Sad and angry, South Mo yelled. Can the **** be more shameless! Can it be more **** lawless!

Nan Mo only feels aggrieved! Unparalleled wrongdoing!

In order to get the support of Zuo Ao, Nan Mo has contributed to his wife!

Just before he came, he was still at the door and heard his wife and Zuo Ao in the room, panting clouds and rain!

That sounds um. . what. . The voice is like a knife, cut on Zuo Ao's heart!

After all, even if he didn't care anymore, it was his wife after all! It's his woman!

As a result of his dominance, he gave it to Zuo Ao.

Just now in the limelight, Nanfeng acknowledged his status himself. At that moment, he felt that everything was worth it!

But I never expected it, but after a while, I lost everything!

Take a woman to please Zuo Ao, but Zuo Ao's grandfather is pleased Chen Yu!

What made him crazy was that Zuo Ao was so shameless that he said such things. So for a split second, he lost his senses and burst out swear words.

But the next moment, he was shocked and reacted!

The person in front of himself is not an ordinary person, but one of the four elders of Huanhai Pavilion!

Sure enough, when he heard Nan Mo's words, Zuo Zongming's face changed instantly, and he yelled, "Presumptuous! Dare to humiliate my Zuo family, find death!"

With a stare at his eyes, Zuo Zongming pointed out sharply, and a stream of light radiated from his fingertips, heading straight for Nan Mo's room!


I heard only a bang, and there was a moment of blood rushing between Nan Mo's body, a severe pain, spreading Nan Mo's whole body madly, letting him cover his crotch, and he knelt down on the ground, crazily miserable!

"Ah! Mine, my bird !!!"

That's right, Zuo Zongming pointed out and directly abolished Nan Mo's brother!

"Huh, now I'll take a look. What do you bring to the Caowo family?"

Suddenly waving his sleeves, Zuo Zongming was domineering, and his looks were extremely cold.

But as soon as he turned his head, Zuo Zongming's face changed, and he immediately smiled charmingly.

"Mr. Chen shouldn't be surprised, I am just a small punishment."

Chen Yu shook his head indifferently, without even glancing at Nan Mo.

But everyone else was extremely shocked.

Small punishment and great commandment!

The three princes of the Nanlou dynasty were castrated in public, but it was only a small punishment and a great commandment! This is evident from the domineering of the Magic Sea Pavilion!

Even if it is Nanfeng, seeing his son look like this, there is no meaning to blame. Instead, he arranged a person at will, and kept South Mora down, and Nanfeng himself apologized to Zuo Zongming!

"Mr. Chen, Lord Shengdi has made all kinds of instructions. If you find you, you must take you back. Do you follow me directly?"

Zuo Zongming asked.

Chen Yu nodded.

His original goal was to enter the Magic Sea Pavilion, and then go to the Cangliu Empire to find the Prince and settle accounts, while investigating the Wu family.

Now that Shen Fei is in the Magic Sea Pavilion, he has no reason to go.

"Before I go, I have something to deal with."

Chen Yu said.

"I don't know what it is? As long as I can help, I must do it!" Zuo Zongming said.

Chen Yu smiled slightly and said, "The first thing is to make Nansu the next head of state."

Everyone was shocked, and couldn't help but be impressed.

Sure enough! Nansu this time, but bet on Bao!

"No problem, although Mr. Chen is assured, I now publicly announce that from now on, Nansu will be the future head of our Nanlou Dynasty! Ten years later, I will give way to him!"

Nanfeng said immediately, a smile on his face.

"Su Er, you are a good child of Dad, Dad is proud of you!"

Nanfeng was extremely cold to Nansu before, but now it is enthusiastic, patting Nansu's shoulder with a kind face and kind eyes.

Chen Yu smiled and said again: "The second thing I said was to make the Lan family the first family. Some families can disappear."

Glancing at Hao Xiao, Guo Ming, Pei Shan and others, Chen Yu's mouth twitched a cruel smile!

Zuo Zongming raised a brow and looked at Hao Xiao with a cold smile.

"Mr. Chen rest assured that I will do this properly."


Several of Hao Xiao immediately knelt on the ground and kept hoeing to Chen Yu.

"Chen, Mr. Chen, we are wrong. Forgive us. Forgive us."

The cry of begging was endless, but now it's all late! Everyone was in their hearts. This is Mr. Chen's horror!

With one glance, the Zhen Guogong, Guo Family, and Pei Family were about to die!

Guo Yuan and Pei Yan are extremely regretful. Why, why should they offend this evil star?

In their eyes, it was nothing more than a trivial burden, they could be pinched to death with one hand. Why now, it has become a god-like existence they want to look up to!

"Well, Nanfeng, take these people down!"

Zuo Zongming shot again and again, and after abolishing the practice of Hao Xiao and others, he instructed Nanfeng.

Nanfeng nodded and waved his hand. Someone immediately took Hao Xiao away from the scene.

Looking at Hao Xiao and others who were constantly mourning, everyone sighed infinitely.

Three magnificent forces, standing at the top of the dynasty of the South Tower, fell like this!

"Let ’s go, I ’ll go back first. Tomorrow we will go directly to the Magic Sea Pavilion. She will stay in the South Tower Dynasty.

After Chen Yu finished speaking, he left the scene and returned to the Lan family.

Everyone at the scene looked at the back of Chen Yu's departure, still shaking. Then, the atmosphere at the scene became even more enthusiastic!

Everyone surrounded Lan Yuan with great diligence.

Everyone knows that the pattern of the Nanlou Dynasty has changed completely!

If you do n’t stop now, I am afraid there will be no chance in the future.

The banquet was extremely lively, and everyone deliberately ignored Nan Mo and others, only Nansu and Lanjia in their eyes.

Until the night fell, Lan Yuan and Lan Nuo returned to the Lan family.

"Noah, Noah, you, you have n’t slept with him yet, have you slept. Mr. Chen is going to leave soon, hurry up, hurry up! Hey, hey, it ’s a **** if you have a cheap price! It's Mr. Chen's cheap! "

At the gate of the Lan family, Lan Yuan Yunyun fell down, with a little drunkenness, said with a smile. Then he went back to his bedroom.

Today he is in the limelight, and everyone is toasting. Lan Yuan is also a visitor who refuses to come. All of them are drunk to the glass. They have been drinking until now and have been drunk.

"Daddy **** !!!"

Lan Nuo watched Lan Yuan go away, biting his lips and opening. But then, she grinned, and her posture shook a lot!

Today Lanno is drunk too!

"Hey, your old man is right! My mother is going to my man! Chen Cangyu, I want to eat you, hey."

Saying, Lan Nuo's eyes were blurred, his face flushed, and he went straight to Chen Yu's room!

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