Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1349: Scared you!

Aoyun's consciousness entered Chen Yu's body, and originally wanted to destroy Chen yu's consciousness. According to his thoughts, although Chen Yu is extremely powerful and able to withstand the attack of the Hundred Demon Wind Roar, his current godly power has increased tenfold!

He didn't believe that in front of his own strength, Chen Yu still had no room to resist!

But when he saw the sight in front of him, the whole man was completely dead!

His own conscious power, transformed into a human form like him, appeared here. But now, what exactly is this thing that appears to him?

Starry sky!

A whole starry sky!

In Chen Yu's body, it was extremely empty. Many of the stars and star fields were suspended in it, eternal.

This, is this a great fulfillment of consciousness? This fuck, did you go to the wrong set?

Aoyun looked at the surrounding scene blankly for a whole ten seconds without any change in his look. He was frightened!

Ordinary transcendental great consummates, not to mention being transformed into a starry sky, will be able to condense into a human form, which is impossible! Only after condensing the realm of the gods is the condensate highly condensed.

Even so, if you haven't learned such things as consciousness and want to go outside, it's impossible.

However, now Chen Yu, although she can't let go of her consciousness, has reached such a scale, which is a horrible thing!

Not to mention the condensed state, even if it is on the next level, it is impossible to have such a powerful consciousness!

With such a sense of scale and weight, Aoyun only thought of two words!


That's right!

It is the Heavenly Supreme, standing above all beings, raising the eye to destroy the heavenly Supreme!

This guy has a godly sense?

The idea came out, Aoyun was shocked, without any hesitation, turned into a streamer, and rushed directly in the direction of when it came!

"I want to go back, I want to go back! This guy is not an ordinary person, not an ordinary person! Master, this guy, please don't provoke it again! I want to tell you, you must not provoke this guy!"

Aoyun's heart collapsed! Until this moment, he didn't know how outrageous he was!

He has only one idea now, which is to run! Run back and tell your young master, don't do anything to Chen Yu, otherwise, the entire proud family will probably face the disaster!


A muffled noise came out suddenly. The figure of Aoyun's entire person seemed to have hit the transparent glass, and it was a bit blurred, sending out waves like water ripples.

"Where do you want to go? Did I let you go?"

The mighty voice, like Tianwei, came from all directions, terrifying Aoyun's whole body.

And at this moment, in the starry sky, there was a sudden squirm, and then Chen Yu's figure came out directly, with a smile on her face, looking at Aoyun.

When he saw Chen Yu, Aoyun took three steps back, and the whole person was scared and shrank back.

"When the transcendental realm is great, you can condense the consciousness into a human form ..."

When Aoyun heard her words, she felt a little crazy. This kind of thing simply violates his perception!

The condensed state is called condensed state, because only when it reaches the condensed state, spiritual practice can be transferred from outside to inside.

Only when you step into the condensed spirit realm can you condense into a human form.

This is the iron law of practice!

But now, Chen Yu broke this iron law in front of him!

Not only that, he felt asphyxiated when he saw the human form condensed by Chen Yu. Too realistic! Chen Yu's human form is so realistic that it is exactly the same as a real person!

You need to know that although the strong person who condenses the spirit form can condense the human form, but because the spiritual state and the consciousness of each person are different, the human forms that can condensate are also different. Some are fine, some are rough.

Even the current Aoyun, after using the soul-killing pupil, has experienced a tenfold increase in consciousness, but the condensed human form is just a rough look. As for the details of hair, clothes, etc., they are blurred, as if they are blurred. A layer of mosaic in general.

But Chen Yu is completely no different from a real person now! Even the fluff on the ears are lifelike. If outsiders see it, as long as Chen Yu doesn't say it, no one can think of it.

If you really want to compare, Aoyun is like a black and white TV with a resolution of only 270p, but Chen Yu's words are much clearer than the original 4k painting.

The gap is really too big!

"You, who are you, who are you!"

Aoyun said, the whole person was stunning. At this moment, he already knew that the guy in front of him was not just horror, it was horrible! Desperate!

"Who am I? If I tell you that I am Tianzun, do you believe it?" Chen Yu teased Aoyun intentionally.

Aoyun froze, then the ghost sent the **** down, and nodded.

Yeah, this explanation seems crazy, but besides that, what else can explain everything you see?

Seeing Aoyun's appearance, Chen Yu smiled.

"That being the case, you are on your way."

Just a little thought, Aoyun flew towards Chen Yu involuntarily, and was pinched by Chen Yu's neck.

"Next life, remember to brighten your eyes."

An indifferent sentence floated out of Chen Yu's mouth, and Aoyun's entire human sense was directly gasified, leaving no trace left.

"Master, it's over, we're proud, we're over ..."

Before dying, Aoyun had only such an idea in his heart.

After solving Aoyun's consciousness, Chen Yu sighed lightly. My current level is still too low. Although his consciousness is extremely powerful, he can only constrict himself in the body passively.

First, he is inadequate now, and he cannot leave his body. Second, in general, the stronger the flesh, the greater the imprisonment of divine knowledge, and the more difficult it is for divine knowledge to leave the body.

Chen Yu is now the Emperor Dragon's body. Under such physical conditions, the difficulty in exposing his consciousness is even greater.

Still have to break through as soon as possible.

Thinking so in his heart, a smile crossed Chen Yu's mouth. Now is the time to deal with those outside.

At the moment, everyone looking at Chen Yu and Aoyun in the sky was waiting.

"Oh, Rentai, Chen Yu is going to die. How do you feel?" Feng Sudong looked at Rentai and smiled easily.

Ren Tai gritted his teeth and said nothing, but his eyes were full of worries, but he couldn't hide it.

"Oh. After watching the final winner of this game, it's us."

Seeing Ren Tai's appearance, Feng Sudong smiled, three lights smiled, nearly a hundred Tianjiao, all smiled proudly.

Look, the vice chairman of the Baiyu Alchemy Association, in front of them, failed and was stepped on by them!

Emotions of joy and pride appeared in the hearts of each of them.

But all of a sudden! Abrupt changes occur!

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