Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1341: Show great power

Huh! But for a moment, Chen Yu and the three brothers and sisters of the Mo family have arrived!

"Mo Zi! Why are you here too?"

Seeing Mo Zi, Ren Tai was surprised.

"Rentai, don't worry, my brother is here to save you." Mo Zi said. Let Ren Tai be surprised, and looked at Mo Zhou in surprise. When he saw Mo Zhou nodded, he looked proudly.

"Rentai, don't worry, you are my brother-in-law and I won't let you go wrong."

Mo Zhou opened his mouth confidently and let Ren Tai take a stun, but then he nodded and said, "Well, since Chen Yu is here, then there is really nothing wrong. When you will fight, you will bring Mo Zi Stay away, don't get caught up. "

Asked Taiwan to entrust.

what? !!

After hearing Ren Tai's words, Mo Zhou froze, and then the corners of his mouth twitched wildly!

Let ’s keep him away?

Ren Tai, in your eyes, I can't even compare to Chen Yu? !!

Instantly, Mo Zhou's face became extremely ugly!

"I'm going, why would Rentai say that!" Mo Ming stared at his elder brother, too.

At this moment, Feng Sudong laughed, tilted his head and looked at Chen Yu, his mouth rising.

"Oh, Chen Yu, I didn't expect you to hide so deep? The original strength is almost the same as us? Did you get the title of Chen Tufu?


Hearing these words, the three of Mo Zi were all stunned, suddenly turning to look at Chen Yu, his eyes shook.


The man next to himself had gotten such a title! And he also hides his strength, and Feng Sudong and others are strong at the same level!

"This guy!"

Mo Zhou looked at Chen Yu, his eyes were very unconvinced. Butcher! Why did he get this title instead of me? Am I inferior to him!

"Damn!" Mo Zhou fisted his fist fiercely, his heart filled with unwillingness.

At this moment, Feng Sudong glanced at the three brothers and sisters of the Mo family, smiling even more brilliantly.

"On our side, there are a hundred people, you? Oh, do you think that if you come with these three people, you will be able to save them?"

"Three brothers and sisters of the Mo family, but even the alchemy banquet is not eligible to participate. What do you think he can help?"


Hearing Feng Sudong's words, Mo Zhou's face became even more gloomy!

Not only was he regarded as a follower of Chen Yu, but he was also considered a useless follower!

You all look down on me! underestimate me! Damn, I want to let you all know, I'm Mo Zhou's strength! !! !!

Huh! !! !!

With a loud noise, Mo Zhou stepped forward and stood before Chen Yu, looking coldly at Feng Sudong and San Deng!

"You two dogs look at things that are low in people. Today, I will let you know who is whose servant! I am Mo Zhou, and you are all fighting against you all today!"


Feng Sudong and others were all surprised, and then laughed!

"Haha, Mo Zhou, did you get frustrated? How dare you clamor with us? Don't you know who you are? Your Mo family is just a third-rate guy, and dare to say such a thing? It's really death! Hurry up behind Chen Yu, or I will kill you later! "

Feng Sudong laughed.

At this time, some people in the crowd also said, "Mo Zhou, I remember before that your father had come to my house and saluted me. You saw me today, and you still don't kneel?"

One said with a smile.

Mo Zhou's eyes flashed and he recognized that this man was the eldest son of another family. His father had been humiliated by this man before! And now? !!


A loud roar sounded, Mo Zhou's eyes glared, and the sword in his hand was cut off instantly. The crowd felt a sharp flower in front of them, and then suddenly felt a violent tightness in their hearts. They saw the person who had just spoken, and immediately stood up. Then a blood line, from top to bottom, appeared straight on the man!

Kill with one sword!

The smiles on everyone's faces were instantly stiff, and Mo Zhou's eyes were full of shock. Chen Yu looked at Mo Zhou's gaze and was somewhat surprised. Although Mo Zhou is very arrogant, his strength is really good. The Tianjiao just now did not block Mo Zhou's sword?

"Is this what Mo Ming said about the Wanjian Dahua exercises? It seems that I don't need to take any action." Thinking of this, Chen Yu stopped talking. Standing quietly, watching the situation in front of me.

"You, you learned the Mo Jian's great sword!"

Feng Sudong's face was absent, and he was surprised. The Mo family, originally in the hundred domains, was also well-known, even if it was among the top forces, it was enough to be at the forefront. However, the Mo family ’s extreme exercises and Wanjian Dahua exercises were too difficult to practice. There have been more than a dozen generations of the Mo family, and they have not learned how to use the sword to become a great sword. It is precisely because of this that the Mo family will gradually fall.

But never expected, Mo Zhou, even learned Wan Da Dahua!

"That's right. Today, I'm going to make a great sword with all my swords, and show my majesty!"

Mo Zhou shocked the long sword in Zhen's hand, and suddenly his expression became extremely sharp. A momentum rose suddenly from his body. It seemed that Mo Zhou had become a sharp sword, very pressing!

"Damn! Kill him!"

Seeing Mo Zhou look like this, the crowd roared, and then more than a dozen people rushed over and attacked Mo Zhou.

"Let me tell you, butcher's name, you are not worthy!"

Mo Zhou spoke coldly and said to Chen Yu that he didn't even turn around and rushed out.

Chen Yu raised a brow and then smiled slightly, not caring. In his eyes, Mo Zhou was like a child.

Just thinking about this, Mo Zhou and several people were already rushing together!


Mo Zhou yelled, the sword in his hand was dancing wildly, and at the same time, on his body surface, swords were vigorously bursting out, from each pore, toward the outside world!

"Damn, what is this! Ah, don't!"

More than a dozen people surrounded Mo Zhou in the middle. Originally, he wanted to kill Mo Zhou directly with the advantage of numbers, but he did not expect that this gave Mo Zhou a great opportunity. The infinite sword gas shot and killed everyone. Severely injured everyone directly!

A moment, a dozen people, all lost!

Ren Tai was stunned, totally did not expect that his big sister-in-law had such strength!

"Wanjian Dahua, body into Wanjian, really amazing!"

Feng Sudong and San Deng looked at each other with surprise. More than a dozen people were under siege, and Mo Zhou was so skillful that his eyes were gloomy.

"Well, don't you go, let's come!" At this moment, Feng Sudong and San Deng slowly stepped forward and came to Mo Zhou's body.

"Hey, see no, my elder brother is terrific! Want me to say, don't say them, even if it is proud, my elder brother is not afraid!" Mo Ming looked at Chen Yu and spoke proudly.

When Chen Yu heard this, she shook her head.

"Compared with Ao Zixiao? He's a little tender."

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