Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1389: Group of dogs coming

The mighty lion fell, and the happiest ones were the wild dogs. Because they can divide the flesh of the lion.

Behind Ao Zixiao, such a group of wild dogs!

Among the dragon nations, in addition to the Chen family, there are many large families!

This time Ao Zixiao waited for someone to come, they immediately received the news and rushed over. Like a shark smelling blood, full of bloodthirsty thirst.

They knelt down, kneeled down at Ao Zongxiao, and sang praises to Ao Zongxiao, stating how inhumane they had suffered under the oppression of the Chen family. One after another, petitions were hoped that Ao Zixiao would preside over them and kill the Chen family.

In that way, it seems that the Chen family is just like the wicked and wicked.

In this regard, those who were proud of the Pride Sky all refused to take them all. After all, this kind of thing still needs some viewers to see it will become more grand, right?

Behind Ao Zixiao, many people from large families are standing here, looking greedily at Donglu Mountain.

There, it has always been a holy place for the entire earth. Even if the heavens and the earth change, after the fusion of the solar system, his status has not changed in any way, and even faintly elevated.

And now, in the future, it will become their territory! How can I not be excited?

Some people even thought that after the Chen family collapsed, they would go to Donglu Mountain and take over the legendary villa No. 1!

But some people still have inexplicable uneasiness in their hearts.

"Dad, me, do we really want to divide the Chen family? Do you forget that several times before, everyone thought that Chen Yu was dead, but every time, Chen Yu came alive and killed those people. Anyway! I, I'm afraid ... "

A middle-aged man hesitated looking at the old man beside him.


The old man immediately slaps, throws it on the face of the middle-aged man, looks like he hates iron.

"Waste! What are you afraid of! Didn't you see these people, just how terrible they were? The sea that was stronger than Chen Yu was hurt by Pride, and now it is going to be taken as a maid. . How could Chen Yu be his opponent? Since Ao Zixiao said that Chen Yu was dead, it must not be wrong! "

Looking at the middle-aged man, the old man said more and more angry.

"Our Sun family, how to say is also the top family now, but you look at you, there is no courage to do things. Yesterday I asked you to go to the headquarters of Xiancao Group and first occupy the Xiancao Group. The old man said that Chen Wudi would come back, but the time was delayed and the Zheng family took it away! Such a big piece of fat, if it is not you, we will eat it! "

The old man is the owner of the Sun family, Sun Hong. And this man is his son, Sun Jian. On the first day of Pride, Sun Hong asked Sun Jian to take over the Xiancao Group, but Sun Jian hesitated and did not dare to move at all. Let the headquarters of Xiancao Group fall into the hands of the deadly Zheng family.

This is the reason why Sun Hong jumped like thunder.

"But, isn't the Liu family not here this time? Not only that, they didn't even see Piaozi Xiao, they just shrank in the room."

Sun Jian covered her face and looked aggrieved.

"Huh, Liu Zhong of the Liu family? He was too courageous to be frightened by Chen Yu, thinking that Chen Wudi would return like the last few times? If Chen Wudi could return, my Sun Hong would kill himself!"

Sun Hong said. Others laughed when they heard what Sun Hong said.

Chen Wudi is back? Stop talking and laughing! If that's the case, they won't come here together!

The crowd immediately laughed.

"Sun Hong, don't be angry, we will be able to enter Donglu Mountain right away. Isn't that better than Xiancao Group?"

"Yeah, you still think about it, let's divide up Chen's house later, haha."

"In advance, Chen Taiyi and his wife Wu Nianzhi, I have been thinking about it for a long time. For several nights, I let the shouting lady put on the same clothes as Wu Nianzhi, and let me run. This time I entered Donglu Mountain, others No, I will play with Wu Nianzhi. "

"Well, what you think is so beautiful, but that is Chen Wudi's mother! How glorious is it to play? What do you want me to say about you? Let me be the second!

Everyone laughed, everyone's face was flushed. Even those who didn't think of Wu Nianzhi before, are a little bit tempted at this moment.

Chen Wudi's mother! The hostess of Donglu Mountain, wouldn't it be a shame for such a woman to not taste?

"A group of ants."

At this moment, Tianjiao was standing beside Ao Zongxiao, watching Sun Hong and others laugh unscrupulously, his face was cold.

Ao Zixiao glanced at these people, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

"Isn't that also a good thing?"

what? Hearing these words, many Tianjiao held back.

"When Chen Yu's mother will be wiped out and sent to these people. Chen Yu insults me several times, so let his mother come to pay him debts."

Flicking his fingers, Pride looked cold.

A group of ants, sleeping on Chen Yu's mother?

Great idea!

Unfortunately, Chen Yu, you can't see it.

At this moment, Ao Zixiao had some regrets. How he hoped that Chen Yu would stand here and be able to see it all with his own eyes? And let Chen Yu get a glimpse of the nine dead apes magic books he has mastered in these three days!


With a light noise, the door of Villa One opened!

A figure came out.

It's the sea! At this moment, she was full of real strength, a frantic frenzied killing intention, spreading frantically towards all around!

And beside the sea, there are Chen Taiyi and others. Everyone who was still excited about the discussion, brushed their eyes, all focused on Wu Nianzhi's body, as if to use his eyes to wipe out Wu Nianzhi's clothes!

"Oh? Come out? How are you thinking?"

Ao Zongxiao glanced at the sea with a smile on her mouth, but it was cold and ruthless.

"I consider your uncle!"

With a loud roar in the sea, the whole person stepped out and transformed directly into the body, turning into a giant black cat that was a hundred meters high, slamming his claws and flinging towards the proud sky!

Above her claws, black air lingered around it, burning randomly and turning into black inflammation, the air next to it was burnt directly, even across the distance, can feel a domineering heat wave, Extremely powerful!

However, the pride height did not move, and still stood in place, but under the foot gently stepped in the air, and immediately behind him, a giant ape illusion of three hundred meters appeared!

Two fangs protruded from the giant ape's mouth, extremely fierce. In front of this great ape, the sea is as weak as a kitten.

The giant ape slaps it down, slaps it down hard, spit the blood out of Canghai's mouth, flew out, hit the ground severely, and turned into a woman again.

"You!" The sea was frightened, never expecting that in just three days, Pride Sky had such an amazing change! Strength and three days ago, there has been a big improvement!

Of course, this is also because Canghai was injured three days ago, and was caught off guard just now. This was a defeat. Otherwise, it would not be easy for Ao Zongxiao to defeat Canghai.

"Oh, I really hope Chen Yu isn't dead. I can look at my current strength."

Ao Zongxiao laughed and stepped out. When he was about to catch the sea, he suddenly made a fierce meal, turned sharply, and looked at the distant sky, his pupils shaking madly!

This, this feeling of palpitations, what's going on! !! !!

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