Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1518: Empire Zaisuke arrives!


Just like electricity, Guo Tao and the four felt only a sudden numbness on their bodies, and their hearts lifted immediately.

"Master, you, do you want him to be the chief executive?"

Guo Tao's face was bitter and questioning.

"What? You're dissatisfied?"

Chen Yu's face was cold and her voice was low.

"No, no. Guo Tao doesn't dare."

Seeing Chen Yu's appearance, the four were completely afraid to speak, but in their hearts, they all scolded Shen Fei.

Fuck! A guy who relied on flattery turned out to be the chief executive!

But after thinking about it, they suddenly found out in shock, what Shen Fei said, it seemed that it was true!

Nima, that's true. Speaking of strength, who is the opponent of the Lord? Isn't what the Lord is missing? Isn't it just someone who can make him happy?

This Shen Fei is so talented!

The four were thinking, Chen Yu looked at the four and smiled coldly again.

"Since you became the chief executive, you remember, seeing him like you see me in the future. Now kneel down and give him a hoe."


The four of Guo Tao shuddered and looked at Chen Yu incredibly.

Hey, hoe? !!

Are they going to give Shen Fei a hoe?

"Reluctant? Could you dare to resist what I said?" Chen Yu's eyes narrowed.

"No, dare not! I, we hoe!"

Even if you don't want to, but this is what the Lord is saying! How dare they not comply? At the moment, the four of them all kneeled down at Shen Fei and started to scratch their heads.

"Oops, what are you doing? Get up and get up quickly. You do n’t like it when you look at your head. After all, a few dogs give me a head, and I do n’t feel much Meaning. "

Shen Fei smiled sneer, but there was a thick drama in the smile.


When the four of Guo Tao heard this, they clenched their fists and bloodshot their eyes!

A small Shen Fei dared to abuse them in front of the Lord! But just now, Lord Son, he not only did not stop in the slightest, but seemed to laugh!

Damn it! Damn it!

In the hearts of the four, they can't wait to kill Shen Fei, but they know that this is definitely not possible!

Shen Fei, and they are all on the same boat, and they are the big ones in the eyes of the Son, and they must not move!

A strong sense of humiliation appeared in their hearts!

Such a lowly person has become their leader! This fuck!

"By the way, now that I am your chief executive, I will naturally meet with Ji Boguang. Let's go, I would like to see how Ji Boguang sees me."

Rubbing his hands, Shen Fei's wry smile was a little impatient.

Lying down!

Seeing Shen Fei's appearance, Ji Changtian's mouths were drawn fiercely, and in his heart there were almost 10,000 grass mud horses galloping into the distance.

Chen Yu also smiled helplessly.

"You go out first, Shen Fei stays, I have something to tell him."


A grateful look at Chen Yu, the four were deeply moved.

Lord Son takes care of us.

Seeing that Shen Fei bullied us, he deliberately made an excuse to spread us away, and it didn't hurt our faces. Such a drip-proof style of doing things, Master Shengzi is really great!

Long live Santa!

None of them knew that the Son in their hearts had long since died! And Chen Yu drove them away, she really wanted to say a few words to Shen Fei, which drove them away.

After the four left, only Shen Fei and Chen Yu remained in the whole secret room, and they looked at each other and laughed!

"Bottom! Brother Yu, you're so dangling! This **** group of people is just playing with you in the applause. They really think that you are that holy son? What a fool."

Chen Yu smiled lightly, and her eyes flashed coldly.

"These people are alien running dogs. Since they don't want to be human, you don't need to treat them as humans and send them at will."

"Okay. You can rest assured, I must play them dead. By the way, I just heard that immediately after the succession of the Son, you Brother Yu will meet with the maiden of Shanhailou and Foguangyuan?

Chen Yu nodded, his face calmed.

"Two people, Zhao Yun and Wushuang, are now very dangerous! After being beaten by the Wu family, those two forces were waiting for opportunities to recover. Wushuang and Zhao Yun both exist as containers. We must hurry."

"After this inheritance ceremony of the Son, we set off immediately!"

Chen Yu's eyes flickered, and she began to speak.


Shen Fei nodded.

The two discussed something again, and then they dispersed.

Time passed quickly, and the next day, the inheritance ceremony of the Son officially started!

The entire Magic Sea Pavilion was completely boiling. Such a big event affected everyone's nerves.

"I'm coming!"

In the Magic Sea Pavilion, when Chen Yu appeared, the sound of a mountain tsunami sounded immediately. The grand ceremony officially begins!

This ritual was extremely tedious, and it took more than half a day to finish it.

Guo Tao and the three elders are all very excited at this moment. Years of long-cherished wish, finally reached this moment!

Jia Shengjie looked at Chen Yu, eyes full of hatred!

"Fuck! Damn bastard! When I go back, I must tell grandpa that my shame here is to let you know that you **** kid, nothing!"

As I was thinking about it, I heard Su Hong suddenly send a voice.

"Sheng Jie, I just received the news. Your grandpa is on his way!"


After hearing this, Jia Shengjie suddenly trembled, his eyes suddenly widened. A look of surprise.

"Su, you, are you telling the truth?"

Holding Sheng Hong's arms, Jia Shengjie's face looked excited.

"It's true, I'm afraid another hour or so, your grandpa should be able to arrive!"

"Okay! That's great!"

His eyes suddenly turned. Jia Shengjie stared at Chen Yu. The two met together for a distance of about 100 meters. His eyes were just one of many eyes. Chen Yu didn't care.

"Haha, Chen Cangyu, I'm afraid you never dreamed of it. Today you have become the Holy Son. It was the pinnacle of your life, but when my grandpa comes, I will step you into the ground alive!"

Thinking so, Jia Shengjie looked forward to it even more.

"Sheng Jie, don't worry, your grandfather Jia Xiaonai is the Empire's Zaisuke and has a high weight. It represents the will of the Empire. If Guo Tao dares to resist, then the entire Magic Sea Pavilion will be subject to the Empire. Sanctions! "

Su Hong said.

Jia Shengjie nodded heavily.

The whole ritual inheritance ceremony finally ended after a long time.

At the same time, the Empire's Jaisalf Jason arrived.

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