Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1329: you wanna die!

How can we not be surprised? The scene in front of Chen Yu at this moment is really incredible.

I saw a huge mask that stretched for a long time, like a bowl with an inverted buckle. It was buckled on the ground, and it probably took up more land than a country on earth!

And above the reticle, the light rhyme flows, exuding a terrifying terror.

Inside the reticle, it was hazy and completely unclear, what exactly was inside.

Chen Yu can see at a glance that this mask is definitely a matrix method arranged by a super master! And this person's strength is probably not much different from his peak.

What kind of person's handwriting is arranged on the earth in such a way?

Chen Yu frowned, full of thick confusion. The ancient pictures and keys before, as well as the mythological relics that now appear inexplicably, seem to be hinting at something.

Glancing around the reticle, it was scorched earth in Chino, which seemed to have experienced heavy wars. Even the soil underneath, with a trace of tragic breath, seemed to have countless wailing sounds, revealed from it, it made people shudder.

Ancient battlefield!

Here is definitely an ancient battlefield! Moreover, here in the past, there have been absolutely shocking battles! The grade of the battle is definitely not low!

Chen Yu was shocked, and felt more and more secrets in her rebirth. Because of all this, in the last life, it never appeared.

Ok? Is that the entrance?

Looking up, Chen Yu saw a lot of people gathered in a place before the mask. He didn't hesitate to go straight.

At this moment, many Tianjiao gathered in front of the mask, looking at the magnificent sight in front of them, their expressions were full of shock.

"Well, I really didn't expect that in such a small and remote place, there would be ruins of this size!"

"Yeah, if it's not the proud family, the place for the battle for hegemony is set here, I'm afraid I won't come back for a lifetime in this rural area, haha, it seems that the real gold is always in the dirt. Sure enough, I was right. "

"This trip really didn't come to nothing. This mythological relic is of such a large scale that there must be a lot of good things in it. If you get lucky, you will have a great chance! This chance is not the native of this star domain. All I can have is Tianjiao, so I am qualified to compete. "

Everyone talked, and everyone's face carried a deep contempt for it.

As the most arrogant Tianjiao people among the hundred domains, they came here with a sense of instinctual superiority. It's like coming from the bustling metropolis to Shanwowo, and looking at everything here, with pride. Even if some good things are found in Shanwowo, it is believed that these things are unworthy of people in Shanwowo.

This is their mentality.

"Hey, for now, let's go ahead. Unexpectedly, it is so difficult to enter the mythological relics."

At this moment, someone looked at the entrance, his face was strange.

Others heard the same look.

Although the location of this hegemony is in the mythological relics, not many people have gone in until now. Right now, these people have been blocked from the mythological relics for a long time.

"I waited for a long time before breaking the ban on this gate by less than one-tenth, but when I went in proudly before, I spent a tea time, Song Ting, It only took half an hour, what a pervert! "

The entrance here is banned. If you want to enter, you must remove the ban. So these people are trying. I thought it was easy. But what surprised them was that even if they wanted to go in, not easy!

After hearing this, everyone's faces were ugly.

People are more mad than people. Although they also knew that there was a gap with Ao Zixiao and Song Ting, but never expected that the gap would be so great!

Ao Zongxiao came here just now, without any effort, went straight in, but for them, even now, they haven't entered it, it's almost a dog.

If in this battle of hegemony, they can't even enter the door, that would be a joke!

"Hey, look, Chen Yu is here!"

When everyone's hearts were suffering, someone suddenly shouted, full of surprises.


Everyone's eyes all gathered in an instant!

Seeing a distant place, Chen Yu walked slowly, a look of indifference!

At the same time, everyone's actions stopped.

"Well, I didn't expect that Chen Yu dared to come here? Ha ha, didn't he know that Ao Zixiao was waiting for him inside?"

"Well, they are the vice-chairmen of the Baiyu Alchemy Association, and they are also the first to perform martial arts. In a word, they have cut off their cooperation with the four major forces.

Someone said sourly.

Everyone else laughed when they heard this, full of ridicule.

What vice-president, what comes first, after this hegemony, they will all become dead, and they will naturally not have any awe.

In this regard, Chen Yu turned a deaf ear, but looked up at the entrance in front of her.

"Is this the entrance?"

Chen Yu said to herself.

In front of his eyes, nearly a hundred huge vortices appeared on the mask, each of which was more than five meters high. Just by closing your eyes, you can know that the only entrance to this huge formation is only these hundreds of entrances!

Even Chen Yu's accomplishments in formation cannot be entered from other places.

"Oh, oh, haha, Lord Vice President, you finally came. We thought you were afraid and didn't dare to come."

Just as Chen Yu looked at the entrance in front of him, a harsh voice sounded, and then a person with a thief and eyebrows walked up and down, scanning Chen Yu up and down, with a slight contempt between his eyebrows.

"Tell you, this gate is not what you want to enter. Even if it is us, it has taken so long to enter it! Your words, huh, maybe your parents’ The corpses are all cold! "


Chen Yu turned abruptly, staring at the man sternly, her eyes cold like a knife, scaring the man suddenly with a cleverness.

"What did you say? My parents have gone in?" Chen Yu asked.

"Yes, Song Ting had been holding your father in before. I'm afraid they have now merged with Pride."

The man glanced up and down at Chen Yu, and smiled again.

"Speaking of, I didn't expect you to be here, and your parents were really stingy. When they came, let them kneel down for us. Your parents refused, even if they slapped them, they were holding their heads up. , Eh. "


A shocking violent atmosphere suddenly rose from Chen Yu's body!

It was like a voice from Jiuyou, with an endless killing intention, it rang. "you wanna die!"

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