Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1466: Twists and turns

"No, that's impossible! How could Pei Yan lose?"

Guo Yuan took three steps back, and the whole person was shocked.

Pei Yanzhen stood up and looked at Lan Nuo utterly, her eyes shaking.

Lose yourself! And there is no suspense!

She felt the difference when she met Lanno just now.

In the past, she and Lannoo had the absolute upper hand, but now they are being suppressed by Lannoi everywhere. Lan Nuo's attack was extremely powerful and extremely sharp. Under his attack, he simply had the ability to parry and did not fight back.

Why is this happening!

Many big brothers also shrink their pupils fiercely, looking at the proud Lan Yuan, imagination in mind.

Who is the mysterious master standing behind the Lan family? It was able to make such a huge change in a short time!

"I didn't hear it, so don't hurry to kneel!"

Suddenly, they stopped thinking. Let everyone's attention focus on Guo Yuan again!

Guo Yuan's face changed, and looking at Chen Yu, his mouth twitched fiercely.

It was already the second time that Chen Yu made him kneel!

This kid is so aggressive!

"Boy, I advise you to get to know each other. This is not Lan'an City, but you can't help it! This time, Pei Yan lost, but the national banquet is about to begin. You should be more stable.

Guo Yuan said coldly.

Apologize on your own knees with Pei Yan?

how can that be!

If they did, where else would the faces of the Guo and Pei families go? So it is impossible to kneel!

"Hmm! You little one, how can you speak here? Get me aside!"

Pei Yan was screaming, full of anger.

How expensive is she to be the pride of heaven, how could she kneel to a burden?

Chen Yu's attitude made her very angry.

"Why do you want to break the contract?"

Chen Yu's eyes flickered, his right finger moved slightly, and a bit of evil spirit began to surge.

As said before, no one can owe him Chen Yu's things!

If they do n’t want to pay back, there is no other way for Chen Yu to get back to you!

Although strength is not the only way to solve things, for Chen Yu, it is the fastest way.

Seeing Chen Yu's appearance, Pei Yan didn't know why. When she was about to continue to scold, she gave birth to her back, and fought a shiver unconsciously.

From Chen Yu's body, she felt a hint of crisis?

How could this be?

"Oh, don't say it that bad, it's just this bet, you can't afford to be who you are!"

At this moment, Guo Yuanzhang laughed. "If you don't believe me, ask everyone present and see what they say?"

In the surroundings, many gangsters all looked at Lan Yuan and started talking.

"Lan, Lord, I don't think you guys forget about it. Today's occasion is not suitable for big trouble."

"Yes, Mr. Lan, you still manage the burden of your family. In this kind of place, he's a little swayed."

"Lan family master, Guo family and Pei family, do you want to offend two top families at the same time? Don't forget, you are a neutral faction, and behind them are the three princes!"

Many big brothers on the side reminded Lan Yuan.

In their opinion, Guo Yuan and Pei Yan have lost face with this matter today, and that's all they need to do. If you go down, you just don't know what to do.

Hearing the words of everyone, Lan Yuan just held his hands on his chest, smiled coldly, and looked at Guo Yuan and Pei Yan.

"The arrogance of the two big families, it's extremely shameful now. I have only one word, and I will always support Chen Cangyu's decision!"

Since Chen Yu is going crazy, let him go crazy with him. Lan Yuan has a feeling that this time, the Lan family may have a big change because of Chen Yu!

This step is either heaven or hell, but Lan Yuan is willing to bet!

Because Chen Yu is too mysterious in his eyes!


Everyone froze.

Is Lan Yuan crazy? What kind of ecstasy soup has been poured into Lan Yuan by this Chen Cangyu, how can Lan Yuan achieve this step?

Chen Yu glanced at Lan Yuan with a slight smile. This Lan Yuan really has the courage to dare to say such words on this occasion. This is to hand over the entire Lan family to his own hands.

So how can I let you down?

After a while you will see how the Lan family became the first family of the Nanlou Dynasty! And this first step is to use the Guo and Pei families as pedals!

Thinking about it this way, Chen Yu's fist was shaken, and he stepped out one step to get some action.

But at this moment, a roar came.

"What are you doing! The national banquet is about to begin. What are you doing here?"

The crowd turned their heads and saw three imposing Weilong people coming side by side. Each of them was self-assured and very strong.

"It's Zhen Guo Hao Xiao, and Guo Ming and Pei Shan!"

Seeing the three, many big brothers' pupils shrank fiercely, and they were extremely shocked.

Hao Xiao, the town grandfather of Gui who is the dynasty of the South Tower, has a status of more than 10,000 people under one person, and is already an extremely minister, and he is very strong!

With so many big men present, no one can match Hao Xiao's identity and strength.

And beside Hao Xiao, the head of the country and the Pei family!

Three people came side by side, the meaning behind this incident is really too scary!

All three of them took part in the camp of the three princes Nan Mo!

This is a big thing!

Everyone at the scene looked at each other, shaking their eyes.

Any of these three people is a pivotal existence. Now the three people are together enough to subvert the existing situation!

It turned out to be so! ?

Seeing this scene, Lan Yuan was shocked in his heart.

"Father, you are here!"

Guo Yuan and Pei Yan were very happy.

"What's the matter?" Guo Ming frowned and asked in amazement. Guo Yuan directly told the three of Guo Ming about all that happened just now.

"What? The bet? It's just a joke, don't see what the occasion is? Still betting here? What a hell! It's invalid, it's all invalid!"

Hao Xiao stared, rebuked loudly, and then looked at Chen Yu, Hao Xiao even looked contemptuous.

"A jerk, what are the qualifications to stay here? Get out of here! Immediately Sun An will bring the mysterious Lord of the Treasures, what are these people doing here? Let us, the great men of the Nanlou Dynasty Shame? Get out! Get me out of here! "

Pointing at the entrance, Hao Xiao roared loudly.

When the three of them came out, they got the news. Sun An was coming, and the owner of Baibao Pavilion was coming! As the people of the three princes, they are naturally extremely jealous of the mysterious treasure treasure master. That's why I want to see this person.

But I encountered a problem? what is this?

Chen Yu's eyes narrowed and he was about to move. Suddenly a servant hurried over.

"Master Zhen Guo, Sun An, treasure treasurer of Baibaoge, here!"

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