Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1627: Zijin Invitation

The glory shines, the neon flashes, and the extravagance is extravagant.

When everyone came to the place where the prince dinner was held, all of them raised such an idea.

This time the dinner was held in a private estate of the prince. The entire private estate, away from the downtown area, is very quiet.

The manor's overall area is huge, the building is extremely luxurious, and it looks far away. In the night sky, it is like a bright dream city.

At the gate of the manor, one after another the most distinguished luxury cars, slowly approaching, each of the characters coming down from them was extremely imposing.

If ordinary people saw it, they would be shocked so far.

Because the people who came here, almost the entire high society of the Cangli Empire, all came over! In addition, there are many representatives of the forces of Orbi Star Island.

The influence of Prince Edward is evident!

Chen Yu came this time with only Ye Wushuang and Zhao Yun, while Su Hong stayed in the academy.

When several people from Chen Yu got off the bus, they immediately caught everyone's attention!

All three wore clothes that were on Earth. Chen Yu was wearing a purple suit, her sharp-edged face, and the eyes in her eyes, like Ling Jian's sharp sword, exudes imposing momentum. The back of his whole man was so straight that people felt that it was not a person standing there, but a spear that was going to pierce the sky.

On the left and right sides of Chen Yu, Zhao Yun and Ye Wushuang are also very beautifully dressed. The two were just heavenly figures, and today they dressed up for Chen Yu's face, with thrilling charms on their bodies!

Zhao Yun is wearing a royal blue tube top dress. The jaw-like calf is under the skirt, and the stiletto heels make the legs' lines extremely restless. Above the delicate collarbone, the lines are intriguing. The features on Guazi's face are almost like art, with a long wavy hair, lazily wrapped on one side of the shoulder, indescribable style.

Ye Wushuang is also very enthusiastic, and she has a special temperament between Loli and Yujie, with a little **** in her purity. A slightly immature face has a special mature taste, coupled with a pair of black stockings and hip-wrap skirts that she deliberately wears, and her pony tails are spread out. While she wants to be mature, she is full of a touch of green. Astringent is simply a lethal explosion.

Everyone's attention was attracted, and there was much discussion.

"Hiss, who is this guy? Why are the two female companions next to him so beautiful? I don't think even the top ten beauties of the Empire will be able to beat them."

"You don't even know him? He is Chen Yuntai, who is in the national capital recently, the new Omiya master of His Majesty's Palace! Those two people seem to be his students!"

"What! He is Mrs. Chen Yun! The guy who lost the Prince's servant among them! This is a great show!"

. . . . . .

The three were unaware of the sounds around them. At this moment, Ye Wushuang and Zhao Yun looked at the scene in front of them and took a breath of cold air, their eyes had a stunning look.

"It's awesome! This kind of place is really like a fairyland only in dreamland."

Zhao Yun said with emotion.

"Yeah, it's too luxurious. This place, even the most luxurious manor on the earth, is not as good as one tenth of a million. Sure enough, the crown prince of the Cangli Empire is not ordinary."

Ye Wushuang shook his mouth.

Chen Yu just smiled, his face didn't matter.

"Hehe, the two beauties are good. I did n’t expect to be here to meet such a beautiful lady. They said that there are ten beauties in the Cangli Empire. I wanted to see their beauty. But after seeing the two beauties, I Only to find out that I have no interest in them at all. I wonder if the two beauties can appreciate their faces and have a wonderful dinner with me? "

At this time, a young man walked slowly, full of confidence and arrogance between his looks, without even looking at Chen Yu.

"It's Playboy Sun Feihua! He's about the same status as Rude, and he's also a big family of Orbi Sing Chau, a noble guest of Prince Edward! Very romantic."

Someone was surprised.

"Who are you, go away."

After seeing Sun Feihua, Zhao Yun and Ye Wushuang both frowned, eyes full of disgust.

"Oh, it's a pity. In that case, we'll talk to you later. You will slowly discover that I'm much better than the guy next to you. No matter in which aspect."

Said, Sun Feihua glanced at Chen Yu, dismissed a smile, shook his head, and said to himself.

"Hehe, the big man of the Cangli Empire? There is nothing in Obi Star Island."

He took out the invitation letter, and the person in charge of the inspection at the door took it for a moment, his eyes flashed, and then he bowed deeply.

"Sir, you are the Zijin invitation letter from His Royal Highness. It is the highest level, please enter!"


Turns out to be an invitation letter from Zijin!

Hearing this, everyone was shocked, and then took a breath.

This time the prince's dinner was also divided into three categories. The most common one is the silver invitation letter in their hands, and then upward, it is the golden invitation letter, and then upward, it is the purple gold invitation letter!

And without exception, Zijin's invitation letters are all considered by Prince Edward to be the most valuable and the most influential person in Orbi Star Island!

"It is said that in the family of Sun Feihua, there is the blood of the demon fire lotus, which is an extremely magical race and very strong. It seems that the prince is very high on him."

The thoughtful person has thought of everything.

Sun Feihua smiled when she saw the crowd. This superior feeling made him very useful.

"Two beautiful women, did you see that? This invitation is not the guy beside you, who can have it."

"Cut, what is it? Master, you have to come up with a more powerful one and crush him!"

Ye Wushuang couldn't help but talk.

More powerful?

The person in charge couldn't help but chuckle and smiled.

What better invitation? It's ridiculous.

"Oh, Mr. Chen, please show me the invitation."

The person in charge laughed and spread his hand.

Chen Yu shook her head, his face indifferent.

"I have no invitation. However, I want to go in."


No invitation?

The responsible person froze, so did everyone. Sun Feihua's face became rigid, and then Haha laughed, full of irony.

"Why, do you want to press me like this?"

The person in charge smiled and looked at Chen Yu, which was meaningful.

Everything is really going on in accordance with the idea of ​​His Royal Highness.

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