Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1547: Slap on the spot


"Even if there is such a method, how can they still not practice?"

Someone didn't hesitate to speak. Just in the words, but there is a strong jealousy!

"Okay! Continue the game and don't get distracted."

The person in charge had no choice but to speak again.

Because of the two of them, this freshman contest has been interrupted two or three times.

The freshman competition continued. After watching for a while, Jian Shuang and Jian Yue couldn't stand it. They left directly after the last game.

Soon after, all the masters of the 35th Palace came here. Only Chen Yu was absent.

Since Chen Yu was lonely and boundless, he has been alienated from all the palace masters.

Both sides became two camps.

"Yes, you are the pillars of my majesty's palace."

Gu Wuji looked at the ten people who finally won, and nodded with a smile.

"Distribute their prizes in public for everyone to see, my Majesty's courage!"

They are here now as the guest of honor.

In each freshman competition, the top ten people who have won the final competition can get unparalleled rewards. This time is no exception, and more abundant.

Suddenly, a staff member nodded and took out this reward.

What is the most important thing for a freshman?

Nature is the elixir and exercises.

This time the reward is exactly that.

Among them, the first place award is the best.

"Chaofeng, you are the first place in this session. I am very satisfied. You can get ten Wupin Qiwen Pills and one Wupin Bawen Pills. There is also a mixed Luo Gongyun method."

Seeing a young man in front of him, a smile dangled from the corner of his mouth and said.

"You have to follow the example of Chaofeng and work hard to cultivate. Our Her Majesty's Palace is the most generous and selfless, and the resources are abundant, and no one in the entire empire can surpass it. As long as you have the ability, the resources in the Palace are completely Open to you. Don't be as aggressive as some people, and in the end you can't enjoy the Palace's cultivation resources. "

The sound was rolling and reverberating throughout the venue. Everyone knew that the people referred to by Gu Wuya were Chen Yu.

The rest of the 34 palace masters all looked at each other and smiled, and there was a hint of fun in the corners of their mouths.

A young man who has just become the host of the palace, wants to fight against Gu Wuya? It's so naive.

"Chaofeng, what are you doing? Don't hurry to thank the main palace? And you, are you all stupid?"

Some people saw Chao Feng looking at the reward in front of him, and he was so surprised that he could not help reminding him.

"Oh, these little guys, I'm afraid it's the first time I've seen so many rewards, and it's not surprising to be silly."

"Yeah, these resources, but the most once in so many years, are really amazing. They are shocked and normal."

Several palace hosts laughed and chatted.

"Chaofeng, thank you, Omiya."

Chaofeng trembled and said suddenly, but his expression, but not the slightest joy, only a strange face.

"Eh? Why? Are you not happy? Are you dissatisfied with these things?"

Seeing Chaofeng's look, he frowned and opened his mouth.

With so many things, isn't this kid despising?

Looking up at the others, Gu Wuji suddenly froze. The existence of the top ten, everyone's face, there is no trace of joy, just looking at the elixir and exercises in his hand, a complex look on his face.

Not only the top ten, all the people present, looking at Chaofeng, not only did not have any envious look, but in the eyes, they had a complex taste beyond words.

That seems to be sympathy?

"No, Chaofeng doesn't dare."

Even so, it's just hard to laugh at Chao Feng's face.

If nothing happened, then these rewards and punishments will definitely make him ecstatic.

But after just watching what Jane Frost and Jane Yue took out, all the joy was gone.

This elixir reward is fine, but they are all Jiuwen! And really eat it as a snack!

This method is okay, but just now, Jian Yue fully took out the top level of the seven or eight books, just to pass the time!

Humans, I ’m afraid of comparison. Once they are compared, it is difficult to have a sense of happiness. It's like you've been hungry for three days and got a hoe, naturally fragrant. But if one of you is not as good as your companion, and you get roast chicken, stewed vegetables, various fruit cake desserts, do you still think your steamed bun is good?

Chaofeng now has this feeling.

"What exactly is going on?"

Other palace masters also noticed the strangeness, all with doubts.

"Omiya, that's it."

The staff immediately stepped forward and said what happened just now.

The eyes of Gu Wuji grew wider and wider, until later, the entire face had become a pig's liver color.

"Damn! Mrs. Chen Yun! It's you, you again, and this guy, once again, makes me so embarrassed!"

Fisting fisted, the whole person would explode.

"Xia Deyuan!"

He stopped drinking and called Xia Deyuan beside him.

"Master, what do you command?" Xia Deyuan asked.

"In the challenge of rising the palace, occasionally there are occasions when people are killed by accident. Do you understand?"

His eyes were red and his voice was low, like the roar of a beast.


Xia Deyuan nodded in his heart.

"I understand."

Xia Deyuan nodded suddenly.


With a wave of loneliness, he left here directly.

He has no face to stay on, and if he stays on, he will really be killed by someone else's joke. What I said just now was like slap one by one, and I drew it **** my face.

The main palace leaders also left directly, leaving only Xia Deyuan.

"The five strongest students under my door are now in a coma and cannot fight, but even so, I am not afraid at all. Jian Shuang and Jian Yue were previously wastes that could not practice, even if this Chen Yun is too Heaven's power has cured them, and in such a short period of time, there can be no major breakthroughs. I will definitely win! "

Xia Deyuan clenched his fists and looked confident. He looked at the crowd and frowned suddenly.

"Well? What's going on? My students in the 35th house, why aren't they all here this time?"

Glancing at the crowd, it was found that none of the thirty-fifth house was here, making Xia Deyuan very surprised.

Where did they go?

Suddenly in doubt, a servant under his door suddenly ran over.

"Master, it's not good! It's not good!"

"What's going on, don't worry, say slowly." Xia Deyuan frowned, a flash of anxiety in his heart.

The servant gasped a few breaths, anxious.

"Yes, it's a student of our academy, something big happened!"

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