
There was a sudden whistling sound in the entire hall.

The vortex of heavy air flow wrapped around a brilliance. Su Su rushed out from above Su Hong's fist, and saw that Su Hong punched out, and twelve air tornadoes surged, banging against Chen Yu !!

"Crouch! So fierce!"

Seeing this scene, Shen Fei couldn't help but exclaim.

The corner of Chen Yu's mouth twitched lightly. Facing such a punch, she just stretched out a finger!

Yes, there is only one finger!

But just such a finger made Su Hong's scalp numb and felt unparalleled momentum!

With this pointer, Su Hong just felt as if the sky was hanging, and the pillar of Optimum collapsed sharply, suppressing himself!


Su Hong shouted in horror and yelled, the whole person suddenly exploded for a second time, the power was more abundant, condensed the great strength of the realm, all broke out without reservation!


The twelve airflow tornadoes were twice as sturdy as they were halfway through, spinning faster and faster. Throughout the room, there were screams of madness. If it wasn't for the array method set by Chen Yu, it would have been noticed by the outside world.

However, Chen Yu's face remained unchanged, and it was still a pointer!

And this pointing direction happens to be the final meeting point of the twelve airflow tornadoes!

Chen Yu's sharp, white and delicate fingers collided with twelve airflow tornadoes like the fury dragon of the sea!

There was no earth-shattering, no sparks splattered, only a soft bang.


It's like piercing a bubble, twelve giant airflow tornadoes, so it bursts silently in the air! It's like everything is just an illusion.

Later, when Su Hong was stupid, she suddenly felt a huge pressure on her chest. The whole person flew out in the air and flew out for more than ten meters.

"This, how is this possible?"

Su Hong stopped, looked down at his chest, and looked aggressive.

I just hit it with my own strength, not even one finger of the opponent?

And more than that, he was hit and flew out?

At this time, Su Hong was not harmed in any way, because Chen Yu just used the softness and just sent Su Hong out, but did not hurt Su Hong.

But the more so, the more horrible Chen Yu was.

It is not difficult to hurt the opponent, it is rare to defeat the opponent without hurting the opponent.

You must know that Su Hong is a powerful man with a great concentration, not a cat or a dog. It was extremely difficult to break his attack so easily, let alone send him out after breaking his attack without hurting him.

This control is simply terrifying!

"how is it?"

Chen Yu looked at the shocked Su Hong and smiled lightly.

Su Hong trembled and bowed deeply to Chen Yu.

"Su Hong, convinced! With this strength, maybe you can really be a long and short with Prince Edward!"

Su Hong was extremely excited.

Chen Yu only smiled slightly and said, "You stay with me and pretend to be a puppet. After a while, the other two forces will also come over. By then, it will be a **** drama. what."

"Yes," Su Hong agreed.

Half a day later, Jia Xiao and Guo Tao came in again.

When they saw Su Hong, they were all stunned, then their eyes brightened.

"Sir, have you been refined successfully?"

Guo Tao asked with excitement.

Chen Yu nodded and said, "Yes, I have made Su Hong into my puppet by using the method of making puppets from a different kind of people. Now he is in a state of immortality and still retains his mind, It's just that he only orders me, even if I let him kill you now, he will do the same. "

Looking at Guo Tao, Chen Yu said half jokingly and seriously.

With this sentence, Su Hong's eyes flashed suddenly, staring coldly at Guo Tao, his eyes were surging!

"Master Santa is my master. He wants me to kill you, and I will kill you !!!"

Guo Tao was suddenly shocked, and really felt Su Hong's intention to kill. But then he just laughed.

"Haha, Lord Son is really great. This method of refining cricket is truly a must! This Su Hong, if it were not for Lord Son, I really thought he was a living person, or just now What about the hard bones. "

Jia Xiao looked surprised at Su Hong.

"It really is extraordinary. After this refining, it is exactly the same as a real person. Hey, Su Hong, you are righteous all your life, so what? In the end, do n’t you still become this ghost? Hahaha."

After speaking, Jia Xiao smiled and looked at Chen Yu.

"Shengzi, Shanhailou and Foguangyuan also arrived, we can finally get together and start preparing for the next plan!"

Chen Yu blinked and nodded.

"Are you here? OK, good. Please!"

Wushuang, Zhao Yun, rest assured, I will avenge you!

In Chen Yu's heart, killing is like a sea!

In his opinion, Ye Wushuang and Zhao Yun were probably robbed. After all, his own appearance is a step too late!

Shen Fei never looked like he was giggling before, but with a dignified look on his face, biting by the cheeks. He put his hands behind his back, clenched his fists desperately, his knuckles pale.

You can't delay Yu Yu's affairs, you can't let them see the difference! Shen Fei, you have to put up, you have to put up.

Pouting tightly, Shen Feiqiang endured the grief in his heart.

And at this time, about a dozen people all walked in.

"Giggle, Magic Maple, I didn't expect it. You have already successfully won the house? Well, it really makes us envious."

The first two were Ye Wushuang and Zhao Yun!

But now they are obviously not the two women Chen Yu knew, but the saints after being taken away!

Interracial running dog!

"Oh? Could it be you?"

Chen Yu looked at the two of them. The original boiling intention suddenly fell away, and a hint of hope rose in her heart. Listening to this, it seems that Ye Wushuang and Zhao Yun, and rescue?

"Yeah. Hey, the willpower of Ye Wushuang and Zhao Yun is so tenacious. Between one and a half minutes, we can't kill them completely."

One of them said, "Now we are not in perfect harmony with this body. We can only rely on time to use water to grind our knowledge and completely wipe out their knowledge!"

not dead!

Hearing this, Chen Yu's fist tightened involuntarily.

"You guys, want to completely occupy their bodies? I have a way!"

Chen Yu said.

"Do you have a way?"

Hearing this, the two looked at each other, then blinked, "Really?"

Chen Yu nodded and glanced at the others present.

"You go out first. I'll help them both!"

The others heard the words and looked at each other before they nodded and retreated.

"What can you do?"

Looking at Chen Yu, they were a little excited.

At this moment, Chen Yu smiled.

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