Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1397: Hundred Domains Shake!

Quiet, horrible!

After Li Kai finished speaking, the whole scene was as if someone had pressed the pause button without any sound.

But then, like a sudden eruption of a volcano, it suddenly became extremely noisy.

All eyes widened, their mouths widened, and they looked like ghosts.

"I Cao, am I **** having ear problems? Chen, Chen Yu killed so many people, and also killed Ao Zixiao? Impossible! If this is true, I'll just **** go eat **** ! "

"Count me, grass. How is that possible? The Kirin of my family is half-step condensed, Chen Yu, how can he kill him? They are talking nonsense! Nonsense!"

"Are you guys, are you talking nonsense here because the forces behind you are close to Baiyu College? Kill me! Kill me !!!"

The emotions are exciting, everyone's complexion is flushed, and the picture should not be too beautiful.

Just now these people were still criticizing Li Kai and others for not raising enough energy and being calm.

but now? These people are not only unsteady, they almost have to jump into the field and slap Li Kai and others!

Gong Liushui swallowed and felt scalp tingling.

That's right, it's scalp!

After killing Ao Zixiao, he was not too surprised, after all, with Chen Yu's true combat power, it was not without this possibility. But, killed all the contestants Tianjiao? How much power does this offend?

Chen Yu, you, you **** are playing me!

Gong Liushui's tangled look on his face felt that his brain was not enough. In this situation, he had no idea how to deal with it.


With a thunderous thunder, Aohong instantly appeared in front of Li Kai, grabbed Li Kai's collar, and lifted him up.

"What the **** are you talking about? Me, my family was killed by Chen Yu !?"

Aohong's mouth was frantic, his eyes were bloodshot, and the temples on his forehead jumped.

impossible! This is impossible!

How could Ao Zixiao's strength be killed by Chen Yu?

"You're lying to me, tell me, you're **** lying to me, right!"

Aohong shook Li Kai wildly, making Li Kai's whole body stunned. Not only him, but many survivors behind Li Kai, all at this moment are aggressive. I remembered what those people said before.

"Oh, young man, there really is no city government. You are all Tianjiao people. When you encounter anything, you must be calm. How can you be like this, because some small things have messed up your square feet?"

"That's it. At this point, you have to learn to learn about Ao Zixiao and Aojia. Take a look. Why is Aojia sitting there? There has been a half-point fluctuation? Like you, no big, no small, so morbid? "

. . . . . .

The words were still in the ears, before everyone said that they had no square feet, but now?

Nima, are n’t you more excited than us?

"It's true! Ao Zixiao was indeed killed by Chen Yu, and I'm afraid Chen Yu will be back soon."

Rumble. . .

As I was talking, I heard the sound of sonic booms in the distant sky, attracting the attention of everyone inside and outside the palace.

Many big men outside the palace at this moment did not know what happened. When they saw Chen Yu, they were all stunned.

"It's Chen Yu and Baiyu College? That's Mo's sister, and that's Hongxuan. Strange, hasn't Chen Yu been killed by Pride?"

"Why? Why are they back, and Ao Zixiao and the other Tianjiao have not yet returned? Is there anything else on the battlefield for hegemony?"

In the discussion of everyone, Chen Yu has already arrived in the palace.

"Chen Yu! Say, me, my grandson, yes, did you kill ?!"

Aohong looked at Chen Yu, her voice trembling.

Ao Zixiao is the hope of the Ao family, his favorite grandson. He was so scared that he heard the death of Ao Zixiao from Chen Yu's mouth.


Chen Yu frowned and looked at Aohong.

"You are the proud homeowner Aohong. You wait."

and many more?

What do you mean?

Aohong froze, then saw that Chen Yu opened the Na ring, and rummaged for a while, then sighed helplessly.

"Forget it, you find it yourself."

Wow. . .

Every human head, like a flood, banged out directly from Chen Yu's appetite!

That's right, it's the human head!

All Tianjiao's head!

Chen Yu brought all these arrogant heads back and threw them to the ground in public! After all, let them come back, too? From this perspective, Chen Yu is still very good.

Not long after, there were more than 200 heads at Chen Yu's feet. Without exception, the faces of these people are still scared. At the time when Chen Yu was killing them, they intentionally left their first level and packed them away.

This scene is spectacular!

"I, my Cao!"

Gong Liushui stayed, except for cursing words, he could not think of any other words to express his heart!

So many Tianjiao, have all been killed?

"Ah! My unicorn! It's dead, it's dead!"

"No, why not? My son is talented, why, and why did he fall to such a point!"

"I am going to perish, I am such a lone seedling!"

. . . . . .

The wailing screams that filled the sky filled the entire palace.

Aohong stepped back and forth seven or eight steps, the whole person was shaking. He had already seen, among so many heads, a blood-stained head was staring at himself!

It's the proud head!

At this moment their grandparents were watching each other. But it is already separated by yin and yang!

"Chen Yu, I, I am going to kill you !!!"


Aohong suddenly burst into flames! The stout pillar of fire rushed into the sky instantly, and a strong sense of oppression surged, no matter whether it was inside or outside the palace, everyone was shocked!

"This, this coercion! Horror, it's too horrible!" Someone trembled.

"Not good!" Gong Liushui was startled, and immediately went to help Chen Yu, but suddenly saw that Chen Yu's complexion was normal, and there was no change at all.

"Li Kai, how did Chen Yu kill Ao Zixiao?"

At this moment, Li Kai and others have returned to their respective forces, and Li Kai's master Cang Mo asked.

"I don't know. The battle was too fast. When we went, it was over. I heard that Chen Yu defeated Ao Zongxiao by one move. Ao Zongxiao used three methods to stimulate himself and wanted to run away. Strike, kill directly! "Li Kai replied.

"What did you say !!! Kill with one stroke !!!"

Cang Mo's eyes widened suddenly, and an incredible roar cried, and in his heart, the stormy sea had turned up!

At this moment, Chen Yu looked at Aohong, her frown slightly.

"You are loud and quiet."

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