Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1731: breakthrough! Flat grave!

Looking away, the woman's face was all shocked.

"So powerful the power of consciousness fluctuates! This direction is the forbidden mountain buried by the owners of the ancient courts of Liuguang Pavilion. Is it the remnant soul of the ancient court masters? How could such a powerful force suddenly erupt? The remnant is awake? "

The woman said to herself, frowning, but shook her head the next moment.

"Forget it, the most important thing right now is to collect good materials and then go to the Forbidden Mountain to make a breakthrough."

The woman shook her head, didn't think much, and chose a direction to start, wanting to make a breakthrough according to her own plan.

But as soon as her forefoot left, a black vortex appeared silently and silently in the air of her hindfoot, and a few figures flashed from her, her eyes were extremely cold.

"This is the forbidden area of ​​Liuguang Pavilion? Is she here?" One of them said.

"According to our information, there can be no mistake. She is preparing to break through here."

"Well, if that's the case, then proceed as planned."

When the words landed, several figures disappeared.

At the same time, on the Forbidden Mountain, just now Lian Yi and others have completely disappeared. The mountain is empty and there is no sound except the wind.

In one move, many of the residual souls of the owners of the Ryukaku Pavilion were destroyed!

"I really planed the ancestral tomb of Liuguang Pavilion."

Chen Yu touched her nose, a little awkward. But at the same time he sighed softly.

This time, by virtue of the principle that Lian Yi stayed in his body, he gave himself a chance to release a small part of his own attacks. But after this move, Lian Yi's Tao could not bear it, and it broke down directly. If he wanted to perform it again, he didn't know when he would wait.

"It seems that we still need to improve our strength as soon as possible."

With a sigh, Chen Yu's eyes flickered, and he headed towards the top of the mountain. It didn't take long to reach the top of the mountain. He took out the Fei Xian furnace and the alchemy materials that had been prepared for a long time, and there was some excitement in his eyes.

Finally, all the materials have been collected, and the alchemy can be started!

Without any hesitation, Chen Yu set out to practice alchemy. After a short time, the elixir has been refined.

Chen Yu looked at the elixir in her hand, a satisfied expression appeared on her face, and swallowed down at the same time, at the same time, the emperor dragon's power in the body began to run crazy.

An unnamed pressure emanated from Chen Yu. The whole mountain was shocked and shuddered slightly.

Time passes silently.

The strength in Chen Yu's body was getting stronger and stronger, until a certain critical point, from Chen Yu's body, a loud noise came out suddenly. It seemed that there was a shackle, which suddenly collapsed from Chen Yu's body. Broken!

Chen Yu's body shook. She slowly stood up, her eyes closed, and opened sharply. Two golden lights burst out from Chen Yu's eyes, like two golden swords that directly cut through the sky. Everything is cut off in this sight!

At the same time, a sound of dragon chants burst out from Chen Yu's body. In each pore, there was golden light escaping. If you look closely, you can see that these golden lights are all tiny little dragons. !!

Even more horrible is that at the feet of Chen Yu, this majestic Forbidden Mountain was slowly turned into fly ash and dissipated rapidly. In the end, only Lin Yi's coffin fell from the air. , Banged on the ground!

The entire Forbidden Mountain disappeared completely!

Extreme concentration of mind, it's done!

Chen Yu looked down at the palm of her hand, and held it lightly, a strong sense of power emerged.

"Strength! This is absolute power! Now my Emperor Dragon Power, Emperor Dragon Emperor Body, and my consciousness have been overbearing multiple times. Even if I am a strong Taoist, I can punch with a punch. ! "

A smile finally appeared on Chen Yu's face. Until now, Chen Yu felt some relaxation. Among the Liuguang Pavilions, there are three powerful Taoists, and there is also a Zhaotian Gate. If he wants to rescue Liu Yunyu according to his previous strength, it is not an easy task, and there is even huge danger.

But as a man, he had to come even if he knew it was dangerous.

But it's different now. After making great progress, Chen Yu's mentality was completely relaxed!

"Even if I don't use any strategy, purely by force, I will be able to crush Ryukaku Pavilion!"

Chen Yu's eyes flickered, and a smile drew from the corners of her mouth. He looked at the sky with some emotion.

It took him a short time to make his own breakthrough this time, but in the end, he was very satisfied. Looking at the ground, Chen Yu's eyes were a little complicated.

There, the former Forbidden Mountain completely disappeared. Only those coffins, lying on the ground horizontally and vertically, also showed that there was once a mountain here.

This time, it was not only the opponent's ancestor's grave that was planed. This was even the graveyard, which had been cleaned and neatly cleaned for the Liuguang Pavilion.

This can't blame me.

Chen Yu meditated in her heart, then looked at the distance.

"If you count, you should leave."

Chen Yu thought he was about to leave, but he hadn't waited for him to start, and suddenly he felt a shock. Then he looked in one direction and his pupils shrank suddenly.

"This breath? How come? How could there be this breath here?"

Chen Yu's complexion instantly became extremely cold. He stepped out in one step, and the whole person seemed to be a streamer, and disappeared instantly!

In the direction of Chen Yu's direction, a figure was speeding towards here! It was that woman. But now she was very embarrassed, her breath was very weak, and wounds spread all over her.

Behind her, the previous figures appeared to be chasing after each other, killing in their eyes.

"Why? Why are there aliens here? And the army they mentioned, what is it!"

The woman gritted her teeth and was filled with deep shock.

When she was collecting materials before, she was secretly attacked by these people. Not only was the material destroyed, she was also seriously injured. In the previous conversation, she learned that these aliens belonged to an alien named Kasai!

"Shuirou, why can't you struggle if you can't run away?"

Just as the woman was thinking, from behind her, the disdainful voice of the alien came, shocking her. However, the woman named Shuirou did not pause for half a minute, but continued to grit her teeth and persist, flying towards the Forbidden Mountains!

There, there are the remnants of the past court masters, and the remnants of the original ancestor Lian Yi. These aliens can never be Lian Yi's opponent!

Shuirou's heart was full of hope.

It's almost here!

I will be rescued!

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