I do n’t know why, after hearing Chen Yu ’s words, Song Ting and Liu Bei felt a panic in their hearts, even if they have become aliens, but they still ca n’t suppress this confusion. Go on!

"No! Just humans, why do you compare with me? Kill !!!"

Liu Bei yelled, his eyes stared tightly, his fists clenched tightly, and his whole body was like a big bow with full power, with a bang, he directly punched a punch, and wanted to directly blast Chen Yu!

I saw Liu Bei's boxing front, and the black gas was constantly swimming under his skin, like an earthworm. It was abnormally scary. The black gas even sputtered out of Liu Bei's pores and surrounded him. On the side of Tianjiao, who was watching the battle, several people were relatively close and were struck by this black gas. They suddenly screamed, and under the eyes of everyone, they turned into a pool of blood!

On the other side, Song Ting screamed loudly, her body twisted fiercely, and she took a deep breath. The wings behind her turned into two sky knives in an instant, and no longer appeared as white as before, but flashed thickly. Wu Guang, severely chopped down at Chen Yu!

The wind was terrifying, and it had not yet fallen, but under Song Ting's wings, the ground suddenly cracked, and two deep ditches spread out, extremely terrifying! Someone was standing in the direction of the gully's spreading, and it was only momentarily that it was cut open from the middle and turned into two halves. There was no wailing.

"It was so scary!"

Seeing this scene, the pupils of the crowd shrank fiercely and couldn't help but take a breath.

Such an attack, they just looked at it, they felt cold all over and could not resist. Chen Yu, can he carry it?

"Song Ting them !!!"

Ao Zongxiao looked at Chen Yu aside, his pupils kept shrinking. He inherited the inheritance of the ancestors of the Ao family and still found that Song Ting and Liu Bei were very different now! Like those people in the legend, those aliens!

"These two have become aliens?"

At this point, the look of Ao Zixiao immediately dimmed. He didn't care about the lives of the two, but was afraid. Behind the two, would there be anyone else who broke his own affairs?

In addition, if Chen Yu kills the two, if everyone knows their identity, will they fall to Chen Yu? You know, aliens, but everyone is there. If Chen Yu kills two aliens and shows such a powerful fighting force, maybe it will really make everyone fall to him!

Such things can never happen!

At a time when Ao Zongxiao's thoughts were turning round, Chen Yu suddenly drank, letting everyone's minds be fiercely jumped.

"It's you who are going to die!"

I saw that Chen Yu was like a big demon. The whole person was flying with hair, pinching his fists in one hand, and smashing Liu Bei fiercely. The other hand was raised toward the sky, just like Tota. To hard-hit Song Ting's slash.

"What ?! Don't evade it, bare-handed? He's crazy !!!!"

Seeing Chen Yu's actions, some people roared and couldn't believe it.

"Too arrogant! How dare he take Song Ting's beating with his bare hands? Didn't he see the prestige attacked by the two just now?" Someone shook his head and didn't like Chen Yu at all.

Mo Zhou looked at Chen Yu, his heart throbbed. Song Ting's attack was already extremely powerful. Even if he went up, he only had to dodge, and he could not resist directly. Now Chen Yu's approach shocked him.

Not only Mo Zhou, but everyone who saw Chen Yu doing this thought Chen Yu was crazy! It seems that the next moment, we will see the horror scene of Chen Yu being beaten by students!


Under the watchful eyes of all the people, the bombardment of the three was intertwined!


The first thing started was a scream. That was actually Liu Bei's scream! I saw that Chen Yu and Liu Bei collided, directly breaking through the thick black gas emerging from Liu Bei's pores and colliding with Liu Bei's fist, and with this collision, Liu Bei's phalanx deformed instantly, Like mud, but the whole Liubei flew out, and the blood in his mouth was so horrible!

On the other side, facing Song Ting's flying wing slash, Chen Yu grabbed it with one palm and did not avoid, he directly caught Song Ting's two wings!


Seeing this scene, Song Tinghae screamed in a loss of voice. Her wings were originally extremely hard. Even the treasures can be split. Now it has been transformed. It is even more forceful. With a single stroke, it can cut. How can the human body be grasped with bare hands?

If someone had told her before that someone could resist her flying wing, she would definitely think that this person was a lunatic, but now, this scene really happened to her eyes! Don't believe it!

Just as Song Ting was shocked, she suddenly felt a sudden twist. Chen Yu grabbed her wings and twisted her waist like throwing things. Holding her wings, she turned around several times and threw her directly!


Song Ting exclaimed. She didn't expect that she would be like a cargo. She was thrown out so shamelessly, her face turned red, a shock and shame came to her mind.

"Chen Yu, I want to kill you!"

The angry scream came from Song Ting's mouth, but when Song Ting just stopped in the air and wanted to rush to Chen Yu again, he suddenly took a hard shot, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he took a sip. Air-conditioning.

Because she saw a scene of horror!

After Chen Yu punched Liubei in one punch, there was no stop, and he stepped up, catching up with Liubei in an instant, then five fingers and claws, pressing Liubei fiercely. Into the chest!

The shocking scene left Song Ting stunned, standing still in the sky.

"Me, my God!"

After seeing this scene, Qi Qi burst into the air among the crowd. How terrible is this? Killing someone casually, pressing the head directly into the chest, this is nothing like what human beings do, just like a devil, and it makes people feel awe in their hearts!

Just how powerful were Liu Bei and Song Ting? Killing and killing, but in the blink of an eye, and facing the two big powerful players who are screaming and blasting!

Everyone thought that Chen Yu was going to die in the hands of Brutal Roar and Brutal, but now! These two people were killed by Song Ting and Liu Bei, but Song Ting and Liu Bei were both thrown away and killed on the spot. The initiators of all these were Chen Yu, who they did not like before!

This kid is so strong? !!

Everyone was shocked in their hearts, so shocked!

"This Chen Yu is very unusual!"

Ao Zongxiao stared at Chen Yu, surprised. Throughout the journey, Chen Yu's performance has constantly refreshed his cognition and constantly surprised him.

Song Ting in the sky was trembling and buzzing in her head.

At this time, Chen Yu stood on the ground and looked at Song Ting in the sky with a cold smile.

"Next, it's you."

It's exactly the same as what Song Ting said before!

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