Three levels!

Second level!

Hearing this, Chen Yu frowned and drank the wine softly, calmly.

"go on."

Su Ling nodded and said: "There are three levels of existence in Aotianjie. People like us are ordinary people, and they are third-class people. I heard that we were not originally from Aotianjie, but came from the outside world. We are here, working only day after day, with little promotion. "

"The second kind of people also came from the outside world a long time ago, but these people are those who have mastered the practice of the practice. They can not engage in production and have great power in their hands. But no matter what, they and the first There is still a big gap between first-class people. "

"And the first class is the people of the proud family! They are the masters of the entire proud world, and even the second-class people who practice extremely well, if they dare to offend the first class, they will die very miserably. It is absolutely forbidden to shake any authority! Every proud family member will have a clear sign. In order to distinguish other people, the proud family member's clothes will have a special logo that is easy to identify. "

"The three-eyed worm they said before is one of the big names in the underground world of the stars, and it is also the second class!"

After hearing this, Chen Yu understood. The hierarchy of Aotianjie is clear. Between the three levels, some are similar to Earth. The lowest level is naturally ordinary people, and the middle level is the major families. As for the highest level, it is like a living bodhisattva, but a **** walking on earth, worshipped by everyone.

"The development track of Aotianjie really has some meaning."

Chen Yu thought of drinking.

Su Ling aside, looked at Chen Yu with envy.

"Sir, you are so good, you must be a second-class person! It is enviable. Every second-class person is an admirable existence except for the proud family!"

Chen Yu smiled slightly.

"Really, do you think I'm a second-class person?"

In words, there was a slight disdain.

Su Ling nodded heavily and did not notice Chen Yu's disdain.

"You are so good, you must be a second-class person. But the three-eyed bug is very good. The owner of this bar is also a second-class person, but when he sees the three-eyed bug, he has to call the third brother. You go now Otherwise, if they come to your door, it will be over! "

Speaking, Su Ling looked at Chen Yu with some worries.

Chen Yu is too young, and after all, he is not a native, how could he fight the Trichinella?

"Anyway, if he wants to die, he'll come."

"You're too naive. The three-eyed bug is terrible! You don't know, his strength is second to none in the underground world of the stars city! And he has a good relationship with the proud family! You must not offend He. "

Chen Yu smiled, didn't speak, just drank softly.

"By the way, you said that you are all from the outside world? Tell me what is going on here."

Su Ling heard that only when Chen Yu was the kind of fatherless orphan orphan, and only gained the practice of cultivation, did she have her current strength, so she explained again.

"I heard that the proud ancestors brought a lot of technology when the proud ancestors were established, and then the continuous improvement of the proud generations from generation to generation has formed the present proud world."

After talking for a long time, Chen Yu stopped asking. Generally speaking, she had already understood the whole situation of Ao Tianjie, but Su Ling did not understand the secret of the mythological relics, and now Chen Yu sighed in her heart.


At this moment, a sudden sound came, the door of the bar banged, and it was directly torn apart, smashing the blood of several people near the door.

Everyone in the bar was screaming in fright, the music stopped, and there was chaos.

"Give me some quietness!"

The fierce roar, like a thunder, suddenly exploded in the bar, making the noisy crowd just moments quiet.

When everyone looked at the door, they saw a man with three eyes standing there, a scar, sloping down from his right brow bone, exuding a fierce breath.

Behind this man, there are seven or eight strong men with a stern complexion, all exposed on the skin, all of which are scars and imposing.

It's Three Eyes!

"Oh, Lord Three-eyed Bug, why are you here, Lotte? I'll call our boss right away."

When a person in charge saw the three-eyed bug, he immediately greeted it with a smile and bent over.

"No need. My people were killed. Yun Hong was my tool for libido and was also killed. I'll come to him to settle accounts!"

The three-eyed insect snorted and looked around the bar.

The strong man beside him also kept looking at the crowd, his eyes were brutal.

In addition to these people, beside the three-eyed bug, there is also a man and a woman, just the pair of dew in the toilet just now!

Under the pressure of Trinoculars and others, everyone in the bar was frightened and could not help but step back, for fear of being caught by Trinoculars and others. After all, almost all of the people who play here are third-class people. As a second-class three-eyed bug, there is no problem even killing people here!

Only Chen Yu, still sitting in the deck, drank alcohol unhurriedly, turned his back to the three-eyed bug, and never turned his head.

"Not good! Sir, take a break!"

When Su Ling saw the three-eyed bug and others, her heart flinched, and she lowered her head as much as possible, for fear of being recognized.

"Anyway, little bugs, nothing special."

Chen Yu smiled and said nothing.

In another deck, there were even a few young people who were sitting there. They were not as scared as others about the coming of Trinoculars except for being curious.

"Three-eyed bug, what kind of wild are you running here to spread?"

At this moment, among the young people, a woman stood up, looked at the three-eyed bug, and smiled at the corner of her mouth.

Seeing this woman, the three-eyed bug stared.

"Yan Zhiyao, are you here? I'm here for revenge, nothing to do with you!"

The Yan family is also a second-class family. Compared with the three-eyed bug, the Yan family also has a relationship with the entire city, the only proud family, behind the family!

Even if it is a three-eyed bug, don't dare to offend the Yan family too much.

"As long as you don't bother me, do whatever you want."

Yan Zhiyao glanced at the three-eyed bug and sat back in the deck.

At this moment, beside the three-eyed worm, the previous dew owl suddenly exclaimed, yelling at Chen Yu.

"It's him! It's him and the girl who kills!"


Suddenly everyone's eyes gathered on Chen Yu!

Focus of the audience!

Three-eyed worms stared fiercely, and brought their men to Chen Yu's presence.

"Boy, you are the one who killed me? Say, did you kill yourself, or did I kill you?"

Three-eyed bug looked at Chen Yu coldly. The eyes of everyone watching Chen Yu were full of sympathy. The former Yan Zhiyao also looked sideways and looked curious.

Putting down the wine glass gently, Chen Yu looked at the three-eyed bug with a very dull look.

"Do you want to die?"

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