"Fail! Let's fail!"

Seeing Chen Yu's movement, everyone held their breath.


After Chen Yu's hand came into contact with the ban, a meditation induction, a desolate and simple feeling, suddenly emerged.

Sure enough, this mythological relic is unusual!

Chen Yu felt with emotion. This prohibition is extremely powerful, but under the baptism of years, it has weakened a lot. Otherwise, with Chen Yu's current strength, even if he is even more powerful in the formation, he cannot open the prohibition here!

As for now?

"Break me!"

After a break, Chen Yu shouted a strong golden light on the palm of his hand, and a series of fine patterns suddenly appeared above the prohibition, and began to operate according to a specific trajectory.

Then, I heard a rumbling sound, the whole ban, a bang, like a soap bubble burst.

Prohibition, opened!

"My Cao! This, how is this possible? The ban was opened so soon ?!"

Seeing this, someone roared, and his voice was full of disbelief. Staring at the entrance with wide eyes, they just felt that their brains were not enough.

Just now, so many of them, under the leadership of the four Ge Qings, studied for a long time and found no way to crack the ban. Now it takes Chen Yu less than a minute to unlock it?

Looking at each other, everyone's eyes were extremely horrified and embarrassed.

It is ironic to recall what they said just now.

"No wonder he didn't want to cooperate with us. It turned out that the prohibition was just like paper to him!"

Some people's faces are unsightly. The more dazzling Chen Yu is, the more they show their incompetence!

At this moment, Chen Yu ignored the crowd and walked directly into the Dan room!

"Hurry up, keep up!"

Someone shouted impatiently, a look of excitement.

"Hey, Chen Yu in there, will we get a slice of it?"

Hearing this, everyone looked a little surprised, and his face became a little weird. Yes, the attitude of Chen Yu just now is obviously inconspicuous to them. I am afraid in the eyes of Chen Yu, they are really just garbage!

"No matter! Even if Chen Yu eats meat, he won't let us drink even a sip of soup! Let's go and see!"

Someone gritted his teeth, followed Chen Yu's behind, and rushed into Dan's room. The others looked at each other, and couldn't hold back the greed in their hearts, followed one by one, all rushed in!

After entering, everyone stopped.

"My Cao! Is this true ?!"

Seeing what it looked like, everyone was stunned, and their eyes were filled with a strong shock. Chen Yu stood there, looking at the inside, and her eyes shook.

The sight of this abandoned Dan room is simply terrifying!

A huge Dan furnace is tilted to the ground. If it stands, it is probably ten meters high. It is carved with flowers, birds, fish and insects, and the scene of ancient people worshiping the sky.

The sloping Dan furnace mouth is a black residue in one place, which is obviously the elixir of refining waste. Opposite the Dan furnace, there is a bone that is five meters high, sitting upright, still maintaining the posture of alchemy.

On both sides of the bone were two servant-like figures, with fans and gourds scattered around their feet.

Around the Dan room, there are layers of shelves, with nearly a thousand gourds on it, all scattered, and a piece of elixir rolled down from the mouth of the gourd.

The brilliance and smell of scent seen before from the outside world are emitted by these elixir!

And these elixir are all above seven grades! Dan pattern, all above the eight pattern!

"I, my Cao! Developed, developed!"

Seeing so much elixir, everyone's eyes immediately became flushed, breathing became more and more rapid.

But Chen Yu froze in her heart, her nose sniffed lightly, and her eyes flickered!

No, there is something wrong with Danxiang!

At the moment, Chen Yu immediately held her breath, looking at the room full of elixir, her heart filled with a strong look of alertness.

"I Cao, my cultivation! Why has it become a transcendent realm!"

"What? No! So is mine."

"His, I just realized that I did too!"

Exclaimed from the crowd, everyone was shocked, and there was a horror in their eyes, but then it turned into ecstasy!

They were all suppressed by Xiu Wei, as Chen Yu said. . .

really! At this moment, Chen Yu frowned, with some surprises. I didn't expect that there was a spirit formation in this Danfang room. Since entering this Danfang room, his cultivation has been suppressed to the level of transcendence. !!

"Ha ha, God help me too, it ’s God help me too! I did n’t expect that everyone ’s strength would drop after coming in! Chen Yu, now here, I ca n’t turn you on. We just wanted to have some soup But now? Hehe, it looks like we should eat this piece of fat. "

One person looked at Chen Yu, smiled coldly, and looked excited. He winked at the other two. They immediately understood, walked to the entrance, blocked the door, and prevented Chen Yu from going out.

If they are outside, they can only be killed by Chen Yu before Chen Yu. But here? Their fear of Chen Yu disappeared completely!

"Why, do you want to do something to me? You can try it." Chen Yu smiled coldly, looking at the man, with a trace of drama in her eyes.

The man suffocated, and then his face was cloudy. Chen Yu's previous performance left too much shadow on them. Although everyone is now a supernatural person, it is difficult to guarantee that nothing will happen. For a time, they dare not take action against Chen Yu.

"Hmm! You better be honest, the elixir here, after we choose, we will leave some for you!"

The man spoke and did not dare to push Chen Yu too tightly. Can only wait until the allocation is complete, then find a way to solve Chen Yu.

Glancing at the man, Chen Yu said coldly: "If you don't want to die, don't touch those elixir."

After speaking, Chen Yu went to the dumped Dan furnace and studied the black residue on the ground. Because he found that the black residue seemed special.

Don't touch the elixir?

When they heard this, everyone stunned, and then all laughed. How could you not touch these elixir? Qipin elixir! And there is such a tantalizing Danxiang, which is enough to show how good this elixir is! How could he give up because of Chen Yu's words?

"Oh, jealous? That's useless, after all, here, but not outside. Everyone, you can get more and less, it's all up to you!"

Raising his arm, everyone suddenly moved, rushed madly towards those elixirs, and began to search for it!

"Haha, Qipin Jiuwen! This is Qipin Jiuwen!"

"My Cao, this Danxiang is so wonderful, it is so wonderful!"

. . . . . .

The scream of ecstasy resounded through the entire Danfang room, and everyone who came in was flushed with excitement. Only Chen Yu was still dignified.

"Oh, it's a real mess! Who could have thought that you were so powerful just now, but now you don't even have the qualifications to fight for elixir, you can only study those black residues?"

One person glanced at Chen Yu, a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth, looking at the elixir lying in his hand, the boss with a grin in his mouth.

But the next moment, he froze. The elixir in the palm of his hand suddenly melted and invaded the man's palm!

"What's going on?" Anxiously, he rose suddenly!

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