Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1432: Depart, Cangliu Empire!

Disgusting family!

When Chen Yu heard the name, his eyes narrowed.

It seems that this martial art is definitely well-known in the Cangli Empire! Moreover, it is still a taboo!

"Say! What's going on with the family?" Chen Yu asked.

"Haha, do you want to know? Then go to the Cangli Empire and ask our royal family! Hahahaha, Chen Yu, wait for your death! No one who is related to the Wu family will end well! Xiao Xuan'er's suitors will look for you one by one! You're finished, you're finished! Hahaha ... "

The fierce laughter rang through the sky, and then Amor suddenly burst out, yelled, and banged directly into the sky! Turn into a red firework!

Omo, blew up!

In the air, there was a **** smell, telling the misery just now.

"Why, why is this so."

Pride indulged in a slap on the ground and lost his soul. Omo was her biggest support, but now, Omo was killed by Chen Yu!

All this is like dreaming.

"It's over, Ao's home is over!" Aohong became cold, and his heart rose into despair.

"Is the royal family of the Cangli Empire?"

Chen Yu stood in the sky, faintly talking to himself. There was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"I will go. As for those suitors?"

With a flash of coldness, Chen Yu killed himself, "Come one, I kill one, come ten, I kill ten! Women who dare to touch me, I want you, the whole family will die!"

After speaking, Chen Yu turned her head, stepped out, and when she appeared again, she was in front of a few prideful people!

"Ah! You, don't come over! I, I am from the Cangli Empire, you dare to touch me, Cangli Empire will not let you go!"

Pride sat down on the ground, stepping back and forth, his face full of horror, and no more arrogance and prejudice at the beginning.

"Cangli Empire?"

Chen Yu raised a brow, then suddenly shot, a flashing body disappeared directly from the place, and after a few breaths, he appeared again, but this time, there was an extra head in his hands!

That's right, proud head!

One move, picking the head of pride, like picking a peach!

"Me, my body ?!"

The prideful eyes were full of confusion, because in her eyes, a headless body was sitting on the ground, and a **** fountain full of more than a meter high was sprayed on the neck!

That is her body!

"Ah, ah !!! My body, ah !!!!!!"

The hysterical screams erupted suddenly, and the overbearing pride was reflected, screaming frantically, hysterically, infinitely horrible.

"Remember, you are not qualified to threaten me!"

With a flick of his hand, the head of pride indulged directly under Aohong's feet. At this moment, the pride of pride was completely stopped and his eyes widened.

Not staring!

Turning his head, Chen Yu looked at Aohong with cold eyes.

"I gave you a chance. Unfortunately, you didn't cherish it."

Aohong froze, then sighed deeply, her eyes sorrowful.

"Yeah, the king is defeated, isn't that the case? Chen Wudi, come on, at least, let's die here!"

Aohong roared loudly and rushed to Chen Yu with everyone behind him!

They are determined to die, but all this is nothing more than a dying struggle!

I saw Chen Yu step out, like a tiger into a flock, killing all these people clean.

For a moment, blood flows like a sea, and people are rolling!

At this moment, the top floor of the Star Hotel has been overturned, and many of the second-class leaders are standing at the venue where the banquet is held on the ground floor, looking at everything in shock.

Because, in front of their eyes, all the proud and proud people are all falling to the ground at this moment, and there is no vitality!

In the middle of the dead bones is Chen Yu, who is standing there quietly, as if death had come into the world. And Aohong's head rolled down at Chen Yu's feet!

"Oh my God, the proud family, the proud family are all dead!"

Some big-eyed eyes widened and shouted inconceivably.

"The sky is falling, this is the sky falling! The whole proud world is going to be turbulent!"

"He, he did it!"


One by one, all kneeled down, looking at Chen Yu in awe.

"Old, teacher him !!!"

Yan Zhiyao covered his mouth, his eyes were full of shock. Yan Tian was dumbfounded and looked at Chen Yu with a bang in his head.

My Yan family had such a thick thigh? At this moment, he has no previous despair, not even joy, because what happened today is so shocking!

"Ziyao, Yan Tian, ​​come here."

At this moment, Chen Yu spoke faintly, Yan Tian and Yan Zhiyao were both stunned and came to Chen Yu's presence.

"Teacher, what do you command?"

Yan Zhiyao asked.

Chen Yu smiled slightly, "Remember what I said before? Aotianjie, change the surname Yan, how?"

"What! Mr. Chen, what do you mean!" Yan Tian was suddenly surprised, looking at Chen Yu inconceivably, his eyes were full of shock.


Chen Yu laughed, "From now on, this place is no longer Ao Tianjie, but Yan Tianjie! You Yan family, take charge here!"


The sound was thunderous, rolling, making many big men present with trembling.

"Yes! I'll wait and remember!"

All the big brothers worshipped and shouted in unison.

Yan Zhiyao's eyes flashed, looking at Chen Yu, full of glory.

This is their own teacher. Between the wave of hands, the proud family died, and they, from a second-class family, suddenly became the first person in the entire proud world!

This is simply incredible!

Chen Yu stayed in Yan Tianjie for another two days, cleared away the rest of the proud family, set up a matrix at the entrance, and gave the control of the matrix to Yan Zhiyao. Leave.

And his next stop is the Cangliu Empire!

Now Chen Yu, after solving the proud family, has become the first person in Baiyu, but Chen Yu knows that this is not enough!

For Xuan Xuan's own woman, he must become stronger. It is conceivable that many people will challenge him in the future! And the first to bear the crown prince of the Cangliu Empire!

And the second thing is everything found in the mythological relics. Meng Po's messages across time, the appearance of Sun Wukong, the border town, and the unknown war, all these seem to be inextricably linked to herself!

The third thing is alien! The reason why Chen Yu was born again is because of the aliens. Some old accounts must be calculated with the aliens!

There are so many things.

Chen Yu sighed, and then her eyes flashed.

Cangli Empire, I Chen Yu, here!

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