Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1488: It's a big deal!

Everyone froze. In their eyes, the books that had been torn by Chen Yu before now seemed to have life and started to squirm. Then slowly gathered together, turned into a pool of mercury-like things, compounded again, formed, and turned into a new book!

The book of the left!

On the cover of the new book, four words appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and everyone was stunned.

"This, is this ?!"

Li Qian stunned, picked up a book on the ground, turned it over and watched it, and then suddenly hesitated, then his face turned red, his hands were shaking with excitement.


Really darling!

Li Qian could not be more excited. In the book at this moment, all are densely packed with patterns and words, and the records are all the rare formations.

Just at a glance, Li Qian was able to determine that this thing is valuable, and it is not cheaper than the little tripod that Liu Shan took out before!

Post it!

Really sent it!

Even if Ji Boguang and others saw this left-handed book, they stood up suddenly, looked at the contents of the book, and couldn't help licking his tongue. There was a trace of greed in his eyes.

This thing, although it is not a Gongfa, is a recorded formation!

And the matrix method is sometimes even more valuable than the power method, because it is too rare!

This book on the left is such a collection of formations.

Ji Boguang even has a hunch, if anyone can get this book on the left, as long as he is willing to work hard, he can become a master of formation law!

Shang Hao, Mei Chuan, and others also understood the value of this book, and their breathing was a bit heavy.

I never expected that Li Qian discovered such a magical thing during the exploration!

But unlike others, Chen Yu shook her head slightly, with some disappointment.

This book on the left is made from a hide called the Magic Fox.

Phantom foxes are extremely scarce and extremely difficult to hunt and kill, so the yield is very low. Generally, this kind of skin only uses special means to stimulate the special attributes of phantom fox skins in order to hide the most important things , Making the finished thing into a book without words.

And wanting to lift this kind of prohibition is also very simple, just by tearing the magic devil fox skin directly, the original thing will appear.

So when Chen Yu saw the book just now, he directly started to tear him apart, and he was looking forward to it, but there was nothing in it, but he never expected it, it was just a collection of arrays?

Abandoning such a big weekly chapter, and in the end, did you get me such a thing?


It's so disappointing!

This thing is completely useless to him! In Chen Yu's eyes, something made of magic fox skin should have been better, but this book on the left is not worth mentioning!

"Well! Li Qian, you are so lucky that you never got such a rare treasure!" Someone said enviously.

Li Qian laughed, and there was a strong sense of joy in his eyes.

"Luck, luck!"

As he was talking, suddenly he grabbed a big hand and snatched the book from the left hand by Li Qian.

Shen Fei grabbed it!

"What are you doing! That's my thing!" Li Qian immediately became angry.

Shen Fei was also angry!

"My aunt! What's your thing? This thing is my brother's! Do you forget, did you make a previous bet!"


As if a pot of cold water poured from the bottom to the end, Li Qian paused, his hands were stiff in the air, his eyes were scattered.

Fuck, he really forgot!

How did he forget, this game, but said it beforehand, if you guessed it, then the thing belongs to the other party, and it will be slapped!

Just now, I was so excited to get the book of Zuo Dao, and I forgot about it!

Others are also stupid.

That's right!

They all forgot! Just because of shock, no one thought of it, and now they have come back to God!

Chen Yu, won again!

For a moment, everyone looked at Li Qian with a strange look.

This is too hard to beat people.

Just got the good stuff, but the result is gone? And not only that, but also slapped?

Unconsciously, everyone looked at the corner, and curled up on the ground. Liu Shan twitched from time to time, and his heart jumped fiercely!

"Hey, Brother Yu, this thing is for you."

Shen Fei presented the treasure to Chen Yu. Chen Yu just shook her head.

"This thing is useless to me, you keep it."

"Ah! Good job!"

You're welcome, Shen Fei didn't even quit, and received Najie.

Rejected again!

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes jumped, looking at Chen Yu's eyes, full of horror.

He doesn't even look at such things? This guy's vision is so high? Why is that?

When everyone was thinking wildly, Chen Yu looked at Li Qian and raised her hand.

"Extend your face!"

I Cao!

Li Qian's eyelids jumped, sweat was on her head, her teeth were shaking.

"Come and come! I'm not afraid of you! You can't move me! I'll be fine! Ah !!!"

Before the words were finished, Chen Yu's slap had been thrown over. Li Qian directly turned into a parabola and flew out. Like Liu Shan, he immediately hit the pillar and fell beside Liu Shan.


The whole scene is extremely quiet!

Ji Boguang's expression was extremely gloomy.

"It's not good for those who hit us in front of us to strike such a heavy hand."

Chen Yu frowned, sneer sneer: "I'm generally scared of dogs who want to bite me. Are you scared?"

In a word, everyone's eyelids jumped with anger.

"Oh, it doesn't seem to be scared. So go ahead. Next!"

. . . . . .

Ten minutes later, I just made a big round table for many people, and now there are few people. Only Ji Boguang, Shang Hao, Meichuan, Luo Haner, as well as Chen Yu and Shen Fei.

And others? All were lying with Liu Shan, twitching constantly on the ground.

Shen Fei was even more smiling, with a look of wonder. Just now Chen Yu sighed and won everyone!

And those things, Chen Yu gave nothing, all to Shen Fei.

"Boy, you're hanging out. Why don't we change the game?"

Ji Boguang said coldly.

"How would you like to play?"

"I'd like to know whether your fist is hard or my fist is hard. Do you dare? Fight with me?"

Chen Yu raised a brow, and an inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. Looking at Shen Fei aside, he found that Shen Fei's face was flushed and the corners of her mouth were twitching wildly!

Ji Boguang, want to fight with Shen Fei?

He has a brain twitch?

. . . . . .

At the same time, within Ji's house, Ji Boguang's father was bowing his head and saluting, and in front of him was a war doll. It is one of the three veterans, Ji Changtian's puppet.

"What are you talking about! Bo Guang and Shen Fei have dinner together, and they will humiliate Chen Cangyu!"

The sudden roar, mixed with deep concerns, suddenly came out of the battle puppets!

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