Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1544: It ’s okay to fight, it ’s mine


A chill sprang up from the tail spine, like a snake, so that Ding Sheng's five were all scalp. Deep shock came to their minds.

how come!

The phantom bead given by the main palace owner was found and destroyed! Didn't the teacher say that this phantom pearl can sneak without trace, is it extremely strong? Why, why is it so!

What is the identity of this man!

Staring at Chen Yu, the five of Ding Sheng only felt Chen Yu's body full of mystery!

After swallowing, Ding Sheng barely pulled out a smile that was uglier than crying.

"I, we are, here to see the scenery."


Ye Wushuang and Zhao Yun were immediately laughed at.

Run in stealth to see the scenery?


"Since you are here, you must be mentally prepared. As long as you can win my two students, I will let you go, otherwise, huh ..."

Chen Yu turned her fingers and sneered at the corner of her mouth.

"You, what are you talking about? He, the two of them? Is this true?"

With his eyes widened, Ding Sheng pointed at Sister Jian Shuang with an incredible look.

"Of course it is true. The two of you remembered, and shot as much as you can, I am responsible for the disability." Chen Yu said lightly.


Taking a sip of cold air, the five of them all laughed while covering their stomachs.

"Haha, Master Chen Gong, if you want to let us go, just say it, why do you have to do more and let them come?"

"Yeah, we thank Master Chen Gong. It took so much effort to let us go. Hehe."

"Chen Gongzhu Daen, I will not forget it, haha, please assure Chen Gongzhu, since you give us face, we will never let the two of them be harmed. After all, no matter how wasteful they are, it is Chen Is n’t the disciple of the palace master? We will never beat them! "

Ding Sheng smiled, looking at Jian Shuang and Jian Yue with a relaxed look on his face.

Chen Yu's thoughts, he can probably guess one or two, a few days later, in the challenge of rising palace, Jian Shuang and Jian Yue are going to play, and now it is just to be able to see how their strength is.

In other words, a few of them are used to test sharpening.

Use us to give them a try? Oh, let them know, what is the gap!

"How do you two fight? Rest assured, no matter how you fight, I won't hurt you seriously."

Ding Sheng's chin lifted slightly, a smile on his face.

Jian Shuang looked indifferent, came out, and looked at Ding Sheng five people lightly.

"Naturally singled out."

"Oh? Heads-up? Oh, it's okay, how about I let you have one hand?"

Ding Sheng looked at Jian Shuang with a smile on his face.

Jian Shuang shook her head.

"I am singled out, I am alone, singled out for you."

Holding out a hand, Jian Shuang hooked his fingers at the five of Ding Sheng, his face indifferent.

"Teacher said, he is responsible for the disability, so I will disability you."


The five people who were laughing just now suddenly had a rigid smile, their faces were immediately gloomy, and there was anger in their eyes.

"Oh, singled us all? We still beat us? Who gave you the courage to make you say that?"

Ding Sheng spoke coldly.

"You two are just waste in the garbage area, and dare to say this kind of thing here? Don't you forget to be in awe of us!"

"Did you forget that before, for a supper, you knelt on the ground and prayed for the alms of others? Your two wild dogs are underdogs, and today I will let you recognize your position!"

After a drink, Ding Sheng came out one step, and the whole person was like a meteorite and meteor. He instantly arrived in front of Jian Shuang, and slapped a face against Jian Shuang's face!

The air was blasted, and the violent crackle sounded like a bomb exploding. If it was the past Jane Frost, just this one would be enough to make him concussed.

But now, everything is different!

Jian Shuang's eyes flickered suddenly, and she drank a little, the same slap, also suddenly pulled out!

This slap was more rapid than Ding Sheng, almost blinking, when Ding Sheng's attack was still halfway, Jian Shuang's slap had hit Ding Sheng's face!

Oh wow!

A burst of blood squirted out of Ding Sheng's mouth, and it was also mixed with cracked teeth, all sprayed up!

Ding Sheng flew directly backwards, hit him **** the ground, passed out on the spot, and twitched unconsciously.

"What! It's impossible!"

The four members of Shen Yao who were watching the movie just now suddenly changed their faces. Looking at this scene inconceivably, their eyes were instantly rounded.

Ding Sheng, he lost so quickly! ?

Jane Frost got stronger! Ding Sheng underestimated the enemy!

"Damn! Come together! Be careful! Jian Shuang is different!"

Shen Yao shouted, and the first rushed out.


Behind Shen Yao, several people yelled at the same time and rushed out to Jian Shuang.

"Come here!"

Jian Shuang stopped drinking, the whole person roared violently, stepped out one step, and the whole person rushed into the four people as if the monster was in the air!

Jian Shuang had five fingers and claws, and slammed the claws between her swings, making a scream of extreme whistling.

"This guy, it's only been a few days, why has he suddenly become so strong !!!"

When confronted with Jian Shuang, Shen Yao was shocked to realize that, whether it is the physical body or the true power in the body, Jian Shuang is in an absolute upper hand!

And Jian Shuang's attack is different from ordinary moves, like a beast, with a sense of fierce fighting, full of aggressiveness and oppression.

Seems to be fighting with them, not a person, but an unmatched fierce beast!

"Not good! I'm going to lose!"

Just in shock, Jian Shuang's attack came again!

It was just an instant. Jian Shuang swung her two claws and directly hit Shen Yao's chest, letting Shen Yao fly backwards. The same was true of several other people. One by one, they were stunned and unconscious.

"Teacher, it's over. I just kept my hand when I attacked. I didn't kill them, but they were all disabled. I am afraid that everyone will be unconscious for more than a month."

Jane Frost said.

Zhao Yun and Ye Wushuang both have strange faces.

This child is too scrupulous.

"Well, send them back to the 35th house."

Jian Shuang and Jian Yue nodded and dragged five people along the way to the 35th Palace.

Within the thirty-fifth house, Xia Deyuan sat leisurely on his seat, his comfortable eyes narrowed into a slit.

Counting it out, Ding Sheng should have evacuated Chen Yuntai's Douwu Holy Palace.

Hey, really looking forward to it.

Chen Yuntai, I really want to see it. When you find that your hard-fought Douwu Holy Palace has been evacuated, what kind of expression will you have?

"The palace master, the palace master! Ding Sheng and they are back!"

Suddenly, an anxious voice came!

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