Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1352: Sanxiong hegemony!

Huang Hongfeng!

Dean of Baiyu College!

When hearing these two words, Song Ting and Liu Bei were completely choked!

"You, how did you appear here? This is the Tianjiao battle, why do you come here as the dean!"

Song Ting completely froze.

Tianjiao battle for hegemony, but it is strictly forbidden to involve the old strong. Outside of the battle for hegemony, all the arrogant forces participating in the battle for hegemony will have a boss sit on the scene and monitor each other, in order to make each other afraid to cross the Thunderpool and enter the battle for hegemony.

What's more, this time there are people who are proud of the family involved, it is even more so that the major forces dare not make any excessive moves!

But it never occurred to me that this Huang Hongfeng went deep into this place!

"President Huang, this is not where you should come! When you come here, aren't you afraid of being seen?"

Liu Bei forced down the panic and shock in his heart, and spoke coldly.

Huang Hongfeng glanced around and smiled slightly.

"So they are all dead."


Perfect answer! Let Song Ting and Liu Bei be completely irrefutable!

The next moment, a chill that swept across them.

"President Huang, is it because of Chen Yu that you are here to kill us?"

Song Ting was extremely nervous. I never expected that the strength of this Huang Hongfeng would be so strong!

Before the four major forces in the battle of martial arts, and Chen Yu has forged a life and death feud, and Chen Yu also offended Pride! As the demon of Bai Yu College, Huang Hongfeng, the dean, must protect Chen Yu, but he did not expect that for Chen Yu, Huang Hongfeng had sneaked into the battle for hegemony and killed so many people!

For thousands of days, Huang Hongfeng did this for Chen Yu!

How crazy is this?

"Chen Yu?"

Hearing this name, Huang Hongfeng smiled.

"Why should I kill you for him? On the contrary, I know you have revenge against him, but I can help you and kill him!"

what! ?

Song Ting and Liu Bei froze, staring at Huang Hongfeng with wide eyes.

"Kill Chen Yu? Isn't he a genius of your Baiyu Academy? Why did you kill him?"

Song Ting asked in confusion.

"Oh, what can't be killed? Even Huang Hongfeng was killed by me."

At this moment, Huang Hongfeng's eyes flashed with faint light, full of wicked evil.

Song Ting and Liu Bei froze, and then blasted their scalp fiercely, widening their eyes and pointing at Huang Hongfeng, shockingly speaking.

"You, you are not!"

Huang Hongfeng smiled.

"Yes, I'm Huang Hongfeng, not Huang Hongfeng. The former Dean of the Baiyu College, Huang Hongfeng, is indeed dead. The one standing in front of you now is the alien, the dove!


It was like a thunderbolt, which blew directly in the ears of Song Ting and Liu Bei, causing the two to take four or five steps back, and their looks shook.


In front of the Dean of Baiyu College, he is actually an alien!

Steal the sky for another day, hide the sky and cross the sea! The real Huang Hongfeng has been killed! Become this alien!

What a crazy thing!

"You, what is your purpose!"

Song Ting and Liu Bei's voices are stuttered. Who can think that they encountered such a thing?

"Oh, my purpose, you don't need to know, you just need to know, now your life is in my hands!"

Fisting his fist, Huang Hongfeng said with a smile: "I give you a chance now, subject me, or die!"


Song Ting and Liu Bei were both shocked, and struggled in their eyes.

Even if they are strong, they also know that Huang Hongfeng in front of them is an existence they cannot resist! If you don't agree, there is only one way to die! But become alien? You know, aliens, but enemies of all races! If they become aliens, it means standing on the opposite side of everyone!

Life and death, dignity and betrayal made them suffer.

After a long time, Song Ting sighed softly and fell directly on the ground.

"Song Ting, willing to serve you!"

"Song Ting!" Liu Bei froze, seeing Song Ting's look, clenching his fists, and finally, he suddenly released again, kneeling on one knee in front of Huang Hongfeng!

"Liu Bei, willing to serve you!"

Seeing the appearance of the two, Huang Hongfeng laughed, and two black gas flowed directly from his body, rushing into the bodies of Song Ting and Liu Bei!

They saw Song Ting and Liu Bei frown, and then moaned comfortably.

And their breath suddenly skyrocketed!

Above Liu Bei's two fists, a dark color like ink appeared, and then all the blacks disappeared, leaving only white arms!

And Song Ting's wings, too, was full of black gas, and then the black gas suddenly contracted, all flowing back to her body!

Suddenly, their temperament changed!

Already, from human to alien!

"Is this the power of aliens! So powerful! Really powerful!"

Song Ting kept looking at her body, feeling emotions.

"Oh, do you know now? Humans, in the starry sky, are a weak race, and we aliens are the real masters!"

Jun smiled proudly and unconsciously, not long ago, he was still a human.

"Well, let's go. Today, where we are going is important."

Huang Hongfeng said

"Master, I don't know what it is? Now Aozixiao and thousands of Tianjiao are all gathered in Douwutai. If we pass, I'm afraid we can't get it right."

Liu Bei said.

Huang Hongfeng frowned, sneer.

"Awesomeness, is it about to start yet? But his method is so stupid, how can he go to that place with so much effort?"

Speaking, Huang Hongfeng took out an ancient picture in his hands, and after careful observation, he could find that this ancient picture was similar to the ancient picture in the hands of Chen Yu, and it was similar in seven or eight points!

"Oh, with this ancient picture, I can enter there! But unfortunately, this ancient picture is just a copy, and it is impossible to depict the most critical place, and the key I have been searching for so long, It's a pity that nothing was found. "

Huang Hongfeng's tone has deep regret. But then he grinned again.

"But with this map, it's enough to get into it! Let's go."

With four people, Huang Hongfeng left directly.

On the other side, in front of Douwutai, a proud figure, standing there at the moment, with a continuous flow of yin and yang in his eyes, it seems that if a never-ending vortex exudes an irresistible attraction force.

Pride in the sky!

Peerless Wizard of Aojia!

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