Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1385: King's return!

Looking at Ah Wu's increasingly faint figure, Chen Yu had already guessed something, but now, he has no other way.

"Oh, don't worry, I've lived long enough, it's just a lingering soul, it's gone, it's gone. You remember, after you go out from here, the outside exit will open again, and then you will directly Just go out. But unfortunately, the ancient maps and keys here are nowhere to be found. Otherwise, this mythical relic can be a good base. After all, the defense here is still very good. "

Ancient map, key?

Chen Yu thought of it and took out an ancient picture and key.

"You said, but this?"

"What ?! It's in your hands?" A 51 was surprised, then shook his head with a smile, "God, it really is God. You will be able to go to Salt Spring, which is the core hub of the entire mythological relic, and controls it. There, you can control the entire mythological relic. "

Chen Yu nodded. Ah Wu then laughed, without regret.

"I can leave with peace of mind, no matter how happy I am or how hard I die, I have fought and paid, no regrets, no regrets. Old friends, I can finally meet you."

There was a sense of emotion and relief in the faint voice.

Ah Wu's voice disappeared, and there was no space in the entire space except Chen Yu.

"Presumably your life is also extremely bright."

Looking at the empty space, Chen Yu felt some emotion in his heart. From the mouth of Ah Wu, he already knew that there had been wars here, and the leader here was a clone of Sun Wukong.

He shook his head fiercely, Chen Yu stopped thinking about it, and turned to look at the door that he had come in before. At this moment, just above the door, the light kept flickering and disappeared.

Chen Yu knew that it was the light of the seal door just now, and now the light disappeared, he could finally go out officially!

Outside the gate, Gong Nian and others were extremely anxious.

"What to do, what to do, it's been three days, Chen Yu hasn't come out yet. Is he really dead?"

Mo Ming kept pacing back and forth, clenching his fists, his face full of anxiety.

"Mo Ming! You say a few words, no one treats you dumb!"

Mo Zi was so angry that he knocked on Mo Ming's head and glanced at Mo Zhou. Although he was hiding deeply, he could still see his eyes, and he was despairing!

Three days!

No matter what method they used, the door could not be opened, and Chen Yu didn't come out from the beginning, not to mention, in the space where they are now, the exit when they came in has completely disappeared!

They have to wait for death!

"No! No, Chen Yu will not die! He is by no means the kind of person who will die easily! With pride, he can't kill him !!!"

Gong Nian shook her head again and again, it seemed to be cheering herself up, her eyes still turning, looking at the door!

The others did not speak, but the expressions on their faces were all in despair.


At this moment, everyone suddenly jumped with a sudden bang. I saw the door on the ground just now, and it exploded! Turned into powder all over the ground, nothing more!

"Hey, why is that! The door, the door blew up?"

Mo Ming's eyes widened and his face was dull.

Nima, originally they wanted Chen Yu to come out of the gate, but now the gate is blown up?

"It's over! It's over, the door is gone, and Chen Yu is absolutely dead !!!"

Mo Ming lamented, slamming his **** on the ground, his face full of despair. The others were deeply sinking in their hearts and their faces were ashamed.

"No, no ..."

Gong Nian's body softened, and she knelt down on the ground, tears rolling down like a broken pearl. She couldn't accept it, Chen Yu was really dead!

"Oh, what are you doing?"

With a faint word, everyone was shocked, everyone suddenly turned back, and saw Chen Yu standing in the sky, watching them with a smile.

"Chen Yu, you, you are going to die !!!"

Mo Zi looked at Chen Yu and sweared sharply, but a strong smile appeared on her face.

Gong Nianyu rushed out, and flew into Chen Yu's arms, like a kitten curled up, crying, without any image at all.

Chen Yu's heart was soft and she could naturally feel the worry of Gong Nian.

"Okay, it's okay."

After the soft voice comforted, Chen Yu smiled and looked at the others.

"Let's go, let's go!"

Go out!

Hearing these words, the excitement of a few people immediately fell down.

"How to get out? You don't know, just after you disappeared, the entrance here also disappeared! We are now trapped here!"

Hong Xuan shook her head aside, her face full of helplessness and pessimism.

Yeah, even if Chen Yu didn't die? Here, even if Chen Yu has the ability to reach the sky, it is useless.

In this regard, Chen Yu just smiled slightly, pointing at the sky a mile away.

"Look, what's that?"


Everyone froze and looked in the direction of Chen Yu's fingers, and suddenly jumped violently in their hearts, widening their eyes, full of incredible!

"This! This is!"

I saw there, at first there was nothing, but gradually, a small vortex suddenly emerged. Then, the vortex continued to increase, and it became about two meters in a moment!

"It's an exit! I Cao! It's really an exit!"

Mo Ming shouted excitedly, as did everyone else, everyone had a look of joy.

At the same time, they looked at Chen Yu with surprise.

As soon as Chen Yu came out, the exit also appeared. If there is no relationship between the two, the ghost will believe it.

What a miracle man!

Such thoughts were raised in the hearts of everyone.

There was no nonsense right now, and everyone flew towards the exit.

Outside, at the feet of the giant ape, 20 people stood there, looking dull and boring.

"You said, they were all sealed up inside, how could they still escape? Leaving us here to guard, Ao Gong took other people to copy Chen Yu's hometown. We have no chance to participate in such things. what a shame."

One person kicked the rock beside his foot at will, his face was depressed.

"Oh, this is the proudness of Ao Gongzi. Lions and rabbits also use their best efforts. Although those people are trapped, what should I do in case of an accident? We are here to make sure nothing is wrong!" The character laughed and looked up at the giant ape at random, suddenly shocked, his face was strange.

"Unexpectedly, really happened?"

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