Gu Bao saw the sight in front of her and stayed completely!

Chen Yu was okay under the starry sky! ?

I saw a squall of wind blasting beside him, but it only sounded a loud voice, leaving a white mark, but it was not Ling Chi like him!

"I, my Cao! Your body!"

With his eyes widened, Gu Bao looked at Chen Yu, only to understand why Chen Yu broke the film!

Fuck, the other person's physical body can resist the attack of the starry sky!

Chen Yu deliberately wanted to kill him with a squall wind, and did not want to die with himself!

"Little bastard, you **** 'me !!!! Lao Tzu, no, sweet ..."

The hysterical roar was filled with unparalleled unwillingness and anger, and Gu Bao was almost sorrowful!

Obviously his own strength is better than Chen Yu, obviously he has mastered the absolute initiative, but in the end, he was killed by Chen Yu! A guy with a condensed state!

The crazy roar grew smaller and smaller, until the end, under the starry sky, Gu Baosheng was hanged to death, his bones were left, and the real frustration was ashes!

Seeing this scene, Chen Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, this guy was killed. If this guy is sent to Five Realms, the killing caused by it will be too big!

King of Heaven, please wait. I will not only kill your son, but also your men. In the future, I will kill you! !! !!

Chen Yu was ruthless. But then he looked around and couldn't help smiling.

Next, I can't do it myself. . .

Although his own body can resist the starry sky, but that is only temporary. The starry sky was fierce and stronger than he imagined!

Even if he is now united in spirit and flesh, he combines the power of consciousness, the power of the emperor dragon and the physical power of his emperor dragon body to make his defense very strong, but he is continuously exposed to the starry sky and wind. This is also extremely bad for Chen Yu!

And in the starry sky, he could not take the elixir in the ring. After all, howling wind is extremely destructive, even if it is taken out, it is torn by the wind howling.

At this moment in his body, the starry sky wind has begun to penetrate a little bit, and it is about to destroy his body!

"So that's it!"

Chen Yu's eyes were cold, and she did her best to start against the starry sky. Following this, his consciousness also began to fall asleep, his body fluttering in the starry sky.

. . . . . .

When Chen Yu opened her eyes again, her vision changed completely.

In the bright room, a fragrant fragrance rushed in between his noses, while he was lying on a large bed.


Chen Yu suddenly stood up, her eyes flashed suddenly!

This is where? Aren't you drifting in the starry sky? Why is it here?

Questions appeared in his mind.


A sound came, the door of the room was pushed open, and a little girl like a maid came in with a basin of water in her hand. After seeing Chen Yu rising, her eyes widened and her face appeared with surprise.

"You, are you awake? Great! It's so good! Miss, my aunt is awake, my aunt is awake!"

With that said, the little girl put down the basin in her hand, ran out and yelled out loud.

Auntie? !!

What the **** is this fucking? Why did you become uncle for nothing?

At this moment, the little girl just returned and returned, but this time, beside her, there was an extra woman and a stunning woman!

This woman is very tall, with a full length of one meter seven, and looks extremely delicate, with a standard face of melon seeds, fair and delicate skin. Dressed in luxurious light-colored clothes, while presenting her exquisite figure perfectly, it also makes people feel dignified and elegant, which has extremely fatal appeal for men.

"Are you awake? What's your name? As my husband, I need to know your name."

The woman looked at Chen Yu and said lightly, without any smile on her face, as if looking at a stranger.

But what she said was shocking!


Is this woman his wife?

"Who are you? Where is this? How did you find me? What the **** is going on?"

Without answering the woman, Chen Yu sat on the bed, coldly speaking, her voice was low.


Hearing Chen Yu's words surprised the woman. Because, from Chen Yu's words, she felt a sense of oppression!

"This is Lan'an City. My name is Lan Nuo. We rescued you from the side of Jiuqing River. I didn't expect that you, a guy who didn't even have the real power, could survive in that kind of place? What a miracle!"

Lano said.

what? No Zenith?

Chen Yu froze and immediately urged Huanglong Yuanli in his body, but the next moment, his face was extremely ugly.

Within Dantian, his own Emperor Dragon Yuanli is still there, but at this moment it is silent, because outside of his own Dantian, the massive starry sky winds like a spider spinning silk, weaving a fine web, His own Emperor Dragon Yuanli was wrapped in it.

The two are entangled with each other, and Chen Yu can feel that Huanglong Yuanli is slowly digesting the starry sky, and accepts it as her own strength. Once it is completely digested, it will be a huge improvement for his strength!

But during this period, the emperor dragon power in his body could not be used at all, and could only rest quietly!

This is true, I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing.

Chen Yu's mind is complicated.

I didn't expect that he could absorb the starry sky wind and improve his strength. That is naturally good, but now he has to face a situation where he can't use his real power in a short time. Moreover, his Emperor Dragon's Eucharist also suffered great damage and needed to be slowly recuperated.

"Lan'an City? Is this within the Cangli Empire?"

Chen Yu asked.

The little **** the side smiled immediately.

"Hee hee, miss, isn't this guy's brain hard to use, can it be stupid? Don't even know such a thing?"

"Don't say more, he's stupid, I'm more satisfied."

Lannuo said, "Lan'an City is on the Blue Star, and the Blue Star belongs to the Nanlou Kingdom. It is a kingdom under the Cangli Empire, and naturally belongs to the Cangli Empire."

Hearing this, Chen Yu's heart was a little more stable. It seemed that she had good luck. Although she fell into the starry sky, her general direction was not wrong, and she was still within the bounds of the Cangliu Empire.

But why did this Lanno think of himself as a husband? And, say that the stupid one is, the better?

Chen Yu was full of doubts.

"Well, you can rest. If you're fine, get up. I'll show you to my father later."

Having said that, Ranno left directly.

From beginning to end, there was no smile on her face, and faintly, Chen Yu saw a faint defeat from Lan Nuo's eyes.

All this, what is going on?

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