Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1378: A real treasure trove of heavenly resources!

Even Chen Yu did not expect that there would be such a space behind this door. If we have to talk about it, the previous door should be connected to an independent space.

This space is a full kilometer in size, and innumerable light source stones are embedded in the top, which looks extremely bright. The whole space is a boxy room.

And what is in this space?

Gongfa! Elixir! Treasure!

It's like being free of money, scattered randomly on the ground! Pick up a random book, which is densely packed with all kinds of exercises, this time, it is not a phantom like the outside world, all here are true and true!

Around the shelves, there are various bottles and jars, as well as brocade boxes, all of which are treasures.

This is the real treasure house!

"I didn't expect that the so-called treasure house was here!"

Chen Yu muttered to herself, amazed.

"Has anyone finally arrived? How long has it been?"

Suddenly, a sound sounded, making Chen Yu startled, "what!"

When I turned around, I saw streams of light emerging from all around, and gradually gathered in front of Chen Yu, turning into an old monkey with white hair. At this moment he squatted there, watching Chen Yu nodded faintly.

"you are!"

Chen Yu's eyes narrowed.

"I? Hehe, I'm just an unwilling remnant, a slave to the master."

"The treasure house here is under your care? What's your name?" Chen Yu looked around, surprised.

"Yes, it's called the Tianyuan Treasury. It is a small part of the exercises left by my host and left to the fate. As for me? You can call me A five, my memory is already damaged and I ca n’t remember too much It's more. "

Chen Yu nodded and said, "What is going on with this mythological relic? What is the solar system and why does it become a mainland?"

Each question was asked by Chen Yu, but Ah Wu just shook his head.

"Here is a battlefield. Those who died here are all powerful. The master of my house is the strongest here. He leads the people and resists them! My master is named Sun, Wu, Kong!"

Sun, Goku! !! !!

Chen Yu's heart was shocked. Sure enough, the outside world is Sun Wukong's good!

"Is he dead ..."

Chen Yu has a bit of sadness. As a Chinese, the name of Wukong Sun is very kind. Now that I hear it here, I naturally feel a little care.

Ah Wu laughed and said, "My master, how could it be so easy to die? Here, it is only a change of his hair! His body, should still be fighting in that place now!"

Speaking of, Ah Wu's incomparable pride, with his hands on his back, has a strong adoration in his eyes.

"My master, battlefield, battlefield, stand on all beings. Never lost, never bowed, a long stick, swept everything, how could he die here?"


Chen Yu froze, then nodded emotionally. Yes, the Sun Wukong he knows is just the legendary Sun Wukong. Although the stories in those myths are not groundless, they cannot be fully believed. It seems that there is still a lot of insider behind this.

If you think about it, the outside world is a giant ape that is as high as a thousand feet, and you don't know how long it has died. It is just a hair! This method is really terrifying!

Sun Wukong, has definitely reached the realm of Tianzun! Moreover, among the Supreme, it is definitely the top class!

"You said, your master, where are you still fighting? Where is that place? Who is he fighting?"

Chen Yu is very concerned, after all, Meng Po said before, time is running out! And faintly, Chen Yu felt that there was a mysterious connection with the aliens and her rebirth.

A Wu shook his head.

"I don't know. I actually died long ago. This remnant of soul has serious memory damage and can no longer remember. But I only know that they should be in the border town!"

border town!

Upon hearing the word, Chen Yu blinked his eyes, nodded, and secretly remembered it.

"I have a token here, which is a border city token. If you can pass my trial, I will give it to you. Not only that, I will also teach you the Nine Dead Apes Magic Scriptures."


Chen Yu froze.

"Isn't the Nine Dead Apes Sutras already alive outside?"

"Hehe, the Nine Dead Apes Magic Scriptures were prepared by the host for the enemy. Although there were no problems in the front, the content behind them can make people go into magic. The real Nine Dead Apes Magic Script is here!"

Hearing this, Chen Yu froze, but then he laughed softly. Pride Zongxiao spent a huge price. If I know that the exercises I have obtained are just fake, I do n’t know what I would think?

"But I remind you that the trials here are extremely difficult. If you want to pass, it will not be easy."

A Wu said, and then waved his hand. A red light swept across Chen Yu, and then a click came out. One by one, puppets in gold armor appeared in front of Chen Yu. There are forty-two people.

Each puppet has a serious face and a powerful momentum on his body, which is shocking.

A Wu looked at Chen Yu, with his hands behind his back, a touch of pride in the corner of his mouth.

"This is the first level. These are Tianyuan war puppets. Each one is the same level as your current practice, but they are all very powerful and have the ability to fight beyond the ranks. You have to be within an hour, in them You must be unbeaten in your hand to pass the first pass. "

Said, Ah Wu smiled and looked at Chen Yu with some sympathy.

"Hehe, the inheritance of my master can only choose the best inheritance. If it is a general mediocre, then he is not qualified to inherit the masterly method of my master. I know this may be too difficult for you, but this It's also to squeeze your full potential! You want to ... lie down !!! ''

Ah Wu is about to continue preaching. After all, this heritage is a trivial matter, but suddenly it stays in place, motionless, the finger just raised, stopped in the air, the whole person widened his eyes and looked at Chen Yu suddenly. , Mouth opened wide.

It's just too shocking. The forty-two war puppets were just staring at Chen Yu and were about to move. As a result, Chen Yu swiped with a finger, and a golden light flashed. All the puppets banged, and they exploded directly. Shards of Earth!

Without a war puppet, it is still intact!

The whole process, but dozens of seconds!

"You, you ..." Ah Wu looked at Chen Yu and couldn't say a word.

Chen Yu looked at Ah Wu, her voice was extremely calm.

"What is the second level?"

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