Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1372: The battle between three males shocked the audience

The three stood in three directions and looked at each other. The whole scene was extremely silent.

The people on the side were also infected by the atmosphere, silent, and slowly receding towards the back, withdrawing a full distance, then stopped.

Afterwards, it is almost conceivable that there will be a big war. Originally, I thought that Chen Yu was killed by the spike, but now it seems that Chen Yu's strength is not weak! And extremely strong! It was too close, maybe it would be affected by the three-man battle.

With the eyesight of everyone, even if it is a mile away, you can clearly see what happened.

A mile away, Gong Nian, Hong Xuan, Mo Zi and others were all clenching their fists at this moment, and their eyes were full of worry.

"Brother, can you say that Chen Yu can win?"

Mo Zi was extremely nervous. Mo Zhou froze, then shook his head with a bitter smile.

"I, I don't know."

Yes. Mo Zhou didn't know that Chen Yu seemed to be a bottomless abyss. He couldn't see where the limit was. If you look at it under normal circumstances, Chen Yu has absolutely no chance of winning. But along the way, Chen Yu has established an invincible image in their hearts, so this time, although reasonably told him that Chen Yu could not win, but for some reason, Mo Zhou had an inexplicable hope!

And at this moment, a sudden explosion, accompanied by bursts of shock waves, silence was completely broken!

Three people moved at the same time!


Almost at the same time, the three roared, and the three turned into three streamers, suddenly banging together!


A mushroom cloud suddenly lifted into the sky, the ground seemed to be pushed by countless bulldozers, exploded layer by layer, and then lifted up, spreading out in a circle toward the surroundings. Shock waves swept through with dust and smoke!

In the center, Chen Yu held the Balong sword with one hand, cut it with one sword, and was blocked by Pride. I saw Ao Zongxiao's hands, the sword transformed from the true power of the body, collided with the dragon sword and burst into fierce sparks.

On the other side, Chen Yu fisted with Huang Hongfeng, gold and black light swallowed each other. At the intersection, countless small explosions kept tumbling, like a boiling water splash, banging.

So strong!

Chen Yu's heart sank fiercely. Their strength is by no means weaker than the sea! They are all going to the extreme of condensed state, which is much better than the half-step condensed state of extremes!

This strength, even him, now feels extremely strenuous. It was just that blow that he had used all his strength to make it a close match!

However, compared with Chen Yu, Huang Hongfeng and Ao Zongxiao are even more shocked!

The two hands together, this blow, did not even win Chen Yu? Didn't even Chen Yu step back? You know, he is now just a great success! This kind of cultivation has this kind of combat power, then if he waits for his promotion again, who in the 100 domains can still subdue him?

Ao Zongxiao is very proud, thinking that he is the only protagonist in Bai Yu. He never thought that in terms of talent, there are still people who can surpass himself. But today, his cognition is completely broken!

Chen Yu, surpassed him, and left him far away!

As for Huang Hongfeng, it was also inexplicable. As an alien, he had killed the real Huang Hongfeng long ago, posing as him. The strength of his, even if it is proud, he is not afraid at all. Originally killing Chen Yu, in his eyes, it couldn't be simpler, but he didn't expect that this first collision gave him a dislike!

They looked at each other, and they saw the shock, the worry in each other's eyes, and that thick killing intention!

Never let him grow up!

This son is not dead, I feel uneasy! !! !!


At the same time, a loud roar, the two suddenly launched, the punches were like a dragon, and they were so angry!

"Mansion Nine!"

"Dark thorn vine!"

I saw the crackling sound of Ao Zongxiao, mentioning the long knife in his hand, slashing and chopping at Chen Yu. With each hit, Zhenli was as violent as a mountain tsunami.

The black gas on Huang Hongfeng's body diffused frantically around him, rooted on the ground, twisted frantically, and horrified. I glanced thickly, there were hundreds of them, each one was 100 meters high, and weaving over to Chen Yu crazy!

"Three Dragon Sword Formations! Kai!"

Chen Yu roared, pinched the sword with one hand, and the rising dragon sword and the royal dragon sword appeared at the same time behind him at the same time. The dragon sword in his hand was also thrown fiercely, and the other two long swords were turned into a sword array. Crazy Strangling!

At the same time, on his other hand, Chen Yu produced a strange handprint. Immediately after Kowloon was lifted off, Jin Yan flew, condensing into a dragon furnace, hanging in the sky, splashing with flames, prestigious!

For a time, the three men's battle was as fierce as Mars hitting the earth, and the continuous popping noises poured wildly with the thunder and fire, vast and unpredictable!

Everyone from one mile away had to quit five miles again. Everyone had their eyes widened and opened their mouths suddenly. They were completely stupid.

The intensity of the fighting has far exceeded their imagination!

"I, my God, this, Chen Yu, is he so powerful?" Someone opened his mouth, his eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it.

"This combat level, if we are in it, I am afraid that even the three moves can not support it." Some people swallowed hard, and looked suddenly shocked.

"Yes, Chen Yu, how many moves have he insisted on?"


Hearing this, the crowd froze, and then their faces became extremely weird.

"Okay, it seems that I have more than 130 moves ..."

hiss! More than one hundred and thirty moves!

Hearing this number, everyone took a sigh of cold air and stared at them.

You know, before the battle, there were still people who ridiculed Chen Yu and couldn't even support the three moves. Moreover, Chen Yu has not failed at all!

What a terrible thing this is!

Everyone just felt their faces, hot and shy. How could they laugh at such a strong man? But then they just sighed hard.

Okay! Fortunately, Chen Yu is about to die here! This evildoer should not be alive!

"Chen Yu ..." Gong Nian looked at Chen Yu, her palms sweating. The fighting was so fierce that it almost suffocated.

In the field, the battle became more and more insane, the three of them resorted together, and the roar continued. Ao Zongxiao and Huang Hongfeng were more and more frightened. Looking at Chen Yu's eyes, a terror had surfaced.

Yes, panic! Chen Yu's combat effectiveness scared them.

"Damn. How is this possible? I have inherited the fighting experience of the proud ancestors, no matter whether it is cultivation or fighting experience, no one can compare with me. But why can this guy always take the first step? Let me fight So aggrieved? Isn't it! "

Suddenly thought of a possibility, Ao Zixiao suddenly widened her eyes, full of incredible.

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