Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1457: The big man behind Baibao Pavilion!

"You, what did you say?"

Sun An's eyes widened and he pointed to his nose, his face looked stunned.

"You, you let the old man kneel for you?"

Chen Yu nodded, "Before I said that everyone was present, naturally you were included!"


Suddenly, he broke out from Chen Yu's mouth and shocked Sun An.

Subsequently, Sun An's face immediately became extremely red, bleeding gradually appeared in her eyes, and her breathing became heavy.

"Presumptuous! It's just presumptuous! The old man is the chief appraiser of Baibaoge. You, you are so extravagant that you dare to let me kneel !? You dare!"

Sun An roared violently.

Everyone at the scene was stunned, looking at Chen Yu's eyes full of confusion.

Originally thought that Chen Yu was already arrogant and bold enough, but never expected that Chen Yu was even bolder than they thought!

Offending so many big men is not counted, even Sun An has to offend! ?

"Chen, Chen, Chen Cangyu, you, you, you calm !!!!"

Ranno was a little uncomfortable.

Oh my god, it ’s so scary, my heart is not good, can you not scare me like that!

She never expected that Chen Yu was so stingy that even Baibao Pavilion dared to offend, and the offender was the chief appraisal master of Baibao Pavilion!

If he knelt down, wouldn't Baibaoge be slammed?

It's over! This is really over!

Lannuo felt only that his heart had fallen off a cliff, and it was instantly cold.

"I, my Cao !!!"

Seeing this scene, Lu An opened her mouth wide and looked away.

"Here, this buddy is too, too fierce, this kind of person must not be provoked, quickly, let's kneel!"

Speaking, Lu An and Yao Wen made a few noises and knelt directly on the ground! Not even letting Chen Yu call them, just so conscious!

They all say that they are afraid of being killed, and those who are not afraid of madness. In their eyes, Chen Yu is the lunatic!

No one knows what next thing Chen Yu will do, so the best way is to obey his order, otherwise the next moment, Chen Yu may really do other crazy things.

It can be said that Lu An and others have been frightened!

"Are you kneeling?"

Chen Yu looked at Sun An and said coldly.

"Huh! My husband doesn't kneel! Boy, do you know what is behind the Treasure Pavilion? How dare you move me here, believe it or not you can't get out of here today?"

Sun An waved his sleeves violently.

A slanting glance at Chen Yu, Sun An smiled coldly.

"The old man is standing here now. If you have a seed, then do it to me! My legs are abolished! Use your old man's legs to replace your life, I dare you!"

The crowd startled, looking at Sun An's eyes, full of worship.

Sure enough, the master is the master. This kind of demeanor and this ability to control the overall situation are really different!

Are you really dare to do this? Oh, absolutely impossible!


A crisp sound came out, like a boulder, and it hit everyone's heart fiercely, making everyone's face look rigid. Then their pupils shrank fiercely, their mouths gradually widened, and their faces were aggressive.

I saw that Chen Yu started directly, and the two sons directly broke Sun An's knee, and let Sun An kneel on the ground!


The violent screams rang suddenly, making everyone's heart beat hard.

Do it!

This guy actually did something to Sun An! My god, he, him, how dare he?

Lu An looked at each other, and there was a hint of luck in their eyes.

I Cao, fortunately, we kneel fast enough, otherwise, wouldn't we have to break our legs like Sun An?

Here, but with the existence of the pressure formation method, this superfluous is also a lifeless cultivator, it can be said that he is the absolute king!

Whoever touches this brow will be unlucky!

Fuck, if we were outside, we could kill you!

Despite the thoughts in their hearts, the crowd shivered at this moment, afraid to say a word.

"You, you fucking, you really dare to do it !!!"

At this moment, Sun An, how can there be a half-demand style? At this moment, he was kneeling on the ground, and his forehead was full of cold sweat. His facial features were twisted together because of severe pain, and he was inexplicable.

Nima is a fool, a fool!

How dare he do it to me!

Sun An regretted it, and was a little scared. He just realized that the guy in front of him was simply a master who didn't get into the salt! There is no threat at all.

"I said that no one can owe me anything."

Chen Yu smiled coldly, looked at Lan Nuo aside, and smiled, "You're right?"

"Ah? Right, right ..."

Ranno said subconsciously, and then she immediately reacted and her face became white.

"It's over, it's over, it's over! You, please run away, me, my Lan family can't save you!"

Ranno was crying.

Although I do n’t know what kind of existence is behind the treasure house, but Lan Nuo has heard his father say that even if it is the Lan family, the other person does not look at him and wants to destroy the Lan family It's just a matter of tapping your fingers!

This guy, why, how can it cause trouble! !! !!

Ranno's heart burned.

Just then, an exclaiming came.

Looking around, he saw a middle-aged person rushing over.

"Master Sun, here, what's going on? Aren't you hosting the auction? Why did I leave for a while and you all kneel?"

The visitor started in shock, and he was the manager of Bai'an Pavilion, Lan'an City, named Liu Hai.

"That grown-up has just arrived in the box. I still want to call you past. Why, how can it be like this?"

"What are you talking about? That adult is here?"

Hearing this, Sun An shouted, and then shouted excitedly.

"Yeah, I just went out to pick up that adult. This, this ..."

"Ok! Ok! Ok! This guy named Chen Cangyu is a burden to the Lan family. He is disrespectful to me and hurt me. I must let that adult shoot and kill him! If so, my majesty is not in the majesty! "

what! he?

After hearing this, Liu Hai froze and turned to look at Lan Nuo and Chen Yu with some surprises.

"Here, this guy is the superfluous member of the Lan family? He dare to do anything to you?"

It's just a lot of extravagance, dare to take action against Sun An? Even Lan Yuan, the master of a city, was afraid to do such a thing. Could this kid be crazy?

"Exactly, boy, do you dare, and meet me with that adult!"

Sun An looked at Chen Yu, eyes narrowed, gritted his teeth. He hated Chen Yu very much!

"What dare you? Who is your adult?" Chen Yu asked.

"Oh, listen, my adult is ..."

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