The whole Douwutai is dead!

Everyone opened their mouths and looked at Chen Yu.

how can that be? One punch, just one punch, knocked out Jin You? Is he a personal tribe?

No one can believe their eyes. Everything that just happened seems like a dream, so unreal. But it happened, it all happened!

"His! It ’s amazing! This Chen Yu is really amazing! The body is so strong ?! I am afraid that this physical strength is enough to compete with the top two!"

Someone shook his mouth and looked at Ao Zixiao, a few people holding arms.

I saw these people looking at Chen Yu. Although they were surprised, they did not have any fear, but they had a strong interest!

Both of them are proud servants! You are Tianjiao, but in this hegemony, all of you have become proud servants!

And without exception, the bodies of these two people are extremely arrogant! In the whole battle of hegemony, when it comes to the physical body, apart from being proud, the two are undoubtedly the strongest!

"Do you think that Chen Yu can be compared with those two? How is this possible? The two, but the twins, are from among the 100 domains, the strongest and most ancient bears and cows! And these two people heard that the body is more It is the awakening of the strongest bear-ox mad blood of their tribe! By virtue of the flesh alone, the strength is enough to condense the power of the gods! Chen Yu and them are comparable? Really a joke!

"Yeah, Chen Yu is very strong, but want to compare with the two brothers who are screaming and screaming? It's a long way off."

It's the names of these two guys.

At this moment the two were standing there, their arms clasped in front of their chests, and looked very indifferent.

"Brother, what do you think of Chen Yu's physical fitness?"

Roar asked.

He laughed quite a bit, not too concerned.

"It's really amazing. As a human being, you can punch Jin You with a punch. This kind of strength is already very good. However, it's only for the human race."

"Big brother, how many moves do we need to say if we want to kill him?"

He burst into laughter and said, "Kill him? Hehe, if it's you, I'm afraid it will take fifty strokes, and in my case, it's probably 30 strokes."

Between words, full of confidence.

He shouted and nodded, and stopped talking, watching the proud pride standing in the middle of the two.

At this moment, Ao Zongxiao nodded to Chen Yu with a touch of appreciation.

"Yes, you are very good! I have been surprised again and again."

Proud Xiao Xiao applauded.

"I slept with my fiancee, killed my servant, and dared to come here generously. Your courage is really big. To be honest, I admire you very much."

Looking at Chen Yu, Ao Zongxiao spoke faintly, her voice as if falling from the sky, like a god.

"Give you one last chance, kneel down and surrender me, not only will I let you go, but I will also give you benefits that you would never imagine!"

Ao Zixiao nodded at his feet with his index finger.

"Climb over and serve me as your mainstay, and I'll let you get what you can't imagine."

The killing of Chen Yu was, in Ao Zixiao's view, too easy and not challenging at all. He wants Chen Yu to be a dog, a dog of his own!

Let Baiyu College's strongest Tianjiao, let the vice president of Baiyu Alchemy Association, take the initiative to kneel in front of himself, let everyone see, this is the pattern of his arrogance!

Glancing at his parents, Chen Yu smiled arrogantly.

"What is unimaginable?"

Ao Zixiao nodded his head, took out a roll of exercises from the ring, and threw it to his own feet.

"This is one hundred Taos. How?"

"What! Baidao Kuangtao Gongfa! Now, Ao Zongxiao even brought out this kind of work? Isn't this work lost for a long time? I heard that there are some masters in the past, and with this work, it became a half step The super powerhouse with extreme concentration! It's only one step away from the extreme concentration of concentration! Now it is Chen Yu ?! "

The exclamation sounded suddenly, and countless envious eyes were cast on Chen Yu. They wish they were standing by Chen Yu now. In that case, they would not hesitate to kneel and rush to the feet of Ao Zixiao!

However, Chen Yu only narrowed her eyelids, glanced at the exercises on the ground, and raised her head to look at Pride, her smile even more disdainful.

"That's it?"

Ao Zixiao's eyes narrowed, and the corners of her eyes were raised slightly, and then she smiled.

"Also, in your current position, you must be able to get this exercise, but what about this?"

With a slight smile, Ao Zongxiao once again took out the exercises from the appetite and threw it to the ground.

Only this time, not only one, but three full!

"This is the Blazing Dragon Formation. This is the Jiudu Danjing. This is the Tianfang Refiner. How?"

This time, Ao Zongxiao face with absolute confidence!

These three main formations, even in the proud family, are absolutely top-notch exercises! If he had not inherited all the inheritance of the proud ancestors, he would not be willing to come up with such things!

The crowd present was completely choked!

Yes, completely choked, shocked and dumb!

"Aojia, even this kind of thing? And, it's so insignificant that it was thrown directly to the ground? Oh my god! This Chen Yu's luck is really great!"

"Why, why isn't it me who stood there! Taking out one of these three exercises and putting them in a hundred domains is enough to set off a terrifying storm! Now, it was just thrown on the ground like this! "

"Pattern! This is the pattern of proud heights! If any of these books are replaced by others, let alone take them out, even if it is among your own brothers, I am afraid that they will grab you alive, and throw them on the ground, Chen Yu How lucky it is to be a proud dog! "

Amazing, envious, all eyes are projected on Chen Yu's body, such conditions are really too tempting!

"Mum, me, my God, this, this condition is really undeniable."

Mo Ming, one of the three brothers and sisters of the Mo family, swallowed saliva fiercely and murmured with wide eyes.

"Mo Ming, can you be a little boned! Look at the elder brother, he ... uh ..."

Before Mo Zi finished speaking, he saw Mo Zhou standing there, watching the exercises at the foot of Ao Zongxiao, his eyes full of envy and longing.

My arrogant big brother wants it too!

Turning his head to look at Chen Yu, Mo Zi stunned again!

Because she saw Chen Yu laughing!

That's right, it's just a smile, that's a contemptuous smile!

"You want to buy me this kind of rubbish? Aunt Zixiao, are you a fool?"

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