Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1446: Jianbao Master

Lannuo's eyes were burning and his pupils kept shrinking.

A bold idea appeared in her mind.

"Oh, Chen Cangyu, there is only one word missing between you and that strong man, shouldn't you be that person?"

At this moment, Yao Wen looked at Chen Yu and said with a smile.

However, in his words, he obviously had a strong sense of ridicule.

"I said I was, do you believe it?"

Chen Yu sipped softly and looked at Yao Wen with a slight smile.

When Chen Yu looked at it this way, Yao Wen was subconscious, and his eyes dodged! It seemed afraid to look at Chen Yu's eyes, but he didn't notice it.

Everyone else in the room heard this, and all smiled.

"Haha, friend, you are really humorous, but Chen Cangyu and Chen Yu are really only one word behind."

Everyone laughed, but no one took it seriously. After all, the gap between the two was too big.

One is a waste that cannot be practiced, and the other is a super strong who can kill Aomo. How can it be the same person one day at a time?


Lanno laughed at himself. Even though Chen Cangyu really brought her a lot of surprises, but compared to that kind of character, it is still far worse.

How can I think that they are the same person?

Ranno shook his head again and again.

It was just that Chen Yu was sitting there, unaffected, and sipling tea without saying a word.

"Okay, okay, don't make fun of him, let's go. Count it, Baibao Pavilion is about to open the door."

A few people laughed and left the tea house together and set off towards Baibao Pavilion.

The Baibao Pavilion is very famous throughout the Nanlou Dynasty. If there is the most complete treasure and the most variety in the Nanlou Dynasty, it must be the Baibao Pavilion.

Here, all kinds of exercises, combat skills, elixir and treasures are available.

And do n’t be afraid to buy fake things when you buy things from here.

Because in the treasure hall, there is the existence of a treasure master. All things that want to enter the treasure court must be evaluated by the treasurer before they can be put into the treasure court for auction.

In addition, the transactions in Baibao Pavilion are also very secure. No one dares to hit his mind on Baibao Pavilion. After all, behind the Baibao Pavilion, there is a big man sitting.

In the past, the son of a large family, fancy one of the treasures in Baibao Pavilion, wanted to play as a rogue, and killed one of the staff in Baibao Pavilion. As a result, the person disappeared without a trace. The next day, that big family was burned out by a fire, and none survived!

Since then, no one has dared to cause trouble in Baibao Pavilion.

"By the way, Luoqiao, why do some of them come to the Baibao Pavilion of Lan'an City? Isn't Baibao Pavilion in every city with shops?"

Lanno was somewhat surprised.

The cities where Yao Wen, Lu An, and Shen Yuanxun lived all had Baibao Pavilion semicolons, and these three cities were far away from Lan'an City. Why did the three come here?

"Hehe, you do n’t know about it, here today, the chief treasurer of Baibaoge, Master Sun An was there, and there are good things that have been identified by his hands. We will naturally take a look! "

The look of reverence in Luoqiao's face.

"Master Sun An is here!"

Hearing this, Ranno was shocked and surprised.

Sun An, in the entire South Tower dynasty, is a well-known existence, is the treasure master of treasure treasure for life! The status is extremely high in Baibao Pavilion.

Normally, he almost stayed in the capital of the Nanlou dynasty. In the Nanlou market, he did not expect that he would come here in person this time!

I have been worried about Guo Yuan before, and I haven't noticed that such a big thing happened in Lan'an!

"Oh, it ’s normal that you do n’t know. This time Master Sun An came and was extremely low-key. If it was n’t for a friend of mine, it happened to have something to do with the staff at Baibaolou. I do n’t know, so I will I call you out for shopping today. "

Luo Qiao laughed, "Let's go, let's go in."

Several people said that they had arrived in Baibao Pavilion.

If you have to compare, Baibao Pavilion is similar to those big shopping malls on the earth, divided into several floors.

Things are different at each level.

On the first floor they went in, they sold all kinds of clothing and treasures. These things not only have exquisite workmanship, but also have many effects such as defense and concentration.

Of course, its price is also very expensive.

"Wait a minute, I'll buy some clothes for Chen Cangyu first, and then go and see the good things identified by Master Sun An."

Lanuo said happily.

Shopping is a woman's nature, especially when buying clothes for men, women will show their horrible strength.

Throughout the first floor, Lan Nuo brought Chen Cangyu to the various counters, constantly comparing each piece of clothing.

Luo Qiao, Yao Wen and others all followed behind Lan Nuo, and everyone's face was helpless.

As for what!

He's just a little white face. For him, you ran here to buy clothes!

Although the hearts of the people kept talking, but Lan Nuo, after all, was the daughter of the city owner and had a high status. Even if they looked down on Chen Yu, they didn't show it in their face. But in my heart, dissatisfaction and contempt for Chen Yu grew bigger and bigger!

After all, in order to buy clothes for Chen Yu, Lan Nuo dragged all of them and made them feel like Chen Yu's servants. This feeling is very bad!

"Just this one, you try it."

After many choices, Lanuo finally chose a dark suit and handed it to Chen Yu.

Chen Yu nodded and entered the fitting room.

Yao Wen and others were all waiting outside.

"Hey, it's really unpleasant. I didn't expect people like us to accompany a little burden to buy clothes!" Yao Wen murmured.

Lu An and Shen Yuanxun both nodded and looked at the direction of the fitting room with a disdainful smile.

"Forget it, after all, it's not good to look at Lan Nuo's face. Let's see what he looks like after he comes out. Hehe, a small white face, even if it is well dressed, Will there be such a momentum that I will wait? "

"Yeah, it's good for people to rely on clothes and saddles, but no matter how good the clothes are, it depends on people. A guy who can't practice can't wear clothes here, it can only be regarded as plaudits!"

The three disdain opened their mouths.

Luo Qiao and other girls were chatting there.

"That Chen Cangyu is so arrogant, I just look at him a little upset. It seems that we are not in his eyes, really dragging."

"Yeah, what is he? If it wasn't for Lannow, he wouldn't be eligible to come out and play with us. When he comes out, I'm sure to mock him! You're right, sister Luoqiao."

Luo Qiao smiled slightly, looking at the direction of the fitting room, with a bit of scorn in his mouth.

"The clothes here can't be worn by everyone. A guy with a bow on his waist, even if he wears a Chinese suit, he can't afford to straighten his waist."

As I was talking, the door of the fitting room opened!

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