Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1624: See if he wants to die or to live


Ling Ya's face suddenly turned pale!

She widened her eyes and stared at the door without blinking, and saw that the door slowly opened. Rude walked in slowly with a smirk in his face, and there was nothing to hide in his eyes. desire!

"Wow, this leg, this figure, Miss Ling Ya, you are so charming! So charming!"

Rude rubbed his hands, looking inch by inch, sweeping greedily across every place of Ling Ya.

At this moment, Ling Ya was locked by a light chain on her hands and her movements were restricted. The whole person was lying on the bed, her body twisted into a curved shape, and her body's curve was revealed.

Especially today, her dress is very slim, a pair of long tube stockings, and a pair of black stiletto heels, which undoubtedly reveals her figure!

These costumes were all learned by Ling Ya when she was chatting with Chen Yu. After seeing these clothes, Ling Ya fell in love with them and asked Chen Yu to get them.

It can be said that Lingya's dress now is just like an urban beauty, very attractive!

"Ms. Ling Ya's taste is really too high. My clothes, my God, I can't stand seeing them. Ah, I feel very agitated inside."

Speaking, Ruder had begun to take off his clothes, exposing the potholes, the upper body like toad skin.

"Don't! Get away from me! Get away!"

Seeing Rudd's look, Wu Ya frowned.

"Hey, I like women to shout no in front of me. Women say no, just to, Miss Ling Ya, rest assured, my technology is absolutely good, you will fall in love with me when you meet.

Step by step, Rude rubbed his hands and walked towards Ling Ya!

despair! helpless!

Flooded in Ling Ya's heart.

"Chen Yu, save me !!!"

With her eyes closed, Ling Ya left two lines of tears and yelled frantically.


At this time, only a loud noise was heard, the door exploded, and a figure stood at the door!

"Who! Come here to scatter! Do you know where this is!"

Rudd, who was just interested, shrank at the moment.

Ling Ya was also stunned, then looked at the door, and immediately rejoiced.

"Chen Yu! It's you! Save me! Save me!"

Standing at the door is Chen Yu!

After Shen Fei went back and told him everything, he immediately began to look for Ling Ya. A moment of effort, he found it here.

Seeing Ling Ya's appearance, Chen Yu was also slightly relieved.

Fortunately, Ling Ya did not reach the last step.

"Fuck, I'll let you go, do you hear me ?! You mean bastard, I'm Rudd, the noble prince of the Ruby tribe, your Prince Edward should be kind when you see me Dare to break into where I live! Hurry up and hear nothing! "

Rudd growled, his eyes flushed.

He had already loaded the bullets and was preparing for a battle. The result was that the flames extinguished. It was like a high-speed high-speed rail. !!

How could Rude not be angry?

Glancing at Rude, Chen Yu's eyes froze, and then he swiped across!

"Dare to touch my friend, you are looking for death!"

There was a flash of gold in the room, and then I heard a click, as if something had fallen to the ground.

Rudd froze, subconsciously looking down, only one glance, his head seemed to be detonated, suddenly blank, his pupils shrank fiercely.

On the ground, then, isn't that his little brother?

He left me?

Then, a sudden pain hit Rud's mind, and Rud immediately fell to his knees and shouted loudly.

"Ah! Me, my bird !!! You, you asshole, dare you treat me like that !!! I will kill you! Kill you !!!"

Rude stared at Chen Yu, his eyes were red.

Chen Yu's sudden loss, but completely cut off his future happy life.

"Where are you! Damn it all! Get over here!"

In Rudd's mouth, a sharp cry was made, and two people rushed in shortly after.

"My son, what's wrong? Hiss! Here, what's wrong?"

Seeing Rudd's howl, the two trembled.

"Kill him! Kill me!"

Pointing at Chen Yu, Rudd growled in a low voice.


Their eyes flashed, and they flew over at Chen Yu!

But just before Chen Yu, Chen Yu waved her sleeves violently and heard a bang, and the two rushed up and flew out faster than before!


When Rudd saw this scene, his pupils shrank!

These two guys, but their own personal guards, are half-step condensed and fully accomplished. It was in the hands of this guy, didn't hesitate all of a sudden?

Who is this guy?

In Ruder's horrified eyes, Chen Yu walked in front of Ling Ya, and with one swipe of his finger, he untied Ling Ya's restraint.

"Your fans, it's crazy."

Rare, Chen Yu teased.

Ling Ya's face turned red, her eyes turned white, and she quickly tidy up her slightly messy clothes, and then looked at Chen Yu worriedly.

"You've got something right now! The Ruby tribe is an absolute tribe in the entire Orbi Star Continent! This Rudd is the only son of Ruby's patriarch Luca, you, abandon him there This, Ruby, won't let you go! "

"Yes! Boy, you're dead! My father will be here soon! You're finished! Dare to abandon me, today you don't want to go out alive !!!"

Rude knelt on the ground, his hands covering his crotch, and growled at Chen Yu.


With a frown, Chen Yu's eyes were cold, and a slap volleyed, hitting Rude's face severely!

"Let your father come."

Chen Yu said coldly.


Rudd froze, looking at Chen Yu sitting there, his anger in his eyes grew stronger.

"Okay! Wait, I'll call my dad over now!"

In a word, Ruder immediately activated his communication device.

"Dad! When your son was going to play a Terran woman, he was made an eunuch! That guy also said that he would make you an **** too! Come here! We Ruby, we are going to destroy the race! "

Immediately after the communication device was connected, Rudd began to cry.

"What did you say! Dare people, dare to do something to our Ruby? Were you still alive? Wait there, I'll be right there!"

A fierce roar came from the communicator, and then the communicator hung up, and the room calmed down.

"This, what can we do?"

Seeing this scene, Ling Ya was pale with fright.

Now the things in the Cangliu Empire haven't been finished yet. As a result, Chen Yu again provokes the strong outside the Empire?

This, this is simply death!

"How to do?"

Chen Yu smiled, and indifferently flicked her fingers.

"Then see if Luca wants to die, or wants to live."

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