Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1758: A big surprise for you

Turning around, like dreaming!

At this time Lin Qingxue felt that way.

Looking at the empty treasure chest, Lin Qingxue's mind was full of Chen Yu's words when he just came in.

I want everything!

At that time, she thought it was just a joke, but looking back now, the sentence looked like a slap in the face, and drew it on her face!

This Mr. Chen really ransacked her treasure house!

You know, these things are all good things that she has collected over the years!

But now it's all gone!

The four custodians stayed completely and stood there stingy. You look at me, I look at you, you can't say a word.

They have kept such treasures for so long, so they are completely gone?

"Miss Lin, I really want to thank you. Don't you feel bad?"

Chen Yu looked at Lin Qingxue's appearance at this time, with a smile on her face, only feeling refreshed. Lin Qingxue has a fire and can't make it out, it's fun!

"No, no, since Mr. Chen has the ability to take it away, Qingxue naturally wouldn't care."

Lin Qingxue didn't know how he laughed. She only felt a knife twitching in her heart, but she was helpless.

The words were spoken by herself, and she wanted to win over Chen Yu. If she turned her face now, she would not only give up her past achievements, but also set herself up as a powerful enemy.

So even if Lin Qingxue broke his teeth, he could only swallow his stomach.

Chen Yu nodded and smiled.

"Yes, Ms. Lin really has the courage. I said just now. I don't want these things, so give these things to Ms. Lin."

With a wave of his hand, Chen Yu took out a few more things from the appetite, which were the ones he ordered at the beginning.

"I said one or two, and said no, no, Miss Lin didn't need to thank me."

Chen Yu put her hands on her body and smiled.

thank? I thank you, Grandpa!

Lin Qingxue was so depressed that she wanted to vomit blood, looked at the empty shelves, and then looked at the few things on the ground. The feeling of depression was even worse than before!

Thanks to Chen Yu for your own things?

What an irony!

"I wonder if Mr. Chen is still satisfied?"

Lin Qingxue was a little bit stretched and asked.

Chen Yu nodded.

"Yes, I am very satisfied. In return, I will give you a big surprise at Liu Yunyu's engagement banquet afterwards."


Lin Qingxue froze and looked at Chen Yu in surprise, then her heart suddenly jumped and became extremely hot.

Is it?

He was going to push me directly into the position of a maiden at the engagement banquet?

Yes! It must look like this!

I'm afraid he took so many things with me. And with his energy, even those few, he must give him face! I can really guarantee that I will become a saint. It is even possible that he will push me directly to the throne of the Lord of the Cabinet.

After all, the current cabinet owner Shuirou, it is said that he is about to step down from the cabinet owner and become a member of the elder!

With this thought, Lin Qingxue's heart suddenly throbbed.

"Qingxue is here, thank Mr. first!"

Lin Qingxue bowed deeply to Chen Yu with a look of joy.

"Well, I'm leaving now. Thank you for your treasure."

Chen Yu smiled and left.

Several people in Lin Qingxue watched Chen Yu leave, and they didn't discuss it until they couldn't see Chen Yu at all.

"Miss Qingxue, you, you just let him go like this? My God, I, our treasures, but he was taken away!"

"Yeah, our loss is too great this time! What shall we keep in the future, do we keep these treasures?"

Looking at a few things on the ground, the faces of the four custodians all had complex faces.

Lin Qingxue gritted his teeth, and his eyes looked sharp.

"As long as you can become the cabinet owner, all the costs are worth it! And with Mr. Chen's help, it will not be impossible to become the first empress of the sky evil star in the future!"

Looking at the empty treasure chest, Lin Qingxue's eyes still had the faint flesh pain.

It is true to say so, but this Mr. Chen's greed was beyond Lin Qingxue's expectations.

When I really succeed, I want you to eat it now, and spit it out to me!

Coldly glanced at Chen Yu's departure background, his eyes were indifferent.

By the time Lin Qingxue thought so, Chen Yu had returned to the residence of Prajna Liuli. At this time, Prajna Liuli and Gu Jianxing were tired together, and their faces were filled with happiness.

After seeing Chen Yu, Prajna Ruri and Gu Jianxing were shocked immediately, and they bounced off like an electric shock, their faces flushed.

"You two."

Chen Yu shook his head, and after thinking about it, he took out dozens of treasures from the ring and placed them on the ground. Suddenly, the whole residence was full of dazzling light.

"Ruri, this is the dowry I prepared for you."

Chen Yu laughed.

"Here, this is something in Lin Qingxue's treasure house!"

After seeing these things, Gu Jianxing couldn't help exclaiming, his face was full of surprise.

"Teacher, how did you get it?"

"Oh, he asked me, so I evacuated his treasure room."

Chen Yu didn't care.

"Moved, evacuated!"

Gu Jianxing almost bit his tongue, and the whole man was stunned and dumbfounded. Lin Qingxue's treasure room is famous throughout the high-rises of the Ryukaku Pavilion. According to rumors, everything is extremely precious.

It's just that no one has ever been able to enter it, let alone take things out of it! But now, Chen Yu was evacuated directly?

"Cow! Teacher is really cow!"

Gu Jianxing gave a thumbs up, with a look of admiration.

"Dad, is there anything good for me?"

At this time, Jia Cui, who had been nesting here, came out and looked at Chen Yu with a smile.

"Choose these things." Chen Yu took out dozens of treasures and placed them in front of Jia Cui.

Gattri left and looked again, and then she could not help but chuckle.

"It's all rubbish. I don't want it."

Chen Yu rolled her eyes. This Gazei's vision was really not ordinary. But at this moment, he gave a light flick, picked up a faint nail piece similar to a turtle shell, and raised his eyebrow lightly.

"This is the inheritance piece that swallowed the Tian Yao Peng?"

Devouring the Heavenly Demon Peng, one of the beasts in the sky, Chen Yu's two students, Jian Shuang and Jianyue, have half of the blood of the Demon Demon Peng. I didn't expect such things in Lin Qingxue's treasure room.

This inheritance of the armor piece is that Tian Tianpeng Peng burns all his skills on the destiny armor piece. Only Tian Tianpeng Peng can unlock the above restrictions with his own blood.

"You can take it back to the two little guys."

Thinking so, Chen Yu stowed everything.

"Jacui, Liuli, I'm going to enter the ethereal realm and protect me."

Chen Yu said.

"Ethereal world?"

Gu Jianxing stunned, then took a sharp breath, and widened his eyes.

"Ethereal world! It turns out to be the ethereal world!"

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