Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1549: You have to wait for me!

"What the **** is going on! Xia Deyuan! Where did he go?"

Gu Biao's brow froze, his eyes a little disturbed.

"Lord Omiya, Lord Omiya, it's bad! Something went wrong with Xia Gong!"

Suddenly, a figure rushed in and immediately caught everyone's attention.


"I'm going, something happened at this time? It's not so coincidental." Someone widened his eyes and looked at the person inconceivably.

"Does Chen Yun know that he wants to lose, so he used a dark trick in secret?"

"This, isn't it? Is it something else?"

There has been much discussion.

"What happened! Was someone secretly attacking him! Say! I'll make it for him!"

Gu Weng stood up sharply, staring at him.

"That's right, come on! Isn't this **** Xia Deyuan scared and turned out to do this kind of thing, intentionally dare not come over?"

Shen Fei shouted.

The crowd looked at Shen Fei and rolled their eyes.

Scared? how is this possible?

The students under Xia Deyuan's gate, although not in the entire level of His Majesty's Palace, are also in the 35th Palace. How could they be afraid of the two wastes of Jian Shuang and Jian Yue?

This Shen Fei, how can I feel so good.

Chen Yu frowned and was a bit surprised.

What happened now? What's going on?

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, the man swallowed his mouth, and then spoke, telling everything.

Gu Wuji first frowned, his eyes angered, but after hearing this, his eyes gradually widened, his mouth opened slowly and unconsciously, and his expression became dumb.

And the other palace masters, there is no good place to go, all are like lonely and boundless.

"Deep cultivation, also, there is an epiphany? Can't come to participate?"

After muttering these words, he was alone.

Can this **** be more stupid?

At this juncture, all the students are all in deep cultivation. Nima, you Xia Deyuan, is just a **** daddy! !! !!

After the reaction came, the whole person was trembling with anger and his breathing was much heavier.

The faces present, both new and old, were extremely complicated at the moment.

Want to laugh, but dare not laugh.

In-depth cultivation, and some people ’s epiphany, if the peacetime, the palace master of the academy will be very happy. It is even more envious of the others in the school.

After all, this state is something you can't find.

I am afraid that the master of the palace will celebrate the in-depth cultivation on this scale. The main palace leaders are even going to visit. It must also be included in the history of His Majesty's Academy, and it will become a good story.

But now, history records not jokes, but jokes!

Everyone has no envy for Xia Deyuan and his students, only sympathy!

That's right, deep sympathy!

They can even think of Xia Deyuan's expression at this moment.

It's like a guy who has been constipated for a month, and finally one day it hurts, but at this point, let you come to the stage to give a speech, and you suddenly stunned out on the stage!

The feeling that attracted much attention was to frantically wander between comfort and unwillingness.

"Wow ha ha ha ha, hey hey, is this Xia Deyuan a living treasure? Come and play this one at this time, hey my mother, I'm laughing, I really am laughing."

Shen Fei lay on the ground all of a sudden, holding his fist to keep pinching the ground, tears burst out.

Ye Wushuang and Zhao Yun giggled and shook their heads.

Chen Yu's face was also full of weirdness.

Can such strange things happen? However, if this is the case, then the results of this test must have no suspense.

Sure enough, Gu Wuji almost bit the cheek gangster, and it took a long time to calm his anger.

"In this contest, Xia Deyuan did not participate in the party and automatically lost. Since then, the Douwu Holy Palace has become the 35th Palace, and the original 35th Palace will automatically drop by one!

With a sharp wave of his sleeves, the boundless Tieqing left his face.

Upon hearing this, the crowd exploded.

"My Cao! This fuck, this luck is also no one, without winning all of a sudden, you win?"

"His, this is the most water-raising Shenggong challenge I've ever seen. It's just a joke."

"Grass! Laozi's pants are off, you show me this?"

. . . . . .

The whole scene was noisy.

Jian Shuang and Jian Yue stood on the stage and looked at each other with disappointment in their eyes.

"It's a pity to not abuse them," Jian Shuang said.

Jian Yue nodded.

"Yeah, it's disappointing that no one crushed them."


Everyone saw the two look like this, all scolded in their hearts.

Can this be cheap and sell well? Really fighting, how can you still have a way out?

Everyone talked.

At this moment, Chen Yu smiled, and glanced at all the palace masters present, and finally fell on the boundless body.

"Now that the Douwu Holy Palace is already the 35th Palace, you can continue to challenge it."


The noisy scene was suddenly silent, everyone widened their eyes and looked at Chen Yu inconceivably.

"He, what did he just say? Keep challenging?"

Gu Wuya's eyes were frozen suddenly, watching Chen Yu hardly.

"What do you mean?"

With a smile, Chen Yu turned her fingers.

"The meaning is simple. I want to challenge the 34th house!"


As the thunder exploded, everyone who blew up was rumbling in their ears.

"Here, this is the thirty-fifth house, and you are going to challenge the thirty-fourth house? Me, my god, what does he want to do?"

Someone looked at Chen Yu in shock, with a shocked look in his eyes.

"Huh! Good, arrogant guy! Want to challenge my position in the 34th Palace? I'd like to see, where do you come from? I'll see you on the Douwu platform tomorrow! I want you to fight the Wusheng Palace No one left! "

With a sharp wave of his sleeves, Du Lang, the palace's master, snorted coldly, leaving Changhong to leave.

"Okay! If you want to continue, then continue! Tomorrow, I hope you can surprise me."

Looking at Chen Yu deeply, Gu Wucai spoke coldly.

"Not only tomorrow, but every day after that, you will be pleasantly surprised."

Chen Yu smiled, and then her eyes suddenly changed, as if two sharp swords, approaching nowhere!

"From today on, I will fight the Holy Palace, one palace a day!"

The sound was rolling, like thunder, echoing throughout the scene. Everyone was dull, looked at Chen Yu stupidly, his head rumbling.

One day, Ichinomiya? !!

"You, what did you say?"

Gu Wujing froze, looking at Chen Yu, his pupils kept shaking.

"It's nothing, it's just that for so long, the seat of Omiya, I want to do it too."

Chen Yu smiled at Gu Wuya.

"You have to wait for me."

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