Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1367: Blood sacrifice!


In the sound of loud noises, everyone's faces were full of panic. No one knows what happened.

"Brother, here, what the **** is going on here?" Mo Zi stood there, not even standing upright, with a deep worry on her face.

"I don't know ..." Mo Zhou looked around at this moment, his brows locked. Unconsciously, his eyes turned to Chen Yu.

At this moment, Chen Yu looked at the surrounding scene, her eyes narrowed. Among them, absolutely nothing extraordinary happened. When he raised his head, his pupils suddenly shrank fiercely, and he also saw a change in the chest of the giant ape.

What shocked him in particular was that in the vortex, the scene looming out of it was a bit similar to the ancient picture he had obtained before!

You know, the ancient pictures and keys were obtained from Baiyu College. Chen Yu has never known what the specific role is, but now! Seems to know the hidden secrets!

Ok? What is Aozixiao doing! ?

Suddenly, as soon as Chen Yu's gaze was fixed, she saw Ao Zongxiao's hands and suddenly began to produce heavy handprints!

At the same time, Ao Zongxiao's mouth also made a howling sound. The howling sound is weird, and in the frequency, there is a tingling sensation.

With the action of Pride Sky, many arrogant presents suddenly burst into panic!

"Ah! Here, what is this? Why, me, my body, yes, this is it !!!"

Someone lowered his head and took off his clothes, looked at his body, and suddenly found that his body was waning at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. Even the full breast muscles disappeared at this moment, as if in their bodies. , There is a black hole, devouring the essence of their body crazy! You can clearly feel that their vitality is passing fast!

This scene happened to many people and made them feel extremely horrified.

However, Ao Zongxiao's face was a ridiculous smile!

"You came here, this is my key to open the door, the elixir I gave you before, it should also play a role now."


When they heard this, the crowd froze, then widened their eyes suddenly, and a chill sprang up from their coccyx, causing them to stand upright.

"Yes, it's the elixir! The elixir has a problem !!!"

Someone shouted, and then I remembered what went wrong.

Just before that, Ao Zongxiao allocated elixir to thousands of people. At that time, everyone didn't think much about it. After all, the ewe's elixir was by no means an ordinary thing, and it was eaten immediately, but who can think of that, even It's a life-saving drug!

However, some of these people did not take these elixir, and those were the forces chosen by Pride as servants. In the beginning, these people did not dispense elixir.

Those who received the elixir at that time also laughed at it secretly, but now it seems that this is clearly intentional! Those who were proud of Xiaolong Xiao were all spared!

"His! It turns out that Ao Gong didn't give us elixir, it turned out to be this reason! I thought I was not to be seen by Ao Gong. I'm such a bastard. How could such a thought arise?"

"The proud son is really a man of God! The layout is so far-reaching, I'm afraid I already know what is going to happen here!"

Someone looked at everything in front of them, full of self-blame, lamented that he was using a villain's heart to measure the gentleman's abdomen, and his awe and gratitude for the proud pride were many times more than before.

Man is like this, a strange creature. The behavior of Ao Zixiao is undoubtedly extremely horrible, but now they have no fear of Ao Zixiao, instead they follow Ao Zixiao more crazy.

At the same time, looking at those who are constantly mourning, they also feel a sense of glee. Haven't you been very proud before? Why is it now like this? At the same time, they looked at Chen Yu and snorted coldly.

"Yeah, it's just cheaper Chen Yu. If it wasn't for this abnormal change, I'm afraid that Auntie will kill Chen Yu directly!"

"Hey, who said no, this Chen Yu's luck is really good. I see that the battle just now, Chen Yu has already returned, and the next moment will be chopped by the proud son!"

"Forget it, what kind of thing is he? For Ao Zi, since he launched his foreshadowing at this time, it shows that what Ao Zi is going to do must be extremely important. Comparable? "

Everyone nodded and agreed with this statement.

At this moment, many wailing sounds have become stronger and stronger. The whole Douwutai is as terrifying as human purgatory.

Ao Zongxiao looked at the crowd, then his eyes flashed fiercely, and his hands moved faster and faster, while continuing to sing.

"Thousands of blood, Shura hell, with life as a sacrifice, the mystery is opened !!!"


When the last note fell, Ao Zixiao gave a hand, then pointed at the giant ape's chest, and shouted, "Go!"

Everyone who had just taken the elixir immediately became thin and skinny, leaned his head high, his eyes were bloodshot and almost stared out.

"Awesomeness! Awesomeness !!!"

The words of endless resentment suddenly sounded, making this place even more terrifying.

But in this regard, Ao Zongxiao's face had no fear at all, only boundless madness!

"It's your pleasure to be the key to my door!"

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

The popping sounds were heard one after another. This was not an explosion sound, but the sound of those who took the elixir before! Those people were all in a pose, with their necks high, their mouths wide open, and from them, all of them came with a tinge of **** liquid!

These blood-colored liquids scrambled in the sky and rushed into the vortex of the giant ape's chest. It was only a moment before the vortex was stained with blood.

"The door is finally open! The method left by the ancestors is really useful !!!" Ao Zixiao tightened his fists and was extremely excited!

Before those people, they all lay on the ground. Everyone was left with a dead body. On each person's face, there was still extreme resentment and terror. At a glance, almost 90% of the people here are occupied!

In other words, less than two hundred of them were left behind by Pride! The others are all proud of the life offering!

"What a cruel means, what a big hand!"

Even Chen Yu was shocked by Pride. This is not just a cat and a dog, but the top arrogant of all major forces!

But now, all of them have been proud of the Blood Sacrifice, and they have opened an unknown secret place. How incredible is this?

At the same time, Chen Yu looked at the **** vortex in the sky and frowned fiercely.

Where is it?

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