked at Chen Yu, all frowned, and the corners of their mouths were slightly raised, full of disdain.

"Oh, why? This sword is so domineering, come and chop us, maybe you will kill us with a crit."

"Yeah, come on, we can't wait anymore. Alas, the vice president of the Baiyu Alchemy Association, the winner of the battle, it's great, hey, this sword goes down, I'm really scared of mine Will your hair be chopped down by you? "

"Hey, do n’t you say that, how do you say, they are also peerless Tianjiao! Otherwise, how could they be recruited by the palace family? Hehe, if I want to say, it ’s okay for him to cut your hair, but is it clothes? I feel hanging. Haha. "

The five men ridiculed Chen Yu madly, but Chen Yu said nothing.

Because he has no habit of talking to the dead!


A sword is cut off suddenly!

I only saw that as Chen Yu ’s sword was cut out, a golden light suddenly emitted ultra-high-frequency sound waves. It seemed that the entire world, with Chen Yu ’s sword, was completely cut in half!

not good!

The five were screaming and screaming, but scared in their hearts, only to feel that a great crisis suddenly emerged. It seemed that they were a cricket ant. In the face of the collapsed giant mountain, there was no room for resistance!


The five yelled, Zhenli surged out without reservation, and laid out a lot of defense in front of him only in an instant!

"Five sky arrays!"

The uniform sound resounded through the sky. Then the five were like a fit, Zhenli instantly blended together to build a large defensive formation!

The five were originally divisional brothers, and these five celestial arrays allowed the five's defense power to surge in an instant, and they were a means to save their lives.

I thought this trick could only be used in the battle for hegemony, but I didn't expect that, just to meet with Chen Yu, they used it!

Damn, what the **** is this!

The five of them gritted their teeth and were extremely shocked in their hearts. They never imagined that in their eyes, they were just a superfluous Chen Yu, who had such a powerful strength!

Eat a tiger and eat a tiger, this is a typical pig and tiger!

The five scolded wildly in their hearts.

At this moment, Chen Yu's beating has already collided with the attack of five people!


After a loud noise, countless turbulences scattered directly around. Even the crowd on the ground could feel a strong wind pressure, which suddenly came from the sky.

And in the loud noise, everyone looked at the scene at this moment, and they were all shocked!

The place where the Li family held the banquet was on the far side of the city, and beyond, there was a vast and uninhabited area. It is a large piece of land after fusion.

And Chen Yu's sword is to wipe out everything and everything along the way!

A bottomless crack has spread straight from the foot of Chen Yu, a full ten kilometers, directly out of the city, deep into the no-man's zone, the end is completely invisible.

There was a silence in the audience, everyone looked at the scene with dizziness in their heads. This terrible destructive power makes their brains seem to have stalled.


Liu Hongyan, who was arrogant and sneered just now, sat on the ground with her buttocks, her legs were constantly trembling, her face was pale as paper, her pupils were tightened tightly, and she was full of fear.

At the same time, on the ground between her legs, a pool of water stains gradually appeared, exuding a meaning.

She was actually scared by Chen Yu's move!

She was scared, and scared was incomparable! After all, just now, he was still ridiculing Chen Yu, but I didn't expect to see Chen Yu so scary now!

Is this Chen Wudi? This is invincible! !! !!

Liu Hongyan never had any arrogance, only regrets!

"Okay, horrible. Is this the strength of transcendental realm? To what extent is the power of condensed realm strong?"

One of the big men swallowed hard, looked up, and saw the arrogant five people who were standing in the sky at this moment, motionless, without any scars on their bodies.


Everyone was shocked.

Looking at the five people incredible. Such a brutal attack has no effect?

"No, that's wrong! Look at them, their heads!"

The body shook, everyone looked intently, and suddenly the pupils shrank fiercely.

Just above the five people's heads, a bloodline all appeared! This blood line spread from the center of the skull, and then slowly, from the center of the five people's body, emerged straight, without deviating from the slightest!

"How, why ..."

The comer spoke hard, his face full of shock and terror.

One sword, just one sword, they are completely defeated? Moreover, the Wutiantian array just now was completely cut off without even blocking it!

This is really a perfect practice of transcendental realm?

"You guys, good luck."

With a wave of Chen Yu, the dragon sword disappeared directly, stood there, and spoke gently.

The expressions on the five faces became extremely complicated. This sentence was just what they said after they saw Chen Yu, but it never occurred to them that now Chen Yu returned it.

What an irony!

At this moment, the five of them felt extremely regretful. They knew that Chen Yu was so powerful, and what they said, they would not come to Chen Yu's trouble!

But it's too late to say this now. Provoking Chen Yu, in the end can only be repaid with his life!

"Chen Yu, you are waiting! Ao Zixiao will not let you go! You will die! You will definitely die! We will wait for you in Huangquan!"

The fierce roar rang through the sky, and the five of them slammed and burst into pieces, turning into a mist of blood and scattered with the wind.

"Come on, go to the mythological relics, whoever touched my parents, I will make him regret to be born in this world !!!" Chen Yu was aggressive and stepped forward!

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