"Then, that, thank you for your praise." Ji Boguang said aggressively.

"I don't know what the host means ..."

"You're right! How can Chen Cangyu's son be abolished so easily? I, refuse!" Guo Tao said with a deep voice, and patted Guo Tao's shoulder again.

"You are very good, even so boney! Good! That's good! In the future, you should respect the Son as you are now, unite next to the Son, and lead him to the strength of our magical sea court. Higher! "

Seeing Ji Boguang's three men, Guo Tao's face was reassuring.

"Why, what?"

Ji Boguang was stupid and looked at Guo Tao blankly. His mouth was slightly long, and his head was muddy.

What the hell? Guo Tao refuses to abolish the Son?

He, isn't he afraid of Lord Jasuke's anger?

What's wrong?

A series of question marks made Ji Boguang completely aggressive. Not only him, Shang Hao and Meichuan, they were also stupid.


Nima! Really rejected! Me, we are doing drama! Don't listen to us! It's a waste!

In the hearts of the two, it was like a galloping horse, extremely messy.

I never imagined that things would come to this stage!

Chen Yu and Shen Fei looked at each other, and they really looked like this. You, but the so-called container of true sage, Guo Tao, how can you make yourself obsolete?

With a smile, Chen Yu and Shen Fei were sitting there, drinking and eating. Don't care about the others present.

Not to mention, the food here really tastes great.

"Guo Tao, what do you mean!"

At this moment, Su Hong looked at Guo Tao with a deep shock in her eyes.

"For him, are you going to fight against Lord Jaisuke!"

He couldn't help but not be shocked. In his impression, Guo Tao is a very calm person who values ​​his interests. How could he choose to offend the Empire Zaisuke for a holy son!

"Guo Tao, are you crazy! If you don't abolish him, my grandpa won't let the magic sea court go!"

Jia Shengjie shouted.

Ling Ya's eyes widened and she looked at Chen Yu in amazement, becoming more and more curious. This man made Guo Tao treat him so differently? What kind of skill does he have?

Inexplicably, Ling Ya became deeply curious about Chen Yu.

Guo Tao shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"It goes without saying that the Son is impossible to abolish. I am afraid that it is not Chen Cangyu's fault today. So, please go downstairs to eat. All the expenses will be paid by us. you are welcome."

Me, my cao? !!

At the words of Guo Tao, Su Hong and Jia Shengjie were both dumbfounded. What is it for them to eat and drink? What just didn't make them think that Guo Tao was so partial to Chen Yu!

Originally thought that Guo Tao had only saved Chen Yu, but now he has seen that Guo Tao even preserves Chen Yu's face! Even for Chen Yu's face, he did not hesitate to damage their face!

what is this? !!

Guo Tao also has misery.

Of course he didn't want to offend the Empire's Zaisuke, but Chen Yu, but the container of the Lord! Now in their eyes, Chen Yu is a treasure! Absolutely no loss is allowed. If you lose face here, then waiting for the Lord Son to rise again will damage the Lord Son ’s face!

Imperial Jaisuke is scary, of course. But if it's for the Lord, it won't matter if you offend!

"Okay, a magical sea pavilion. I didn't expect that you Guo Tao was so irritable? I would like to see, when the anger of Master Jasper comes, can you still have such arrogance! Shengjie, let's go! "

With a sudden wave of his sleeves, Guo Tao took Jia Shengjie and left the top floor!

"Chen Cangyu, you don't have to worry, it's okay! You can eat with peace of mind, eat with peace of mind."

With a gentle smile at Chen Yu, Guo Tao stepped back, and before leaving, he gave Ji Boguang the three people a positive look.

I go!

Me, I didn't mean that.

Ji Boguang was stupid. It turned out he was just trying to quibble. But who can think, Guo Tao is so real, so fancy Chen Yu!


What is all this for? For this guy, the cabinet owner even offended the Empire's Jaisuke!

Everyone looked at Chen Yu, all eyes were puzzled and agitated.

"Let's go, this meal is almost finished."

At this moment, Chen Yu faintly spoke to Shen Fei. During the time just now, everyone else was very excited and had various emotions in my heart.

But Chen Yu was not affected at all, and neither Shen Fei nor his head looked up and ate something by themselves. By now, the two have almost eaten.

After leaving, Fei Shen returned to his residence early, while Chen Yu was alone and slowly distracted. Unconsciously, fewer and fewer pedestrians are on the road. Until later, Chen Yu walked directly to the side of Phantom Star.

Looking around, the sea was a faint blue light, the stars in the sky flickered, and the clear winds of the four wild fields were slowly blowing with the smell of the ocean. The whole picture was peaceful and quiet.

And Chen Yu stopped at this moment, a smile evoked in the corner of her mouth.

"Follow me for so long, haven't you come out yet?"

The wind blew, but no one responded to Chen Yu's words.

"I won't show up, I'm going to do it!"

Still no response. Chen Yu shook her head, then flickered suddenly, and grabbed ten meters away!

Only one scream was heard. In the original void, a figure suddenly appeared and was lifted by Chen Yu with his neck around!


The person behind Chen Yu turned out to be Ling Ya!

At this moment Ling Ya, her legs were kicking in the air, her eyes widened and she was shocked. She didn't expect that she would be found out! And just a moment, he was subdued.

You know, although she is one of the top ten beauties of the empire, her strength is good, and she has the strength of condensed spirit! But in front of Chen Yu, she looks like a chicken?

This guy is so powerful! ?

Ling Ya looked at Chen Yu in surprise, completely stupid.

"You? Why follow me?"

After seeing Ling Ya, Chen Yu froze slightly.

"Is it fancy for you? Can you put them down first? You are so fierce, I am so scared."

Suppressing the shock in her heart, Ling Ya's face was innocent and terrified, her eyes flickered, and she looked pitiful.

It is indeed one of the top ten beauties of the empire. In this way, if it is seen by other men, I am afraid it will fall in an instant.

But she met Chen Yu!


Chen Yu gradually tightened with one hand, his face also became cold, his eyes were like a knife, exuding extremely powerful momentum!

"To be honest, otherwise I'll kill you!"


Ling Yahan's hair stood up sharply, a sudden panic enveloped her suddenly. Breathing gradually became weak, making Ling Ya's entire face flushed.

"God, mythological relic ..."

Difficult to highlight a few words, Ling Ya has felt a lack of oxygen in her head.

Chen Yu's pupils suddenly shrank!

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